And then you realize

One thing for certain about growing up is you get to find out
more about yourself.

You are not the same person from years past
and you get to realize your true colors and your true being.

I’ll be honest for once.
I see myself much like a computer.
Input, output.
Yes, no.
Ok, cancel.
Garbage in, garbage out.

I really don’t like what I see.
The program my creator coded for me
is more complex than I can process.
I don’t think he cares much anymore.
And neither do I.

Either I need to reboot and start over,
or I just need to shut the fuck down.

I’m rooting for the latter.

Run down to Mexico

It’s Cinco de Mayo!
An amazing day for Mexico to celebrate their heritage and pride.

A place where Americans run to for leisure or necessity.
I would love to run there when my situation gets out of control.

Which brings me to this song I covered back in 2006.

Down to Mexico
Music by Paul Gilbert
Guitars and Voices by yours truly.

You don’t have to bring your friends
and maybe you can meet yourself a friendly señorita.

I made this a long time ago, so you will see a lot more mistakes.
Well, plus I was on my third tequila shot.

Happy Cinco de Mayo!


Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-05-05

It’s May already

And since it’s May 1st,
I have this song stuck in my head.

Music by – The Beegees
Voice and all instruments by – Yours truly

I did that about 2 years ago.
I couldn’t really decide if it was a Christmas song or not.
You know, Xmas trees and all.
Or maybe it’s the Theme song for the Kilusang Mayo Uno, in the Philippines.
I don’t know.

Listen to how I butchered this one
and check out the other butchery I have done under the Chorus page.

That’s if you are brave enough.
Or bored.

Just a thought

I think sometimes when we don’t get our prayers answered,
is because God can’t hear us.

And I think the reason why God can’t hear us
is because the Devil is just too fucking loud.

The bastard needs to shut up.
I can’t even hear myself think.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-28

Quote Of The Day

“Do not bring up my past.
I don’t live there anymore.”


We all work hard to forget such painful memories.
Life already has a way of reminding us of them
at the most inconvenient time,
in the most hurtful way.

Then you start processing it all over again.
It’s really quite maddening.

One thing is for certain.
No matter how much I try,
I still can’t find a Time Machine on eBay.

Trust me.
I checked.

Happy Birthday, Dad!

This was taken at my Brother’s wedding, years ago.

Sometimes, you get reminded of people you care about,
and ponder on all the things you experienced together.

Remembering my Dad on his birthday,
made me reminisce about a whole bunch of things.

The long talks during a long car drive.
The Father – Son arguments we had.
The music he introduced me to.
The jokes and pranks that he always do.
The courage I gather whenever I borrow the car.
The courage I gather when I am late returning the car.
Him catching me climbing our gates to sneak inside the house at night.
Him offering me my first beer.
Him thinking he gave me my first beer.
Him telling me his side of the story.
And me eagerly listening.

Happy Birthday, Dad!
I miss talking to you.