Dream Theater

I watched one of the best Music DVD I have ever seen yesterday.

DREAM THEATER” – Metropolis 2000/Scenes From New York
(Thanks Sly!!)

I am telling you..
their music keeps comin’ at you like tracks on a roller coaster!
“Balls to the Wall Man!!”
I mean, The show started like ridin’ the coaster itself. Quite serene at first,
..but you know somewhere, it’s gonna grind you to death.

Cut number 7 (John and Theresa Solo Spot), was the part of the track where it keeps you calm
but wanting for more.

then BLAM!
The Killer Blind curve hits you like a freight train!
Brings you back up in the air.

John Petrucci (guitars)
and Mike Portnoy (drums and percussions),
just blew my socks off.
John has tones and music coming out of his guitar that were not on mine.
He plays them “out of this world” myxolidian scale transgression
(or at least that’s what I think it is) effortlessly.

And Mike Portnoy?
what can I say…
Congratulations to him for winning the
Modern Drummer Magazine” Best Progressive Rock Drummer
(for the 7th year in a row!).
He was just beating the crap out of them drums with ease.
He directed the whole Video as well.

My final say….(ahhh Finally)..
Any guitar enthusiast like me….go and get it!!!..nowwwww!!!…
okay maybe next payday.

As my good friend Sylvain Belanger told me…
“If it was Metallica or whoever else..
Rip ’em”..


I posted some of my songs on “Chorus”.
I can’t find some of ’em..
Serves me right for not backing up….
Man this is all Angelfire’s fault!
(freakin deleted my stuff…!@*%@&grumble!@%*#^mumble!@%)
Now I have to do them again…

click on the “Chorus” link to hear them.

Broken Into

My Brother’s car got broken into last night.
I remember how it felt when my car got broken into…
All I can say to those stupid freakin thieves…

You Mo’ F’ S’ o” B’s.!!!
May the lord of a thousand leeches suck the marrow of your souls to HELL!!!
I hope you rot in it..and may Lucifer have you as his bitch!!!

Now I am so mad..I want to destroy something…
Now where did I put my hockey computer game?…..

At long last!

At last..
I finally got to see one of my favorite bands of all time.

BON – freakin’ – JOVI

I was supposed to see them back home, in the Philippines,
when they did their “Keep The Faith” Asian tour.
But did I see them??
Noooooooo!!!! …. Why?
…because I had my stupid mid term exams….
Once again..education comes first.

Anyhow….it was one of the best concerts I have seen…
they really put on a good show..
I never once sat down once they started.
I swear after their first song…I got my money’s worth.

Richie Sambora ROCKS man!!!…
I think he is one of the most underrated guitarists of all time.
Try to listen to his contribution to the album
I swear it blew my socks off!

Also…after years of trying to imitate his playing,
I have finally seen him do it “LIVE”!!…
Then I realized I have been playing them wrong…
well..some of them I did right.

Anyhow..all in all I give it a freakin 10!!

Oh you know what else??…..the band that opened for them was cool as well..
They are called SR-71 from Baltimore, Maryland.
They got funky rock songs that would seriously get your head banging, and your feet tapping.
Watching them actually brought back my inspiration to pick up my guitar once again and play music..
but nahh..
too lazy..

Sometime in May


after a freakin month!! I get an answer from Angelfire….
GEEEZZUUZZ!!!..I have had my web site parked on their domain for almost 3 years!
And then with no notice or anything..
they deleted all my work!!!

Here’s what they said..

“In our ongoing effort to stabilize and optimize our web hosting services,
the Lycos Network has implemented a number of methods to flag potential abuse suspects.
During this process, your web site was flagged and removed.

Unfortunately, some files from user accounts were deleted permanently.
This was clearly a mistake on our part, and we sincerely apologize.”

At least send out a freakin notice..how hard is that???

So anyway…

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