Souvenir – Eric Johnson


It finally came today!!!
Souvenir – by Eric Johnson.
I ordered this CD about a week ago.
And it finally came today! Wooohoooo!!!!!

A compilation of his early recordings which truly deserves to be acknowledged.
Why? Because it’s brilliant!
From Blues Rock to Bluegrass to Jazz and a bit of Pop.

And of course, Eric’s (in)famous tone perfection.

It starts off with a slide guitar blues style called “Get to go”.
I just truly love the power on those Chords.
I have no idea where he comes up with them.

Then check out the Techno voice version of The Beatles’ “Paperback Writer”.
The first time I heard it, I am telling you
I loved it so much, I was frothing in the mouth.

And the reason I wanted this CD so bad is for the song “I’m finding you”.
This never fails to bring a tear in my eyes.

I first heard and saw him perform that song at
Austin City Limits, way back in the early 90’s (I think).
Then I have been looking for this song ever since.

I have checked and called all CD Stores here in Canada and the States.
I have emailed Austin City Limits, PBS Network, Guitar Magazine,
even left a message on Eric Johnson’s website.
I have also posted on message boards asking about the song, but to no avail.

My only solution was to play it on my guitar solely from memory.
And boy did it suck, but hey, I got my fix.

On the whole, I give this Album a perfect 10.
This CD is Beautificent!!

Thanks to Tracy for buying it for me!


So we were having fun strolling at the Ottawa Tulip Festival,
Taking some pictures, enjoying the flowers, minding our own business.
Tyler is 7 months today.

Then this guy came and approached us.
He had his own camera setup, with a tripod, lenses and everything.
He Looked like an amateur photographer.

He asked me what kind of digital camera I have.
So I said, Oh it’s a SONY DSC-P30.
An old model, I bought about a year and a half ago.

Then we talked about new Cameras, Mega Pixels,
Memory, Resolution and stuff.

Now I am not a professional Camera guy,
but I know what the terminologies are, because I got one
and I can carry out a pretty descent conversation.

Then he started telling me about the new ones,
features and what have you,
then he started giving me advice on where to get them.

He said,
“You know, you can get them pretty much cheap here.
The Canadian dollar is getting very strong,
Do not order one from the States.
You know those Bloodsuckers south of the border would charge you a lot.”

—at this point,
Tracy is getting Tyler situated in his stroller,
as I answered the guy back.

I said,
“Well with all the tax that they add here, wouldn’t it cost the same?”

He said,
“Yeah that’s right, but you don’t get ripped off with the shipping.
Those “bloodsuckers” down there will get you any way they can.”

–at this point,
I can hear Tracy’s neck creaking shaking from side to side.

Then I said,
“Well, we are from the States, and it would be easier for me to buy it down there.”
(in my most polite voice)

Now he immediately replied,
“Oh really?? where in the States??”

–at this point,
I can hear the embarrassment gargling inside his mouth.

I said,
“New York.”

Then he looked at Tyler, and said,
“Well, He’s a very good looking little boy.
You’ve done a pretty good job here, you should make one or two more.
Have a nice day!!”

–at this point,
I can hear Tracy snorting as she starts to push Tyler,
heading towards the chocolate fondue food stand.

and me?

I was like…



Moral of the story?
Do not expect everyone to think like you.
Oh! and keep your mouth shut.
(Attention: Canadian Ministers)

Check out the pictures under the Photos Menu

Punk Rock Baby

Oh My God!!!

I want this! I want this! I want this!
I want this! I want this! I want this!
I want this! I want this! I want this!


Everytime I put Tyler to sleep,
something would always happen.
Today was even extra annoying!

Last night, Tyler was sick, and he threw up twice.
And I mean, projectile-Exorcist-movie-style vomit.
He has been cranky all day, wiggles and squirms too.
Which makes him very very tired.
But, he is so curious of everything around him,
that he would do absolutely anything to keep himself awake.

Making him go to sleep, or even a nap is like
forcing a circle where a square should be.

So we work so hard to put him to sleep,
Tyler will fight it like a fly caught in a spider’s web
Once he gives in and falls asleep.
The phone would ring.
I mean every freakin’ time.

It’s like someone is doing a constant
surveillance on us,


Okay, the kid is asleep…
Now he is laying him down…
okay…okay… steady…..steady…
ready on the speed dial….



It never fails.

It’s either the phone,
or Nimbus would see his boyfriend Sparky outside,
Barking like crazy, wanting to smell his nuts.

Tracy and I almost lost it, and told everybody off.
She is tired, I am tired,
and Tyler is sick.

And to finish our night,
at around 8 o’ clock,
some guy from Bell Canada rang our doorbell.
(which drove the dog crazy and charged to the door, barking, slipping and sliding like a cartoon)
Then this guy is asking if we have internet
and if we would like to subscribe to Sympatico.

I mean come on!!!
8 o’ clock at night?
Tracy almost tore his head off.
I swear.

You know sometimes,
Tracy and I talk about other Parents, who have kids.
and how they deal with situations like this.
Or better yet,
Parent’s who have twins or triplets.

She said,
“You never hear about those people complaining.”

I said,
“Yes. That’s because I think they already killed themselves. “

I need some sleep.
Oh and a happy Cinco de Mayo!

Friday Five

Last Friday’s Friday Five.
Man, I suck!

1. Name one song you hate to admit you like.

— Girl I’m gonna miss you , by Milli Vannili
(Or was it them?)

2. Name two songs that always make you cry.

— Ikaw Lamang – by Zsa Zsa Padilla (Filipino Artist)
**this one always makes my eyes water whenever I play it at weddings.

— And, Count Your Blessings (From White Christmas),
**I am not sure who did this one, but it goes..
When I worry, and I can’t sleep
I count my blessings, instead of sheep.
I think it was sang by Ella Fitzgerald.

3. Name three songs that turn you on.

— I am a guy, I do not need any song to turn me on!

4. Name four songs that always make you feel good.

— Cliffs of Dover, by Eric Johnson,
— The Tempest, by Vinnie Moore
— You Give Love A Bad Name, by Bon Jovi
— Always With Me, Always With You, by Joe Satriani.
(Listen to my rendition of it in “Chorus”)

5. Name five songs you couldn’t ever do without.

— Any song by Eric Johnson, Paul Gilbert, Joe Satriani and Bon Jovi.

oops, I gave four artists instead.

Man, I suck.

Links for today:
How cool is this — Honda Ad
Who’s your celebrity match?? — Find out here.
I ended up with Tracy’s Favorite. (Julia Roberts)
I can’t wait to see X-men 2
(Cool Flash anim.)

I helped them win

Tonight, I helped the Ottawa Senators
win game 3 against the Flyers.

How did I do it?

During the crucial moment when they really need to score,
I switched to another channel.

Everytime I watch them, they lose.
You know why they lost Game 2? I watched the whole game.

I sometimes have to force myself to watch crappy tv shows like
Popstars or any reality show.

Hopefully, we get Game 4 too.
Let’s check the TV guide what else is on that day.

Ooohhhh! Scooby doo on The Movie Network.
If I was Shaggy.. I’ll be like – Zooiikkss!!


1. What was the last TV show you watched?

— Tech TV/Extended Play

2. What was the last thing you complained about?

— The Stickers that they stick on fruits. Sometimes I just don’t bother.

3. Who was the last person you complimented and what did you say?

— I complimented my ever loving Tracy for a nice, excellent meal she made me.

4. What was the last thing you threw away?

– It’s garbage day today, so I took them all out.
Oh and all the freakin’ flyers they stick in my mail box.

5. What was the last website (besides this one) that you visited?

— I want to make this site fully php.

But Maybe I should learn PHP first.

Starting something new

Now I am going to start something here.
I know it don’t matter much but it would be thought provoking.

Wednesday What If,
and Friday Five.

Basically, it’s just questions that’ll make one think.

You can email me what your answers are
and maybe I’ll post it up here.

Don’t worry,
Nobody reads this crap I write.

So here we go… I know it’s a day late, but what the heck.


1. What if you awoke one morning to discover that, overnight,
everyone else in the world had perished, leaving you to be the sole human on the planet?

— This question is not fair, Who will help me to reproduce and continue the Human Race?
Then I will go to the nearest Sony Store. Hahaha!!

2. What if you awoke one morning to find that, overnight, you’d transformed into a member
of the opposite gender (if you’re a guy, you woke up as a girl, and vice versa)?

–Now the common joker would probably answer this question with a sexual innuendo.
Not me!! If this happens, I would be like,

– On behalf of all womankind,
Enough with the commercials about our period and Sanitary Napkins and Tampax crap!
I think people know already that if a woman has her period,
she will go and get something for it.
You don’t see guys advertising about Jock itch!

3. What if you awoke one morning to find that you were living in the year 3003?

— I’ll be like, Dude, where’s my car?

4. What if you awoke one morning to the realization that you had somehow
lost all four of your limbs?

–I’ll be like, Oh Shit. My secret zones itch.

5. What if you awoke one morning to discover that everyone in the world
looked exactly the same… including you?

–I’ll be like, Hey Dude, what’s your name again??

Leave it to me to mess this questions up.

The Phase

I think my son is going through a phase.

It’s “Let’s see if Dad will kill himself if I don’t let him sleep” Phase.

I think I am still in the game.