My New Girl

Let me introduce my new girl.

She really caught my attention when I walked into the music store.
I don’t have a name for her yet, but I am certain that we are going to make a lot of happy memories together.


Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-08-20

  • I’m Just In Love #
  • "We may be human,
    But we are still animals."
    – [Steve Vai] #
  • “@hollyberryness: Talkative morning people assure me that Hell exists.”
    //They have a special place in there. #
  • -Note- Arrange Friends list to:
    1. Friends who would help me.
    2. Friends who would help me hide.
    3. Friends who would help me hide a body. #
  • Beauty and the Bacon. #replacemovienameswithbacon #
  • Finding Bacon #replacemovienameswithbacon #
  • Where the wild Bacons are. #replacemovienameswithbacon #
  • The Bacon of Oz #replacemovienameswithbacon #
  • 500 Days of Bacon #replacemovienameswithbacon #
  • "Wish that she was here wish she'd hold my hand"
    Maybe I’m A Leo #
  • "Life has a cruel way of not letting you be with your loved ones in their time of need."
    #truth #quote #
  • Guess who just bought a guitar?
    Guess who's broke now? #
  • I met her today, and I took her home. #
  • This Twitter App is driving me loco!!
    Why can't @echofon support @posterous for image service?!? #
  • I guess canceling @netflix is out of the question now. I love this #Weeds show. I see why it has lasted this long. #
  • "You can make my life worthwhile,
    And I can make you start to smile."
    – #MrBig #
  • Mumford and (Daniel Alfreds)Sons #NHLBands #
  • OK (Luon)Go #NHLBands #
  • The only time I need to re-download an app, the iOS app store goes down. 🙁 #
  • Geez, Ty. What kind of grammar nonsense did you just write?!! #embarrassing #
  • Ok. Back to watching #Weeds #
  • When you want to get away from it all, but you can't get away from it all. #WorstFeeling #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-08-13

  • Honestly, the Moldy Cheese isn't too bad. #disgusting #brushyourteeth #
  • What's the point of force, it's easy as a horse to ride. A Green Tinted Sixties Mind. – (Mr. Big)

    Damn right I'm going! #

  • There's no need to rush. If something is meant to be, it will happen. In the right time with the right person, for the best reason. #quote #
  • Tonka Toy Cars. Found by bro. at a 2nd hand store. #memories #childhood #
  • Video: Mr. Big Cover Deep Purple's "Smoke on the Water"

    //Good Lord, I can't wait!! #

  • I'm listening to "Be Thou My Vision" by Jack Urban & Glauber Ribeiro ( #pandora #
  • I'm listening to "Nothing Else Matters" by Scott D. Davis ( #pandora #
  • What I would give to have a root beer float gushing down my throat right now! #
  • On a morning walk. #
  • The word for today is "Pissed!" #
  • I don't care who or what you are. You have to consider other people's opinions and feelings before you do shit!
    #truth #
  • Riots and looting?
    What are you trying to prove? #fail #londonriots #
  • Remember when riots were about overthrowing social injustice? #
  • The morning came.
    Let's go! #startmeup #
  • Nope.
    Changed my mind.
    Back to bed. #windmedown #drowsy #
  • “@vitaminrecords: Were you a fan of classical music before you discovered VSQ?”

    My Dad introduced me to it when I was a teen. I liked it. #

  • Therapy time. Let's go! #ifeelold #
  • "How I love the way you move, And the sparkle in your eyes.
    There's a color deep inside them, Like blue suburban skies."
    – [Warrant] #
  • RIP – Jani Lane of Warrant
    (1964 – 2011) #

Yes! I’m going.

“What’s the point of force, it’s easy as a horse to ride.
A green tinted sixties mind.”

Damn right I’m going.


I missed their show back in 1994 in Manila,
a month after I left for Canada.

Then they broke up, and destroyed my chances of seeing them live ever.
Now they got back together, and on tour.
And I am NOT going to miss this one.

Check out their new album, “What If..
the album is full of the Rock power, Mr. Big gave in the 90’s.

Eric Martin’s voice,
Pat Torpey’s Beats,
Billy Sheehan’s Bass Tones
and my idol, Paul Gilbert’s gutbucket riffs.

I am frothing in the mouth already!

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-08-06

  • “@duranduran: What's your favorite bass line by @thisistherealJT?” // The Girls On Film chorus. JT is one of the most underrated bassist. #
  • How about giving me a decent signal in my area first? #attfail
    AT&T Chokes Unlimited Data Dead. – #
  • Three voice mails from yesterday, just showed up today.
    Important ones too. Thank you very much AT&T! #attfail #
  • #dearyoungself – Do not put yourself last. Your happiness matters too. #
  • That's great. There's a big shortage of them. RT @2kidsand1dog: Me: Liam, what do you want to be when you grow up? Liam: A real person. #
  • They like me. #
  • My @google+ on iOS hangs when I add more than 2 on the "Following" circle. Anyone else have this problem? #googleplus #
  • I am sleepy and hungry at the same time. I don't know which one to remedy. #firstworldproblems #
  • Just cancel the rest of your day. #
  • Cooling off on a hot day. #
  • ..and when I try to shut my mouth, they come out anyway.
    – [SR-71] #
  • is listening to "Scarified" by Racer X #
  • is listening to "Lucifer's Hammer" by Racer X #
  • Abracadabra? RT @KariByron: What do atheists scream instead of "Oh my God!"? #
  • Ok. I'm going back to my world now.
    Goodnight. #
  • Off for a morning walk.
    Gonna see how the world smells like today. #
  • This animation is awesome! #
  • I don't care if Monday's blue,
    Tuesday's gray and Wednesday too.
    Thursday I don't care about you.
    It's Friday, I'm in love!
    #goodmorning #
  • Time for the morning therapy walk.

    And by walk, I mean "spy on my neighbor's yard." #

  • Damnit. I don't walk fast enough for the bugs not to catch me. #
  • – Currently listening to the tunes on

    I like this guy. #loveyourown #

Flashback Friday

Here’s one of my favorite worship songs that I’ve covered.
I LOVE YOU – by Bro. Mike Lapid

I am re-posting this tune for Flashback Friday
just for a reminder, that no matter how much difficulties we have in life,
there is always someone who looks after us.

It also breaks my heart when people I love go through such trials.
This song has helped me a lot during those times,
and here’s to hoping it would help others too.

Thanks to Bro. Lapid for composing it.


Read Original post – here. –
