What I’ve become

In honor of yesterday’s celebration.
I did what any stay-at-home dad would do.

Right when Tyler was taking his nap,
I had me some microwave-nuked leftovers,
Popped in the DVD,
Grabbed the remote,
Sat on the couch.


What movie you ask?

Well, what else?
ID4 – Independence Day

Pretty good movie.
Not bad at all.

Although, I realized something.

At the scene where, the First Lady dies,
and also the scene where the President was giving that speech
before they all go up to fight the aliens.

I started crying.
And I mean crying with a “pause”.
You know, the “pause” that you have to do to catch your breath.

But I did not give in.
I fought it like a brave soldier at the beach of Normandy.

As I finished the movie, I turned it off,
and the TV kicks on to it’s regular broadcasting.

Oprah was on.
And it was about lost family reunions.

When the daughter finally saw her dad after 20 years,
my eyes started to water again.


So, now I realized what being a “Stay-At-Home” dad has done to me.
I comprehended what kind of transformation I have identified.
I became aware of the predicament I have become.
There is no sense to remedy this dilemma.

I have become a WOMAN!

Hear me roar!

Ooohhh, my wife is gonna get some good lovin’ tonight.

Here are some cool links for some better amusement.
Because, I surf the interwebnet, so you don’t have to.

Shoot some fireworks at different places —> Phantom Fireworks
How about a game of Crazy Golf? —> Crazy Golf
Or a new game of Pinball? —> Pepsi Pinball
A cool link for Bass Players —> UBP
Mix it up with Tyrone —> Dave Chappelle Sound Board
Signs that you should know —> Government Signs
Port-a-Potty of the future —> Toilet
Know the Speed traps in your area —> Speed Traps
There is no “I” in TEAM, (yeah but there’s “M” and “E”… ME!) —> Cheerleader mistake
10 Foods you shouldn’t eat —> Nutrition Action