Congratulations Graduates!

I do not care what anybody says, I have great faith in you guys.

The Grad Ceremony went very well.
I have never seen so much PRIDE in one place.
It was so great seeing everybody again.

The night started with our former Director as the “Master of Ceremonies“.
He talked about how…Mmmm…. He said..uuuhhh…His speech was…
Okay I can’t really remember.
But it was something about him looking for an inspiration for his speech,
and he went on the internet to get one. Something like that.

Then our guest speaker was Colin Trethewey from the TECH talk
on the Local News Cast “The New RO”.

His speech was about the history of the I.T. Industry here in Ottawa.
It was basically summarized as
“It was like waking up with a hangover after a whole night of a wicked party.”
And like any decent person waking up from a hangover…
you fix yourself up with leftover food and alcohol.
(Okay maybe that was just me.)

He said that “I.T.” is on it’s way back up. Slowly but Surely.

Then the Main Event.
The Graduates.
The distribution of that grand empty piece of paper with fancy ribbons around it.
Nevertheless. I could still see the smiles on their faces.
Especially Luc Seguin..
(wait.. that smile is already permanent on his face.)

Then my turn.
I was there to present the Against all odds award
to my very good friend Paul Proulx.
You really deserve it man. Don’t you ever change.
(Email me if you want a copy of my speech.)

I had the best fanfare cheer from all of the students when I was doing my speech.
I could not even try to control my laughter.
Some may have been surprised of how much cheer I got from our students.
Some may be not. But here’s what I want all of them to remember.

They are not just my students.
They are also my good friends.
I feel for them when they fail,
but I too celebrate their accomplishments.

And with all honesty,
I have been cheering for them throughout their whole stay.

Congratulations again. Graduates.

Keep in touch.

New Link

I just added a new link.

I decided to put it up as a tool for me and my fellow tech-y friends.
Now whenever I need to download patches, updates, drivers or just any music that I have,
I just go here and get it.

No more of those endless “I need that file, but I can’t remember where I got them” – searching struggles.
Contact me if you want a username and password.

I also am very proud of it because I figured out how to tweak and debug this script on my own.
I am not a programmer but I managed to fix it to what I want it to be.
So, as always, research is the key. I used my resources.
(Like what I always tell my students.)
Trial and error, patience and determination.
I know it’s not easy, but I always have faith in them.

Speaking of my students.
Tomorrow is their graduation ceremony.
It would be an honor (again) to congratulate them.

Which reminds me, I need to practice my speech.

Tune in next time, where I get to tell you how it went.


Congratulations to Mike and Becky!

Mike popped the question to Becky last Friday, and she said yes.
Check out their web site here.

Mike showed me the ring, and even I almost said yes!
Our best wishes to you both.

Okay, I can’t keep it anymore!!

Tracy is 2 Months and 3 days Pregnant today!
Woohooooooooo!!! My Boys can shoot!

Not everybody knows it yet, but I am sure they already do.
(News travels as fast as my boys!…heheheee.)

We have been trying since December last year,
then once January came,
let’s just say that I was poking fun at her and she took me seriously.

I totally have a different view of everything in the world now.
We spend every weekend looking at baby stuff.
I am so excited like a dog with two tails!

Now I am not going to let anything ruin our joy.
We are trying to stay away from negative, miserable people.
I want this to be an enjoyable experience for us.
(Right after Tracy’s morning and evening sickness.)

Thank you to all my friends and family who wished us the best and as excited as us.

And thanks Dad, for being proud of me too.

“You’re still the one”
Music by – Shania Twain.
Backing Tracks – Midi File
Guitars by – Ty Martell

Mobile Player here:

I guess inspiration just flows into me like crazy.


Oh man! I have waited for this day since Monday.
You could stick a fork at me because
I am sooo done like a medium well TBONE steak!!

As I was walking home,
I noticed my shoelace were untied.
(I don’t blame them, they wanted to start their weekend too.)

My poor shoes, they are getting so worn out like a hooker’s jaw.
I stopped to tie them, as this one notorious guy approached me.
Offering me if I would like buy a “Playstation 2” for a 100 bucks.

“No thanks, I got one.” -I said proudly.
“Laptop, brand Spankin’ new, Intel 1.1 Gig. Untracable.”
“Digital Camera?”
“No thanks.”
“I’ll take two!!” Can I get it on Monday?
“Can’t bro’. They’ll be gone by then.

I have never been so tempted to grab him with me and get $100 dollars from the money machine,
and get my XBOX tonight!

Oooohh I can only imagine the flawless 3D games,
the new action releases,
the amazing enjoyment I would get.
That would be very nice.

As he walks away, with frustration on both our faces,
I yelled and asked him one more thing.

“Hey bud!
You happen to sell some shoes?”

Some people are just assholes

So I was at work right,
then I have been asked to talk to this guy on the phone.

He said he wanted to send his client to learn Windows 2000 Server in our school.
No problem.
Though the only concern we have is,
“How comfortable is this guy to start on WIN2K Server,
without taking it’s pre-requisites.”

Understandable enough right?
We don’t know how much this guy knows.

Here was our conversation, and to protect this person’s identity..
we shall call him “technically challenged ass-whoopin’ candidate” :

Instructor (me) : Good afternoon Sir, this is Tyrone, I work here as an instructor …

Technically challenged ass-whoopin’ candidate : So what do you want to know?

Instructor (me) : Ahhh , you said you wanted to have your client learn WIN2K Server here. How comfortable is he on WIN2K Pro or Network Technologies?

Technically challenged ass-whoopin’ candidate : Well I never went to school but I taught myself Windows 2000..It’s not that hard. Plus I will teach him some of the stuff about Active Directory and Global Policies know.. those things.

Instructor (me) : Yes Sir, I understand. I learned some stuff too just by playing around with it.

Technically challenged ass-whoopin’ candidate : Well… No offense to your school or anything but.. The guys that we hire that graduated there does not know the simplest thing about networking.
I mean even the simplest connection to a shared network drive … they have no clue.. I had to go on the floor and fix it myself. We had to let them go right away. I know my client can do better than most of them.

Instructor (me) : (confused and pissed) Well I can’t talk about our graduates but I am sure they are not all like that.

At this point, I can hear Mr. Genius banging on his keyboard…with phones ringing.

Technically challenged ass-whoopin’ candidate : Oh I am just telling you our experience with your graduates….I know I can teach my client what I know…Just like now.. I am having trouble with this Windows 2000 server that I am working on..It is starting to piss me off.
I just created users…and I can’t seem to log in…It’s giving me this error ..You are not allowed to log on interactively on this computer.. Do you know how to fix it?

Instructor (me) : (confused and pissed with eyebrows crossed) Well I know there are two things you have to do with regards to Policies with Global and Domain Controller.

Technically challenged ass-whoopin’ candidate : (still banging on the keys) Where is that at? .. (grunts) I know I can fix this…I will fix this eventually..I am just getting pissed right now.

Instructor (me) : (confused and pissed with eyebrows crossed with middle finger pointing to the phone) Well what is your plan regarding your client?

Technically challenged ass-whoopin’ candidate : Oh yeah yeah.. Can I start him there ..say…next week?

Instructor (me) : Well Sir, You would need to talk again to our Admin’s Councilor about that. And here he is…

Technically challenged ass-whoopin’ candidate : #&*^*#&^#stupid machine&)(*^%*^%$$

Oh my Lord…I think the Earth is full. Please send this guy home.
I need to read and learn how to set the laser printer to stun
if ever I get to meet this guy.

And to set it straight..
I asked our ever loving employment specialist Mia,
if we really do have graduates who got hired at this guy’s company sometime in the past.

And the answer?

They have never heard of it. So this guy was a lying bastard.
Oh man..
I just want that so wrong?
I know no school or company is perfect, but I will defend mine with all my might.
Did I ever tell you when I get angry, I get hungry?
Maybe when I get home I think I will order Pizza.

Pizza Hut : Pizza Hut Take Out, Can I help you?

Hungry Instructor (me) : Yes..Pizza Hut?…Your Pizza sucks and it tastes like crap that has been stepped on by a cow!
Can I place a delivery order?

CDI Students let me know what you think.

Grammy Music Awards

Is it me or the Grammy Awards is getting more boring every year?
(I could just hear it now, my smart-ass friends telling me
“Is it the Grammy’s getting boring, or is it you getting more boring?”)

I just find it weird that lately, these award shows
are more into the effects and styles, clothes and fashions.
Not about the music anymore.
I went to bed right after that part where those chicks sang that “Moulin Rouge” song,
where I thought the best part was when Patti Labelle came up the stage
and belted out that high end scream.
I also like Pink.
I think she is very pretty.
Except for that punk-ass-afro-mohawk hair she wore.

I take that back.
I also remember seeing Pamela Anderson (both of them).
Britney Spears with her Tammy Faye Baker hair.
And ..mmmmm…Oh yeah…now I remember…
I turned the TV off right when those N’Sync girls started singing.
Yesss..that’s right.

Oh well…
I just hope it will get better next year…and the years to come.
Because I think the last time I watched an entire Grammy special
was when Michael Jackson won for Thriller.
Plus did you know he used to be black?
I thought he was from Sweden.

Let me know what you think about the show.

Salt Lake City Olympics

Congratulations!!! to our Canadian athletes! A job very well done.

Gold 1Gold 2Gold 3 Gold 4

It has been an interesting event.
Isn’t it funny how a sport totally depends on the judges’ or referees’ decision?
Yes! I am talking about the corrupt ones that judged the figure skaters
and the ones that officiated the hockey players.

I mean ‘cmon! these people think we, the spectators, are stupid?
Did they think that they can get away with it?

Congratulations again to all the Athletes.
And a big thank you for making your countrymen proud.

PS —

Check out my friend Mike and Becky’s web site.
A couple in perfect harmony.

Woke up early today

Not by choice but because my dog is howling at something.
Probably his own shadow.
I don’t know..he’s not that bright.

I went on the “World Wide Web”, and checked out some stuff that I can add here.

I went to this site that I usually visit.
Another techie guy with daily web logs (blogs in internet terms).
Great links, humour and pics.
(of women of course ..why would I go there in the first place?- just kiddin’)

On his daily blog today..
he got an email from this guy that warns him about the way he rants on his site.
This idiotic moron accuses him of slander
and that “freedom of speech” does not protect him from the slander laws.


How many times do we have to flush before these kind of people go away??

I too have been asked if I am afraid of what I might say in this little blog of mine.
I mean, what am I gonna be afraid of?

Some Internet stalker?
A Hacker?
A slacker?
A whacker??

Some big mouthed – gossip filled – person who knows me
..and tells my family and friends about my business?

They do that already!!!

I do not write anything that I do not want to share….
It’s my freakin’ right!

if ever you are gonna accuse anybody of anything….
please..pleaseeeee…get all the facts first…
See the situation on different angles.
Show some intelligence.
Here’s a little thing to start you up. —

Canadian Charter of Rights

and that has been my whiny-crybaby opinion of the day – Thank you.

28 Today!

28 years old today.

Now that I am “older” (but refuse to grow up) here’s what I’ve discovered:

1.) I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.
2.) My wild oats have turned into prunes and All Bran.
3.) I finally got my head together, now my body is falling apart.
4.) Funny, I don’t remember being absent minded.
5.) Funny, I don’t remember being absent minded.
6.) What were we talking about?
7.) It’s easier to get older than it is to get wiser.
8.) Some days you’re the dog; some days you’re the hydrant.
9.) I wish the buck stopped here; I sure could use a few.
10.) Kids in the back seat cause accidents.
11.) Accidents in the back seat cause kids.
12.) It’s hard to make a comeback when you haven’t been anywhere.
13.) The only time the world beats a path to your door is when you’re in the bathroom.
14.) If God wanted me to touch my toes, he would have put them on my knees.
15.) When I’m finally holding all the cards, why does everyone else decide to play chess?
16.) Stress is when you wake up screaming and you realize you weren’t sleeping.
17.) It’s not hard to meet expenses … they’re EVERYWHERE!
18.) The only difference between a rut and a grave is in the depth.
19.) These days, I spend a lot of time thinking about the hereafter…
I go somewhere to get something and then wonder what I’m here after.
20.) If all is not lost, THEN WHERE IS IT?
21.) Did I tell you this already?

Thanks for all the greetings! From my family and my friends.
thanks to Will D. for this email
Check out the updated Medieval Tavern by Lord Francis.

Oh and a HAPPY VD to everyone!