All I ever wanted

Today, my kid asked me this question.

“Dad, why did you choose to have your job on computers?”

I answered, “Because I like it and it’s a good job.”

“Okay.” He replied.
“If you weren’t working with computers, what would you have been doing instead?”

“Well,” I paused.
“I always wanted to be a musician.”

“A Rock Star?” He beamed at me.

“Yeah! A Rock Star.” I answered as I laugh.

“Awesome!” He smiled.
“So, if you weren’t a Rock Star, what would you have been?”

I stopped and thought for a moment.
And I took another moment.
And another.

I actually have no answer.
I couldn’t think of anything else that I’d be doing.
I wanted to be a Musician.
A “Rock Star” if you please.

It’s all I ever wanted.
Not much of the glamour or the lifestyle.
Just the Music.
Me and Music.

I believe in the love for it.
The passion you feel when you hear it.
The inspirations that comes when you play it.
The beauty that makes you feel when you’re in tune with it.

As my son looks at me, waiting for an answer,
I said, “I think that’s it. I don’t want to be anything else.”

He continues on playing with his stuff.
I think he got his answer.

It may not make much sense to him right now,
but when the time comes,
I am sure that one advice I’ll be giving him
when he thinks of what he wants to be,
is to find his passion.
Find his dream.
Find his Love.

And not just follow it.
Not just to chase it.
But to Grab it by its face and own it.

By then, he may not have everything,
but at least he has his happiness.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-29

  • The following tweet bombs took place 4 days ago… Must get it out of drafts folder. #sorry #
  • I don't know my seat number.
    Maybe they'll usher me to the VIP section. #vegas #
  • In that case, I wanna seat by the pilot. I'm sure he's got alcohol. He looks drunk already. I'm kidding. He's not. The co pilot does tho. #
  • On the runway. Taking off!! #Vegas #
  • Open seating? I've never heard of that. I mean I know what it means but are they sure they want to do that? I don't trust these people. #
  • It's all drinks on the menu.
    I'll just take the complimentaries please. #imcheap #
  • But I want everything on the Sky Mall catalogue. Yes I do. All of it. Even the portable lawn for dogs to pee in. I don't even have a dog. #
  • Don't you want to slap the crap out of the person who leans their seat in front of you?
    Me too!!!!! #
  • Where are my complimentaries??
    Waiter!!?? #
  • In flight nap time commences now. #Vegas in a couple of hours. #
  • I've never seen a crowd order so much drinks. They keep getting up for the lavatory. They keep bumping me. I can't nap. #firstworldproblem #
  • We're flying above the Grand Canyon. Wish I could see it up close. #WOW #
  • Final descent. Welcome to Las #Vegas #viva #
  • “@brryyy: how about a nice cup of shut the hell up”

    // I offer them a drink from the "Shadafa Cup", bro. #

  • Manilow Is one bad ass Mofo! – @livemusicguide 28 Songs You Know The Words To (But Are Too Ashamed To Admit It) #
  • Jollibee, Red Ribbon, Goldilocks, Nanay Gloria. #Vegasprioritydestinationsforme #
  • "All I need to get me high is to stand next to my amplifier. I can't think of anything better when my guitar screams." – @paulgilbertGUIT #
  • Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge #
  • "I live for your smile, and die for your kiss." – [Skid Row] #
  • I don't know if I can do this anymore, Friday. There's nothing left in me. #
  • I just had the flu shot because I trust whatever the government injects in me. #conspiracy #imgonnadie #

Just Because..

You have to understand..

Just because everybody likes you
Doesn’t make you better than me.

Just because you are friends with the boss
Doesn’t mean you are the boss.

Just because you drive a fancy car
Doesn’t make you a better driver.

Just because your house is beautiful
Doesn’t mean it will be filled with love.

Just because you can go to a lot of places
Doesn’t make you a traveler.

Just because you look nice
Doesn’t mean you are clean.

Just because you have the perfect girl
Doesn’t mean she loves you.

Just because you have nice things
Doesn’t mean you are rich.

Just because you’re OK,
Doesn’t mean you’re not hurting.

Just because you are devout
Doesn’t make you holy.

Just because you’re never alone
Doesn’t mean you’re not lonely.

Just because you’re honest
Doesn’t make you truthful.

Just because you have patience
Doesn’t mean you have peace.

Just because you’re satisfied
Doesn’t mean you’re happy.

Just because you do Charity,
Doesn’t mean you are Generous.

Just because you have Hope
Doesn’t mean you don’t doubt

Just because you have Love,
Doesn’t mean you don’t Hate.

The world is always double sided.
Yes or No.
True or False.
Black or White
Good or Evil.

Just because you made a decision
Doesn’t mean you’re decided.

Either you choose for others.
Or you choose for yourself.

And just because I wrote this
Doesn’t mean I make sense.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-22

  • When life brings you down, just look up and see how insignificant your worries are. #
  • Follow your path. It'll be alright. #
  • Apparently, I am not the chosen one. #
  • "Music Sounds Better With You"
    #truth #
  • “@gorgeouslynne: i thank God for being alive today…thank you Lord for loving me”
    // Love you, Sister. #
  • I heard her voice inside my head. She said to me, even now, there is hope left, but I cannot see it. – [Boromir] #
  • "Hold on tight. You know she's a little bit dangerous."
    #NowPlaying #
  • It's 10C outside! Nice and cool! It's gonna be a good day.
    Oh and I'm Vegas bound! Maybe I can get a hangover there. #
  • Anybody on #iOS5 on #iPhone4 on #AT amp;T having issues with the reception going to Edge and not going back to 3G? Have to reenable it to do so. #
  • That @SouthwestAir check in was perfect. Fast and didn't need to wait for anyone. First time flying them. Let's see how the flight crew are. #
  • .. And let's listen to the Fuzz Universe album by @PaulGilbertGUIT while waiting. #rockandroll #guitar #
  • “@CTVNews: Breaking: U.S. President #Obama declares end to the #Iraq war, announcing all U.S. troops will be withdrawing by year's end” #
  • Come Home Boys! Job well done. #Iraq #thankyou #salute #

Time off!

Out of town for the weekend.
Just for the sake of argument, let’s just say I deserve this break.

I just want to see if I am going to set the alarms off at the airport
with my new Metal parts since the surgery.
Watch the news tonight, Ok?

I’ll try to do some updates on my Twitter feed
if I get the chance.
And that’s a big “If.”

And by “If”, I mean..
“If, by any chance someone actually reads this crap.”

Are you still reading this crap?
What’s wrong with you?

Later Peeps!

As needed

One funny thing about life is that a good percentage of people
fall under the “As needed” category.

You know what I mean?
The ones who you remember, or like,
only when you need them.

The person who can hook you up.
The one who can help you with something.
The individual who can get you out of a situation.

But after that,
once the favour has been done,
they are nothing.


Just like that time when I got treated badly by some folks who
didn’t think of me as an equal or as someone who matter.
But when they need some computer help or any technical questions,
I become their best friend.

I guess it’s my fault for letting them treat me that way.

No matter.
I don’t really care.

Maybe someday, the “as needed” people
Would learn how to say “NO!”

Because there’s a fine line between
“As needed” and “Abused.”

And I feel like I am crossing from one to the other.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-15

  • These kids are great! Doing a Metallica cover.
    The Little girl with the white Ibanez is way better than me. 🙂 #
  • Music is art. And this proves it. #
  • "I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will live as one."

    Happy Birthday, John Lennon. #

  • The power was out this morning from the storm. So I had to open my garage door manually. Just like how my ancestors did. #firstworldproblems #
  • "All that she's got, it sure is a lot. But it's still ain't enough for me." – #MrBig #
  • Introduced my kid to @alyankovic 's UHF in @netflix. And we are determined to make a Twinkie Wiener Sandwich. With cheese! #
  • Here we go again. #sleepisnotcoming #
  • Having a good memory is both a blessing and a curse. I want some of these images off of my head. #truth #nosleep #
  • . @Rebtel gave me 30 min of free calling anywhere. Now the pressure of choosing who to call is on. Thanks a lot, #Rebtel !! #
  • This could be it.
    Eyes are flickering. #sleeptight #
  • "And your telephone's been ringing while you're dancing in the rain." – @duranduran

    I get to see The Wild Boys' show tonight! #Duranlive #

  • Come on, Miracle!
    Are you coming or not? #

Canada Thanksgiving 2011

This year, I am thankful for a lot of things.

But I am mainly thankful for the fact
that I haven’t lost my mind yet.


Happy Thanksgiving, Canada.
Crank up the Tragically Hip tunes.
Bring out the two-fours.
Sit your bums on the chesterfield,
and watch Hockey Night!


Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-08

  • I hope this guy wins! // Canadian singer Marc Martel goes viral with Freddie Mercury imitation via @nparts #
  • Cherub who got my attention. #
  • You'll know it when it comes. #
  • It's amazing how these new Apple announcements devalue my phone by 98% in a matter of minutes. #
  • Just discovered the music of @christinaperri

    Is it possible to fall in love with a song at first hear?

    Yes! Yes it is.
    #arms #

  • Thank you, Mr. Jobs.
    Rest in peace. #visionary #apple #iPhone #
  • "Sometimes life is going to hit you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith."
    – Steve Jobs (Stanford Commencement Address, 2005) #
  • The man behind it all. #
  • Got the GM release of iOS5. I am loving the new notification system. No more interruptions. #