Two More Songs

Holy Son of a Biscuit Eater!
2 songs?

How did you manage that?
Having a 22 Month old and all.

Well, the 22 Month old took a 2 hour nap.
That’s how.

First is,
Marian’s Dance, by Steve Fairclough,
And second is,
Song for George, by Eric Johnson.

Eric Johnson, as you know, is one of my favorite guitar players.
And I have always wanted to record one of his intricate, melodic tunes in here,
but they are all just too hard.
Well, not to mention they all suck when I play them.

So, I called Mr. Johnson on his phone to ask him.

I said,
“Hey Eric, why wouldn’t you write a piece that’ll be easy to play
and give your admirers a break and be able to play at least one of your songs.
Come on man! You’re killing us!”

He said,
“Who are you and how did you get this number?”

Okay, okay,
I was just dreaming.

But anyway,
I hope you like it, and if you hear any mistakes,
it’s just all in your head.

So here’s

Marian’s Dance

Mobile Player here:


Song for George

Mobile Player here:

Oh, and on a side note,
I think that’s it for acoustic sounds for a while.
Time to re-kindle my romance with “Delilah.”
(Yes, I named my electric guitar, “Delilah”. You stay out of this!)