Abbey Road

This picture was taken 43 years ago today.
And it has been an one of the iconic images we have this day and age.


I remember hearing the Beatles for the first time.
I wanted to be one like them, much like everyone else.


Friends are friends forever?

It’s funny while I was writing that previous post,
I was thinking of how I was texting and messaging
my friends and loved ones in the Philippines.
Making sure they were alright.

Of course, I have to sweep through my phone address book
to see who I can contact and ask them how they were doing.
Despite the fact that it was a little scary what reply I would get
or if I would get one at all.
You can never know how bad the situation is.
Or was.

Luckily, most of them are alright.



The Philippines is going thru another difficulty today
with all the torrential rains.
Manila, where I was born and grew up in,
is pretty much submerged underwater.

It has been raining for 10 days as of this writing.
I am not sure if there are any signs of it slowing down.

My brother, Bryan has told me that our house is already flooded.
I could just see if my Dad was still alive,
how mad he would have been.

There is not much we can do right now.
We just have to ride this one out
and hope for the best.

Be safe, my friends.

We’ll see what we can do tomorrow.

50 Years Ago Today


Marilyn Monroe
(June 1, 1926 – August 5, 1962)

I have always been vocal about my deep fascination
with the most beautiful woman who has ever walked this earth.

I’ve had a crush on her ever since I was young.
And today marks the 50th anniversary of her death.

I am not kidding when I say that when I die,
she will be one of the first ones I will find.

I would have loved to live during the time when she was alive
and to be in her presence.

With all the Hollywood glamour and controversies aside,
I think she is way more than what we have seen.

New Song Added – Kumusta Ka

Here’s another one by Mr. Rey Valera.
I have mentioned it before,
how I am a big fan of his.

A great example of a great Filipino talent.

This song is called “Kumusta Ka.
And definitely another favourite of mine.

Music by – Rey Valera
Guitars and Voice by – Ty Martell

It’s also the first cover I did with the guitar effects
purely on Garageband.
Even the mixing and editing.

I am really starting to engulf myself inside the Mac and iOS environment.
Hopefully I would learn a lot more.

Thanks for listening to my stuff.
I truly appreciate it.

Lyrics start here.


Anyone can cook

You remember that movie, Ratatouille?
With the chef’s motto “anyone can cook?”

Well, I have always admitted that I am not very good at it.
I mean, I can cook, I am just not really into it.
I just like the eating part.

I can’t even stand the directions on the recipes.
I am not going to check the oven if the meat is tender!
I am not going to take out the tray and stir.
I do not even have the patience to boil water?
Why should I do that? I am not a Chemist.

Can you blame me?
I came from a family of brilliant cooks.
My Mother alone can feed an entire village with just 2 or three ingredients.
And they pretty much took over the kitchen and preferred that I stayed out of their way.

I can feed myself, there’s no question about that,
but I am just not into the whole preparation and trouble of making food.

So it has always been a dilemma whenever I try to feed the kid.

But today,
Today he gave me the most wonderful compliment with what I have prepared for him.

And I quote:

“Dad, when you get old and about to die,
you should give me the recipe to this Hotdog Sandwich. It’s amazing!”

Suck on that Wolfgang Puck!

Tweets from 2012-08-04

  • I forgot how useless I am whenever the Olympics are on.
    I’m kidding. I didn’t forget. #
  • Dear Life,
    are you ever gonna give me the chance to go to London in my time? Or any part of Europe?
    I didn’t think so. #bitch #
  • "Believe that you can do it, Because you can." – Bob Ross – #
  • The Violin Bow blew my mind! – What Makes You Beautiful (5 Piano Guys, 1 piano) – #
  • I don’t know what I’m scared of and what the hell I’m waiting for? #mountainlion #geek #
  • (more…)

All that matters is…

One of the things I don’t understand
when you are going through some difficulties in life,
and people say to you:

“You shouldn’t feel sad.
There are others who are going through worse things than you.”

I don’t know about you, but doesn’t that equate to saying:

“Don’t be happy
because there are other people happier than you?”

Correct me if I’m incorrect.

Those are “your” problems,
which was handed to you
whether you are equipped enough to handle it or not,
or strong enough to withstand it,
I say, Go ahead!
Scream out your frustrations if you have to.
You have the right to complain.
You have the right to be heard.

Be mad at everyone around you.
It’s okay. Not very many care anyway.

Be mad at God if you have to,
It’s okay. I’m pretty sure your God can take it.

Be mad at yourself.
It’s okay. You’re the only one who is going through it.

And do not believe when people tell you
“I know what you’re going through. I’ve been there.”

That is nonsense!
They do not know what you are going through.
They may have an “idea” of what you’re going through.
But they can never know.

Your sufferings are different from mine.
Your pains are different from mine.
Your heartbreak is different from mine.
Your misery is different from mine.

It’s okay.
Be mad.

I get mad too.
I’ve had my shares of pain and sorrows.

But, don’t forget.
All of these have an opposite.
It also has an equal.

You will have your time of joy and happiness too.
Your time to shine and to be recognized.
Your time will come when you will have laughter and bliss.

And then, you will also realize that
people don’t know how you feel when you are happy either.
They might have an “idea,”
but they don’t know how happy you feel.

Don’t people think you’re crazy
when they see you laughing your socks off?

They can’t know it.

So it’s the same as being mad or sad.
They don’t know.

Which brings me to my point.
Other people do not know or do not care
what you go through.

What they think of you does not matter.
They are not going to lose sleep when you are sad.
Even if they are the reason you were sad in the first place.

It doesn’t matter what they think if you are happy either.
Most of them just get jealous and talk about you anyway.

None of that matter.

All that matters..
is You.

“All good things come to an end.
Bad things have an ending too.”

Lesson of the day

Something I learned today:

“Know those who love you truly and won’t give you up.
Some of them really care, but most of them are just curious.”

– Things go through my head when I just sit here, pretending not to care.