Sunday Flashback

I must admit, if there would be a cover song I made
that I liked how my guitar sounded out,
this would be the one.

Just two guitars, and done in about one take.
Even the voice I had wasn’t too shabby.
And when I said not too shabby,
I meant it didn’t take me 40 takes.

Maybe I’m A Leo
Music by Deep Purple
Guitars and voice by yours truly.

I haven’t played and recorded in a while.
I need to make new ones
before the lack of Rock drives me insane.

Tweets from 2012-06-02

  • Hi. My name is Ty, and I have a @youtube page. #
  • There are a hundred things wrong with this movie coming out. I have to see it. #
  • Top of the morning to ya!
    -you have to read that with an Irish accent or else it’s not gonna work. #
  • I can’t tell if this kid is saying Buzz Lightyear” or “Budweiser.” #ineedadrink #
  • "I clothed myself in your glory and your love. How I loved you. How I cried." – Queen #
  • "You've broken my heart and now you leave me." – Queen #
  • Thank you to the ones who have given their all. So you and I can hear the sound of freedom. Happy Memorial Day. #
  • News: Researchers have discovered how to make ketchup not stick to the bottle for an easy pour.

    In Other News: Still no cure for Cancer. #

  • This “memo” you speak of, I never get one. I don’t want one. #
  • Shout out to the Right Place. The Right Time is always late.
    Cc: @MrGeorgeWallace #
  • “Watching the news makes you realize how the times are changing.” – Me.

    “I fucking told you.” – Bob Dylan #

  • “No sense worrying.
    All will be alright. – Me

    “WTF! Didn’t I tell you that?” – Bob Marley #

  • Without my Comcast Internet wifi, this dang phone on AT&T is freaking useless. I had to use the 2G network just like how my ancestors did. #
  • Thanks to a Ms. Jane from Comcast support for the quick help on my cable and Internet. I’m very impressed. #handmetheremote #
  • Rondo was scaring James. So they hit him in the face. #ouch #
  • I’m pretty sure Wade stayed in the air for like 5 minutes with that hang time shot. #nba #
  • And a good night to all. #
  • Today’s anger is brought to you by 6 slow vehicles driving on the fast lane.
    Oblivious to everyone. #goodmorning #
  • The song “Spanish Sands” by @TheImagineers makes me want to Get on a horse and ride into the sunset of Barcelona. #andnevercomeback #
  • “There’s a little black spot on the sun today.” #
  • In the #music of my life, I’m just waiting for the guitar solo. Then, Boom!! #
  • Apparently, my mp3 player/camera is also capable of phone calls. What will they come up next? #
  • Holy shit. Milli Vanilli just came on.
    Or is it them? #magic899 #
  • Happy Birthday, Norma Jean.
    Cc: @MarilynMonroe #
  • Shout out to those who still wiggle it. Even just a little bit. #
  • Shout out to all the jams that have been pumped up. #
  • Shout out to those who go crazy when they hear a cymbal and a hi-hat with a souped up tempo. #
  • “Don’t talk just kiss. Let your tongue fool around.” #
  • Come to think of it, Venus truly was my fire and my desire. #
  • The only problem with this national donut day is that I don't have one in my mouth #

When is it most quiet?

I have to admit, the world is a very noisy place.
Many a times, I would go and find sanctuary
just to have a little moment of peace.

And as much as I love music,
I have to unplug myself out of it from time to time.

But there is one thing I found
where I discovered it to be most quiet.

“The most silent place you could ever find yourself into
is at that moment when you are in need.”

That moment when you know there is no one that can bail you out.
That moment of realization that you are a victim of your own doing.

I am not speaking in figures nor I am pertaining to anyone.
It’s just something I have noticed,
through all my years of adult living.

No matter how many people there are in your circle.
No matter how many connections you have in your social life.
You will realize how deafening the silence is,
once you get yourself situated in such a quandary.

So let me ask you,

What do you hear
when you are right in the middle
of your hour of need?

My point exactly.

The Brothers Gibb

The very first song I have learned to play completely on guitar,
and I mean, knowing the words and chords without looking at a songbook,
is “Words” by the BeeGees.

The chords are simple enough and the words are easy to remember.

Plus I got the bragging rights that I can completely play a song
and not a whole bunch of intros that I can never finish.

This post is a little tribute to the Brothers Gibb,
and to Mr. Robin Gibb, who passed away yesterday.

Thank you for the music, Sir.

Here are two BeeGees songs I have covered.

First Of May



Do you belong?

Do you ever notice sometimes
That you don’t belong anywhere?

Like everybody likes a certain thing and you just can’t get why?

On your daily drive, everyone seems to be going slow, or faster than you?

Like everyone is on to a joke and you still never heard it?

Like the whole world is giving everyone their chance,
and you are still there waiting with your hand out?

Like God has answered everybody’s prayers but yours?

And the music in your head is playing a different tune.

That’s what I feel with the world we live in.
Or “I” live in.

Because I am so sure,
I am meant to live at a different place,
in a different time,
with a different face.

Tweets from 2012-05-19

  • Nevermind @Avid. Thanks anyway. #
  • I know you think you're not a good one. But you are. It's tough being a Mom. Happy Mother's Day. #
  • Dear Mom. Sorry about my laundry. And for clogging the toilet. Happy Mother's Day. #imhungry #
  • All this hate and rage inside me is enough to get me a one way ticket to Hell. #seeyouthere #
  • Words to ponder. #quote #
  • Watched the first 2 Batman movies. And played Arkham Asylum on PS3. I think I am ready for the third. #
  • "Why do we fall, Bruce? So that we can learn how to pick ourselves up." – Thomas Wayne #Batman #
  • Thanks Mom for surviving the biggest challenge of raising me. #
  • I did. It's great! Thanks.
    RT @pandora_radio: "If you're up for an 80's flashback day, make a New Order station!" -@jasflowers #
  • If you want it to rain, just let me know and I'll wash my car. Because even if it's hot as Hades, it will fucking pour once I did. #
  • My point of view. #
  • Good lord. This thing just made my car smell like a mixture of moth balls and a urinal puck. #throwingitoutnow #
  • Where can I get those Shaldan ones without paying ridiculously for shipping? #
  • I don't know about you, but I am gonna get that new #tenaciousd album. #rock #
  • How to use Facebook – is trending on twitter.

    Wait. What? #

  • Speaking of which. I'm gonna have to start cleaning out that account. It's starting to lose its appeal. #
  • Music is my Christian Grey. #
  • I take that back.
    Apple. Apple is my Christian Grey. #domsub #
  • I'm sure they put these years for age verification, just in case the newborns want to check it out. #
  • Last night's attempt to make music was frustrating. It's just doesn't sound quite right. Let's try again later ok? #dontgiveupeasily #
  • Is People Magazine's Most beautiful man/woman exclusive only to celebrities? Because I know a lot of beautiful people other than them. #
  • This and Music.

    RT @DizzyBlondeBlog: Love is the only thing I've discovered that takes you from just living to being truly alive 🙂 #

  • You are an adult. "I don't know" and "I don't care" are not answers anymore. #truth #
  • I think I just turned on the "Release- pouring-rain switch" when I stepped out of the building. #soaked #
  • "You are my only one. And that's not even half of what you are to me."
    – [@rivalsons] #bestmusicquote #stuckinmyhead #
  • Today, I pay tribute. #donnasummer #discoqueen #

The young once?

I remember one time my friend Eric and I were talking about the old days,
reminiscing about our High School adventures and mischief.
Then we reached that awkward moment of silence where we start thinking about
how we miss those days and wished we were back and re-live them.

It’s funny how when you were young,
you couldn’t wait to grow up and do what the adults do.
Make your own decisions.
Go wherever you like.
Do whatever you please.
And experience a lot of things without asking permission.

Ahh. The Adult life.

What we didn’t know then,
that being older comes with a great load of burden called “Responsibility.”
And that is a big wake up call for everyone.
You don’t see that when you are young.

But in my opinion, I really wouldn’t want to re-live my past.
It is something I really do not want to remember or ponder on.
Though, I would like to go back and right all the wrong decisions I have made
And steer my future self to a better one.
Or a better possibility of achieving my dreams.
Be at the right place at the right time, sort to speak.

We remembered this story about one of our professors
who was chatting with us and told us this:

“You all think that this time of your life is horrible,
but you will look back on it and wish you were still at this point and wishing it never ended.”

He was right.

And imagine us telling the youth of today this?
They would probably say what we told our elders then.

It’s a vicious cycle.

“Enjoy your youth.
You’ll never be younger than you are at this very moment.”
– [anonymous]

My Mom


A big thank you to my Mom, this Mother’s day.

Being a mom is the hardest job in the world.
There are no set hours.
No time-outs.
And no breaks.
They are just programmed to do it.

And if a mom, even for just one second think that they are not doing a good job and doubting themselves..


Thanks Mom! For surviving the biggest challenge of raising me.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-05-12

  • Down to Mexico – #
  • "Just because I couldn't do it today, doesn't mean I'm not going to be able to do it someday" – Arthur Boorman – #
  • Is it too late for a #StarWars all cast group pic? Of course not. #
  • A guitar with a custom carved gargoyle? Why yes. I do want it. #
  • Apparently a side effect of the meds I'm taking is enhanced irritability. I wonder if that would stand in court if I murder anyone. Or when. #
  • Walking with my shadow. #
  • Just feeling the sea. #
  • Excuse me. What are your store hours? #
  • Shout out to these chills that are multiplyin' #
  • "You put your arms around me and I'm home." – @christinaperri #nowplaying #
  • Instagram is acting up weeks after it was purchased by Facebook. Coincidence? I think not. #
  • Come to think if it, if I was bought with billions of dollars, I would act up too. #
  • T-Mobile will start supporting the iPhone by year end. My AT&T contract expires around that time. Coincidence? I think not. #exodus #
  • If my stupid car won't start again. I'll tell you how. #waystopickmeup
    I think I got this hashtag wrong. #
  • Uuggh! This teeth grinding has to stop. #
  • I know it's old, but this is the best autotune so far. #sweetbrown #coldpop #
  • You mean I have to go outside again today? It's dangerous outside. The civil war happened outside. #