Merry Christmas Everyone!

As you can see from this picture,
We went to see Santa.

He happens to be at the mall when we were there.
Thank God, we caught up with him, especially with his schedule and all.

Tyler did very good with him,
I mean, when we were done, Santa’s suit was still velvet red.
Not like my shirt, with permanent white spots on the shoulder.

I am so happy, knowing that Tyler will get to grow up knowing that
Santa will come and visit our house, and give him his gifts.

When I was a kid, I had a hard time trying to figure out
how in the world is he going to get into our house in the Philippines.
Houses don’t have chimneys there.

My mother said he comes in through the windows.
I said, “No way!”
The windows were locked.
And we have window bars all over them.

Then she said,
“Sometimes, He just magically appears in your bedroom,
and puts the gifts under your bed.”

Now I am officially freaked out.

Either Santa is a ghost, appearing out of nowhere.
One Christmas night he would just appear in my room
and scare the bejeezuz out of me.

Or he’s got some training from Burglary academy.
Being able to break in and enter without you knowing.

You don’t want to see a fat guy in a suit, trying to pry open your window.

Well now we live in North America,
For sure he has to make a stop and give us something.
Not only because we have a chimney,
but also when we were at the mall,
I gave him “The Look”.

The look that says,
“I still haven’t forgotten.”
“Christmas 1981”
“I am still waiting for my train set.”

It opens today

Guess what opens on movie theaters today?
Oh yeah.

Lord of the Freakin’ Rings!!

I was hoping to finish the book before it came out,
but I never did.
Just got a little busy,
you know, having a baby and everything.

Now, our main problem is finding a babysitter,
so Tracy and I can go and see it.

No, wait! our real main problem is money.
It has been very tight since our family grew.
Priorities have changed dramatically.

Now we have “Family” money.

Before, Tracy and I have “Couple’s” money.

Which is cool, because you have two people making decisions,
Two people budgeting for both the present and the future.
And eventually, those decisions would lead to something good.

But Before “Couple’s” money,
I had “Single” money.

I got my money,
my single money.

You can do anything you want, with your “single” money.

Got all the DVD’s, Computer stuff, Electronic, Hi-fi,
Stereo Sound, Games, Tools, Accessories.

Oh yeah!

But then,

A week before Tyler was born,
I was looking at all my stuff.
My Dvd’s, My computers, My guitars,
My toys, My car.

and I said to myself..

I said “Self…”

That’s it….
That’s all you’re gonna have…

Because, the next thing you’re going to buy would be,

Baby toys, baby rattles, baby stuff, baby food
Baby entertainment,
Blues Clues, Sesame Street, Disney Movies,
Teletubbies, Winnie the Pooh and Tigger too.

Well, anyway,
What was I saying??
Oh yeah.
Sorry I got side tracked there.

I guess this is just a roundabout way of saying…


Oh well,
Back to reading the book

I am them

Isn’t it funny how when you were growing up,
You always found your Parent’s ways funny?
I mean, the way they do things.
The way they treated you.
The way they act.
And the solutions they have with just about every little problem around the house.

Then you always say,
When I become them, I would never do that.
Never. Ever.
I will do things differently.
I am a modern, sophisticated and refined person.

Then it happens.

You do one thing,
just that one thing.
That you realize, “OH MY GOD… I AM BECOMING THEM!”

Now let me prove my point.

Let’s start with Tracy.
We were at the mall not too long ago, with Tyler asleep in his stroller.
When Tracy realized that Tyler has some dirt smudged on his face.
Without skipping a beat.
Tracy reached for Tyler’s burp cloth, and wet it with her spit.
As she was wiping Tyler’s face, she looked at me,
Realizing what she had done.
As my mouth hung wide open, I think I heard the choir sang.
She knew, that moment had come.
She became her Mother.

Now, me.

Ever since we had Tyler,
I started to look at life at a different perspective.
Then I noticed each and every little thing that was wrong with the house.
“I need to get fire extinguishers.”
“Gotta get some more smoke alarms.”
“Insurance here, insurance there”.

I was as worried as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

and then…

I started running around the house, turning off lights.
Turned down the heat, trying to save money.
I told Tracy to just wear another sweater.
As I run outside to see the Meter,
Screaming… “Holy crap! This thing is spinning like a top!”
I gotta turn something off!!

I immediately became my Father.

Funny isn’t it?

Oh well,
As long as I don’t wear Plaid,
Or wrap our couch with plastic,
Or not having a nice morning glass of metamucil with our coffee.

I think we’ll be fine.

Ahhhhh. Finally.

Now that Tyler is here..
I have helped Tracy around the house…
Entertained her Mom, while she was here…
Projects around the house has been done (Most of it)…
I have overhauled this website…
Fed the baby…
Changed his diaper..
Walked the dog…
I think that’s about it..

I am ready to start my Vacation.
I don’t get back to work ’til the 29th of October.

And today’s date is…..

What the …..????????
Where the…..?????????
How did….?????????

New and Improved

As you have seen,
this site has a new interface.

It’s not really “NEW” and not really “IMPROVED”.
I just seem to have problems viewing it with IE6.

“Thanks Microsoft!”

Let me know if you like it or not.

Thanks to Guitar-art for the background images.

Also, it is not quite done yet,
so please bear with me.

My first lesson

We just had our first Doctor’s appointment yesterday.
Everything is going well.
Baby is healthy as can be.

Just one thing I learned so far,
Being a parent for 5 days.

Sleep deprivation is not cool.

But just one look at his face, and his mother’s,
It’s all worth it.

Tyler Austin


Born: Oct. 14, 2002 (Thanksgiving Day – Canada)
Time: 3:56 pm EST
Weight: 8. 49 lbs.
Length: 20 1/4 inches
Very Healthy

What a way to celebrate Thanksgiving.
I was in the delivery room the whole time.

No, I did not pass out.
I even cut the cord.
I was happier than a dog with two tails.

A big “Thank you” to all our friends and families.
And to all the amazing Hospital staff.

This is the reason why we are put to this world.

Praise God!

Still no baby

9 days late.

Now I am in “Panic” mode.
I was in “Frustrated” mode yesterday.

Tracy is on the list for “Induction”.
The hospital called us again for another “test”.
Since the baby is late, They need to make sure he is still doing fine.

They sent us home after that.
Which made everybody frustrated again, but happy that the baby is fine.
So we all went for dinner, and took out our frustrations on food.

I like food!!

Not Yet

Still no baby.
At least Tracy’s Mom is here.

Not only does Tracy feel happy,
But, I can be assured that someone will help my Mother,
in case I pass out in the delivery room.