
I have learned 2 things since my surgery.

It is not a secret here that I have severe back problems.
I have ranted and blogged about it many a times.
Hopefully this procedure will be the last you’ll hear of it.
Quite frankly I am sick of hearing about it too.

It has been 5 days since the day they opened me up
and since then I have learned 2 very important things.

First, My family and my friends are my support group.
I would like to thank all of them for their patience,
their care and love.
As much as it hurts, they make everything all right.

And Second,
Who would have thought changing your underwear uses so much back muscle?

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-22

  • There's Only Us, There's Only This
    Forget Regret, Or Life Is Yours To Miss
    No Other Road, No Other Way
    No Day But Today
    – (Jonathan Larson) #
  • Just upgraded the PS3 drive to 320.
    Now let's see what games from PS+ we can shove in there. #
  • At the movies.
    Let's see if this movie about some Hallows is good. And it's curious how this Potter boy looks so troubled. #
  • The movie starts in 20 minutes and there's exactly 31 people in the theatre. I'm beginning to doubt this movie's quality. #
  • Make that 35. And of course the guy that's gonna talk the whole time just sat behind me. #
  • Someday I'm gonna catch the lady who struggles to open her candy wrapper for 20 mins. at every theater. She sits right by the talkers. #
  • You know what? I really would. #
  • I heard there's a Flash Mob plan in the works that when the Space Shuttle comes back, we all dress up as apes.

    – I want in. #

  • Warning: Salt is a salty item.
    #hospitalfood #

No Day But Today

There’s Only Us, There’s Only This
Forget Regret, Or Life Is Yours To Miss
No Other Road, No Other Way
No Day But Today
(Jonathan Larson)

From the musical “Rent”

Sometimes, The universe will align
just so it will follow what you have been yearning for.
And today is that day.

No regrets.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-15

  • Too cloudy outside. Couldn't see #Atlantis launch. It's actually a sad day for this program to end.
    Thank you #NASA #spaceshuttle #
  • This Google+ is very similar to Facebook. The only thing I'm missing are friends. Apparently that's an important part. #
  • Or.. Maybe it's time for some guitar molestation for a bit.
    I haven't ran my fingers on them in a while. #
  • Sin City .. in my pants #improvefilmtitlesbyaddinginmypants #
  • National Treasure .. in my pants. #improvefilmtitlesbyaddinginmypants #
  • The Longest Yard .. in my pants. #improvefilmtitlesbyaddinginmypants #
  • The Ugly Truth .. in my pants. #improvefilmtitlesbyaddinginmypants #
  • That trend lost its freshness quite quickly.
    #thatswhatyougetfortryingtobefunnyontwitter #
  • I'll just go back to what I do best here.
    -Read other people's tweets so I can judge them. #
  • Don't sass me!
    I know who you follow. #
  • "I never expected to grow flowers in the desert. But I can live and breathe and see the sun in winter time." – [Big Country]
    #optimism #
  • Not cool @netflix! Not cool.
    I know it's business that you have to make that decision.
    We're just gonna have to re-evaluate its worth. #
  • I'm pretty sure there's a posse of bugs and gnats assigned to hover around my head and attack my face everytime I go outside.
    #Florida #


Am gonna be out of town this week,
and will be out of commission in the next couple or so.

I just need to take care of something
that has plagued me for the last 10 years.

Hopefully it’ll all work out.

I’ll still try to keep on tweeting, check me out there.
Also update my Status on FB. Add me there too.
Check out the crazy videos on my YT Channel.
Oh and I am also on G+. Drop me to your circle there.

Once this is all done,
I’m gonna have to bring back the music on this site.
That was the real reason I started this thing.

I know they’re not that great, but my friends like it.
Because they are not terrorists.

Maybe you should like it too.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-08

Happy 4th!

Happy 4th of July, U.S.A.!
Be safe with the flames.

I can smell the barbecues starting,
the flooding of beers in the streets,
and the blasting of Sweet Home Alabama in every corner.

Happy Independence Day to you!

“Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor;
it must be demanded by the oppressed.”
– [Martin Luther King Jr.]

Canada Day 2011

Happy Birthday, Canada!
You look awesome at 144 years old.

I know I live in the States now,
but I still consider Canada as my home.

Even though we had our share of misunderstandings,
we sure did have fun times.
I still want to thank this country for helping me shape my future.
And the chances it has given me.

From my Family to yours,
Happy Canada Day!

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-01

  • "Nothing lasts forever. But I'm praying that we're staying together."

    – @depechemode
    It doesn't matter
    Some great reward. #nowplaying #

  • Seems like a good day to listen to @thebeatles.
    Let's start with Norwegian Wood.

    "I once had a girl or should I say she once had me." #

  • Oh! Darling #
  • "You know, I actually want the Magical Mystery Tour to take me away. I'll roll up for an invitation." #BeatlesMusicFriday #
  • "There's nothing you can sing that can't be sung."
    It's easy.
    #AllyouneedisLove #BeatlesMusicFriday #
  • Sexy in Hawaii #
  • Still searching… #
  • That is not true! They are not all "over there."
    RT @erinRyderDT: Everyone loves Americans! #
  • Madre de Dios! #
  • I would like to get an invite for Google+ please, @google. #
  • We finished watching "The 10th Kingdom" DVD (starring @Kimwilliamspais) and my 8 year old says it's one of the best he's seen. #minetoo #
  • #ialwayswantedtobea Travel Show Host. The one who gets to try and taste all the local delicacies and their drinks. Especially the drinks. #
  • My friends are forcing me to click on a link about what this guy did after his ex girlfriend posted on his wall. Please save me @google+ #

FlashBack Friday

I have always thought of adding a FlashBack Friday Category here
to reminisce some of the music that I have played, and I realized that there are a lot.
They are not all worthy of reminiscing but they are still my versions and they were a part of me.

Plus, I want to try to change the music interface to support multiple browsers, including mobile platforms.

So, Let’s start with a Flashback to one of my favourite covers.

My version of Eric Johnson’s
Cliffs Of Dover.