KISS MTV Unplugged

Let me tell you something that I realized today.
I am a little sad and annoyed that the world is a very noisy place.

Let’s take a look at my day today…
First, Tracy was awoken by a buzzing alarm clock.
My alarm is the construction in our building, pretty much starts around 7 AM.
Rush hour kicks in at 7:30 til just about 9.
Living downtown has its toll.
Horns, engines, and squeaking breaks screaming at you non stop.
My microwave beeping that my meal is done.

Anyways….I pop in the KISS MTV UNPLUGGED video.
Hey, I am still on vacation…. so I can do whatever I please….
(Okay, that last sentence may not be true.)

I was never much of a KISS fan, but thanks to Sylvain,
the same guy who got me into Dream Theater, lent me this video.

KISS? Unplugged?
I didn’t think it was going to be as wicked as when I saw them in concert.
It started pretty simple with the song “Comin’ Home.”
I was fine, just sipping my coffee, enjoying the show….
but when the song “Domino” came up, (which is now my favorite KISS song by the way)
I am so “in” BABY!!!.
I picked up my guitar, jamming with the best ….
Then the whole family came on stage…along with Ace Frehley and Peter Criss.
It just totally brought the house down.
You could just see how not only the audience are having a great time,
but the band themselves are in the height of enjoyment.

As they sang their finale – “Rock and Roll All Night,” Every KISS‘s fan’s anthem,
I was jamming along …enjoying the catchy rhythm,
I suddenly heard some cool banging tune (in the key of “G”),
synchronized with Peter Criss’s Bass drum.
I stopped, trying to figure out what the hell he is hitting on stage.

Then it hit me,
I muted the TV….. And the banging drums is coming from the construction outside.
I guess they are just hurrying for lunch break and they all wanted to get things done.

In conclusion, this is now what I realized.

The world may be a noisy place. But once everything gets synchronized,
with all the melodies and notes,
We all live in one big musical rhythm.

Now I know why MUSIC is the universal language.
Well…that and SEX.


After days and months of testing and decision making,
this website is officially hosted and maintained in my own little place.

running Apache web server.

I had to take into consideration a whole lot of stuff,
like security, wiring, performance and OS installation.

It’s all good though.
Now I do not have to abide by anybody’s rules. No space limit.
No file restrictions. No ads or banners. No problem!

So if ever this site is down.
Blame this guy.

On Vacation

Today starts my 2 weeks Vacation.
To be honest, I have no clue on what to do.
Since the Sept. 11 tragedy, I have not been in the best of moods.
I don’t think anybody was or still is.

So I did some thinking.

I thought about how it amazes me what people do to each other and themselves.
Why would anybody have the guts to cause harm to somebody else?
Why would someone choose to be a terrorist?
I mean c’mon! Honestly!
Do they wake up one morning, sip their coffee,
and say, “Yup! I have decided to be a terrorist.
I want to strap high explosives onto myself, scare the living daylights out of everybody,
kill them and me.”

Holy crap!!..I guess now that Hitler and Napoleon are dead,
there is a good demand for terrorists and killers huh?

Why not choose a different career?
Work in a restaurant.
Teach kids how to spell.
Work in a car wash.

Then I realized..
I know why these people do it.
To them, they are regarded as nobles or heroes in their religion and tradition
if they destroy anybody who does not do what they do, believe in what they believe,
and think the way they do.

Well let me tell you this.
I do not know what planet or place that belief came from,
but in my world,
These are the true heroes. Hero 1. Hero 2.

U.S.A. Under Attack

Still in shock.
Two planes crashed into the World Trade Centre twin towers,
one into the Pentagon, and one just outside Pittsburgh, PA.

What can you do?
What do you say?
Can you just imagine the height of anger and grief?
How could someone have the audacity to do this to humankind?

Before I say what’s on my mind,
please say a prayer for the innocent victims and their loved ones.

“Eternal rest, grant unto them O Lord, and let your perpetual light shine upon them”

Now. My turn.
Telephone ringing.
I wake up …. My brother yelling,

“Are you watching the news!?”

I mumbled, “I am not! You just woke me up! “

He said….
“Hurry! Terrorism in New York!!”

I turned my TV on.
And the World Trade Center’s sister building is missing.
Freakin’ smoke surrounding the tower!.
What the fuck is going on??

Then it happened..

I saw the other tower collapse. I am witnessing death as it happens.
Thousands of lives trapped.
So much anger. So much pain.

I know as of this time” (7:04 PM), there is still no word on who the fucker is.
The news media is trying to be “Politically Correct”, making sure no one would be offended.

I don’t care!! Whoever you are or whoever is involved….
What are you trying to prove you Motherfucker !!!???
First of all, You better take a fuckin’ shower because you stink!!!
And second of all, enough with this bullshit terrorizing and killing people.
You and me buddy…. hand to hand, old fashioned fist fight!!
I am going to fucking kick your ass!!

WAIT!! make sure you shower first because I won’t be able to stand your stench! Your whole being stink like the fucker you are!
Your soul reeks of shit, pus and worthlessness.
I am fucking shaking just writing this down!

All you hear is the word “horrible attacks”, “cowards” and “how vulnerable we are”.
It’s time for someone to stand up and say,

“We know who the bastard was….and we will beat the shit out of them!”
“We will skin them alive, pour A1 sauce on them and feed them to New York rats and cockroaches!”

Anyways …
Wherever you are, whoever you are.
I hope you are fucking happy, because once BUSH gets a hold of your cowardly ass,
He will stab your pecker hole with his Texas bayonet!

I hope your children, and your children’s children
will feel what you have contributed to this world.

And lastly, You know what I am going to do?..
After I offer my prayers,
I will go and get me some McDonalds’ Big Mac Burger meat!
Super Size!!
and I will just enjoy “FREEDOM”.

Something we know you don’t have.

Fucking Coward!

Pet Peeves

Do you know the saying “My body aches in places I never knew I had?”

Well…after helping my Mother paint her new house..
I now know where my Trapezeus muscle is!

Man, I can only imagine what would hurt on the actual moving day.
Which reminds me.
I would like to write some of my pet peeves based only from this past weekend.

FIRST – too many chefs in the kitchen!..
as we were trying to do our part comes this guy
..immediately after the usual salutations..started telling us that what we were doing was wrong.
I mean, we are no professional paint people, but if you are going to criticize what everybody was doing,

SECOND – lack of planning!…
I must have driven to and from the Home Supply store at least 50 times
because we ended up needing more stuff.
Which leads me to my next rant..

THIRD and LAST – people who can’t drive!!…
OH MY LORD!!!…Who are these people???
To think Canada has this Excellent“(?) graduated licensing…
which takes you 15 years to be able to complete the freakin’ thing!!
What is wrong with these people??

Why do they have their turn signals flashing since Christmas of 1984???
How can you not notice the ambulance blasting it’s horn at you
from a mile away and still not prepare to give way?

Do you not understand the signs and road markings??

Dooo youuu spppeeeaakkkaa eeenggllleeesshh!!??

And who are these punks who do not know
the difference between low beams and high beams?
Do you want to help the driver in front of you in case they wanted to read a book??
Is it so hard to make sure that Ally Mcbeal can get out of her car when you park too close?

COME ON!!! I try to follow the speed limit..but I also am aware of the speed of cars around me..
I do not do a 70 on a 100 km/h highway…why in the world are you cruisin in the passing lane too??

OH WAIT!..I just had a revelation..
Do you ever wonder why you always find a shoe on the road?
….it’s these cruisin, not a care in the world people looking for the other pair!!!

….Oh Lord, please help me.
I make my own mistakes..I admit.
I am no NASCAR champ.
Though I do know that just because you can step on the gas pedal harder,
does not make you a better man.

Happy Independence Day

Happy Independence Day to everyone in the States.
Now..I am not gonna make fun of you guys..
since everybody in the world does that already..
I am not gonna bash your Leader..
since I know nobody is perfect.

He just started his term..
and we might as well give him a break…
(Maybe he’ll finally bomb Saddam..who knows?).

You know what …
contrary to the popular notion that Americans are loud mouthed, obnoxious, not a care in the world type of people.
I have to disagree,
coz I have met some nice, understanding and the most caring people in the States…

Though….why don’t you guys take it easy with them guns…
What’s up with them school shootings?…
You think the kids are safer in schools since they all carry guns?

You guys do have an astounding history…do not take it for granted…
thank a veteran for your freedom.

To all my friends who live there, Have a safe and wonderful holiday!
Also..Happy Filipino-American friendship day in my home land..
(Hey. I gotta represent!)



Finally!! A long weekend!!
Don’t you just love it?
Plus it’s Canada day, where everybody will be partyyyyiiinng! ..

and me?….

siiiiccckk as heelll again!!
I was fine all week..til the weekend hits. (of course).
Lady luck and I are still not in good terms.
Tracy is sick as well.
With all the drugs that we took..
we still can’t sleep
tossing and turning at night like pancakes..

But..we do not care..We will be out there at the “Hill”,
partying with all the Canuck’s.
Gonna watch the show and the fireworks…
everybody will be walking around like they were on crack.

My friend Mike Torres sent me those three Canada pictures,
and asked me if that’s how it is here..

we do this twice every month!…
usually after payday….
go find me in the picture man!

The Traumatic Truth

Spent the whole night at the hospital…GEEEZUZZ!
I was sick as hell man!! I have finally accepted the traumatic truth..

BEER and I don’t get along anymore
… heard it right…
I have to say goodbye to it.

Okay’s what happened..
two of my good friends, Jennifer Joy and Jeff Ahern ..whom I had the pleasure of working with
are moving on…so..we all had this after work goodbye beer thing..
which was cool. soon as I got home…
everything I drank came out..stared at me in the face..
and kicked me right in my gut like I owe him child support!..

Daammnnn!..I was dehydrated bad!!

I’ve actually seen this coming…
I always get this weird feeling whenever I drink…
“The INEVITABLE” happened.

My ulcer does not like this stuff…
then I was like…cmon..why beer??..
why can’t it be something that I don’t drink or eat.
…like snakes.
(Though I heard they are good.)

So’s either I don’t drink beer…
or see a Doctor (which I hate) and have this fixed…

This one is a toughie.
Maybe I need to rekindle my friendship
with my good friend JD and seek for some advice.