Another T.N.T.

Tyler’s New Thingies

My son is really talking a lot now,
and he really absorbs and copies every single thing he hears.

It’s really great how he remembers the lines on every video he watches.
I think he memorized “The Incredibles”, “Toy Story”, and other Pixar movies.
And now he’s addicted to “Cat in the Hat”.

But he also says a whole lot of other stuff.
A lot of sweet stuff.

Whenever Tracy goes to work,
He tells his Mom, “wearful” (careful).
He will hug you and lay his head on your shoulder and say “uhyadoo” (I love you).

He says “please” and “thank you”.
(Actually, it’s more like, “pees” and “tehyu”)

It’s amazing how kids know and understand more than you think.

The other day, as I was preparing him lunch,
I told him to get on his high chair.
And he did!

Tonight, I told him to help me pick up his toys before nite-nite,
He did put his toys in his toy chest.

It’s quite amazing really.

All the words he says might still not be clear,
but being with him all the time,
makes me understand them quite plainly.

Although there was one time,
he did say something very, very apparent.

He was playing with his cars one day on the table,
and I told him to be careful
because some of them are just about to fall on the floor.

So I said,
“Tyler, watch out! Your cars are gonna fall”

No reaction from him.

I say it again,
“Tyler be careful, you might drop your cars.”

Still nothing.

So, after a bit,
I heard some of his cars fall on the floor.
I came up to him but he didn’t see me.
Then all I heard him say was,

“Oh shit!”

All I remember doing was…
Well, nothing.
I think I just stood there, frozen and speechless.
Could he have heard this from me?
The realization of what and how I do things,
would reflect on my son, based on how he sees or hear me,
suddenly flooded my whole train of thought.

Now this is where I would need your help people.
How in the world am I going to explain this to his Mother.
Or his GrandMothers? Or other people.

Wait! Tracy’s Mom does read this site.

“Oh shit!”
I’m in trouble.

Now let me add some cool links,
so we could all forget that stuff I wrote.

On a side note,

I would like to say Thanks to Doug,
who left me some great comments about the song “Cliffs of Dover”.
I tried replying to you, but my email kept coming back.
So, thanks again, Doug.

And here are the links,

Find out what your child’s eye color is going to be —-> eye calculator
How about some Air Hockey —->
See a secret, share a secret. —-> Postsecret
Online newspapers from all countries —-> Newspaperindex
How scary is it to live in Chicago? —-> Chicago crime database
Tips on how to drive your SUV —->

2 thoughts on “Another T.N.T.

  1. are you kidding me? that’s best website you can get…. How scary to live in chicago? hehehe how are you?

  2. See, Tell Tracy I told you so., I know where he heard it from. Mommy better watch it. Cannot wait to see you all. Marvin went to the infectious doctor this morning and so far everything is good. WBC is coming down ,inflamation factor is getting lower, and the culture Joseph took Thur. final report was neg. no new infection. What a relief. God must have heard all of our prayers. We are going to the lake this weekend, just to soak up some sun. Marvin is driving short distances. Got to get to work, give my sweetie a kiss and wash his mouth out with soap. Love Mom

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