Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-03-17

Music is..

If you really want to define it.

Music is what keeps me sane.
It is what keeps me going.
It is always in my head.
My life is a stew of rhythms, notes and beats.

You hit a sad note once in a while,
but you keep on playing.

You just, keep on playing.

What is it to you?

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-03-03

  • "But at the end of it all, she will understand me." My cover of "Somebody" – via @limebooth #
  • By God! I thought the Mac is supposed to be user friendlier? I need to press 3 buttons for a print screen? #macvirgin #
  • Eric Clapton & The Eagles.

    RT @rivalsons: Tell us what you're listening to on vinyl. Tweet us #ListeningToVinyl #

  • For those who are too young to know, A vinyl record is …. Crap. I can't even explain what it is. #imthatold #getoffmylawn #
  • Alright, guys.
    I'm calling it a day. Just remember.
    Stay out of trouble and keep your hands to yourself.
    Especially you, grandpa. #
  • Tomorrow, is music day.
    We'll try to play and record some songs.
    I'm feeling some classic rock.
    Night!! #
  • (more…)

Where is it?

Didn’t you say you’re gonna update this site more often?”

“Yes, I did.”

“Well, where are they?”

“Uhm. I didn’t really say when.
Plus you should know by now that my disorder is that I’m a compulsive liar.
In fact I’m lying to you right now.”

Gimme a break. I’m always on drugs since the surgery. And I’m also lazy.
You should know that by now too.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-02-11

  • #flashbackfriday – an old OPM music by Ms. @sharon_cuneta12 – covered by yours truly and with @jojoqellis voice. #
  • This research on choosing between a Mac or build a new PC is going insane.
    I just need to edit music for crying' out loud. #
  • Sweet baby Jesus in a manger clothed in linen- I'm really hurting here. Why do I have to go thru this twice? #
  • I think it's Ok to get mad at God. He can take it. He's a big guy. He made me. I have the right to complain to him. #
  • He is already God. He doesn't need me to be a better God. I have the right to question why he allowed what happened to me. #
  • Good morning every all.
    Today may be the day.

    I might actually get out of the house. #wishmesluck #probablygonnadie #

  • I'm kidding.
    Probably won't make it past the driveway. #
  • (more…)

This website

I know I have neglected this website for far too long.
I have undergone so many things that have affected its progress as well.

Good thing I have twitter to help any updates on here somehow.
I will try better to update this as much as I can in the future.
I apologize for any cross posts that you may see
on my Twitter, Facebook, Limebooth, Youtube, Posterous, and…I forget what else I have out there.

but now I have to go..
So I’ll see you guys around.

And thanks for sticking around me throughout these years.
