Philippines Coup attempt

I guess everyone must have heard about the coup attempt in the Philippines,
to take down the current government.

The reason behind all of this?
They are sending out a message to the people about the massive corruption in the said government.

Now that’s great and all, and I too believe in their cause.

But everybody already knows that.
Not a single Filipino doesn’t know about the corruption, the sleaze and the dishonesty.
With the power of the Filipino tongue for gossip? Who wouldn’t hear about it?

The problem is, nobody has hard evidence.

What they should have done (or tried to do), was
Gather some proof, not just stories or whatever they have heard.
Then once they have some evidence and confirmation of it,
gather some higher authorities who they think can or will be able to do something.
If that was not successful, then by all means,
that is even more hard evidence to support their cause.

Taking over a Hotel, a Mall and having people as hostage would not solve anything.
These are military men.
They are supposed to be educated, and know that violence is not their priority.

Then they all surrendered Sunday,
which they could have just waited one more day so that everyone gets a day off Monday.
I know my friends back home would have loved that (and them for that matter).

Then something good and relevant would have come out from all of this mess.

I don’t know her, I swear!

While we were at the mall,
Tracy wanted to have an Iced cappuccino,
So being the nice gentleman that I am,
I said, “Suuurreeeeee. No problem.”

So I checked how much money I got in my wallet,
And I noticed some piece of paper, I did not recognize.

“Hey what is this?” I said out loud.
I opened it, and it was
A phone number,
with a girl’s name written below it.

So there I was, shocked and bewildered,
Now why would I have a girl’s phone number,
In my wallet, without me knowing who it was,
or how it got there.

Tracy, at this point, laughing hysterically,
giving me a hard time.

I said,
“I swear I don’t know who this is, and how it got here.”

Then I tried thinking.
Very hard.

Where and when was the last time I was alone?
Was I drunk? Impossible.
I don’t drink anymore.
Was I drugged?
Maybe I got date raped?
How come I don’t remember?
Well, where the hell did that number came from?

This time, I am pissed.

So Tracy and I agreed that we’ll call the number when we get home.
I would love to know who it was too.

So we called the number,
And all we got was a machine recording.
It was a guy.

Now I am even more puzzled and confused.
I have a guy’s number in my wallet.
Oh no!!!!
Even worse.

Maybe I did get date raped? Oh no!
Suddenly I felt the urge to shower.
And scrub hard.
Very hard.

We did not leave a message, but I did try to call it over and over again,
trying to remember who’s voice it was.

Nope. Tyrone has no clue.

So, I went to the web site and did a reverse lookup.
I type down the number and a name and an address showed up.

An Asian name.
Who lives downtown.
I still have no clue.

Then Tracy said,
“Hey didn’t that Asian people who used to cut your hair is located in that area downtown?”

“That’s right!!! They closed their business and gave me their number if ever
they would open up a new one.”

That’s right!!!!!!!!!
Now I remember.

Now Tracy is laughing even more hysterically.
She said.
“I am just giving you a hard time, I knew you wouldn’t be stupid enough
to flip that phone number in front of me.”
Plus, You can’t have any other woman.
You don’t have the time.”

You know what.
It’s true.
But I don’t really mean to.
No plans on having another woman.

Or man for that matter.


I am worth


Based on this site –> humanforsale
That is all fine and dandy, but I think I am worth more than that.
The test does not include any of my abilities,
Like, uhhh shall we say,

Oh okay, I got some,

1. I have been playing guitar since 1987.
(Though there hasn’t been much improvement.)

2. I made this website, that should count for something.

3. Have you ever known anyone who could change a baby’s diaper in 6.4 seconds?
(10.3 if you actually include cleaning the baby.)

4. I clean the house spotless!!

5. Okay, I don’t cook.. but I make a mean tater tot casserole.
(Thanks to Tracy)

6. I fix and network computers.
(I think.)

7. I understand subnetting”¦
(If Sylvain and Ray helps me out.)

8. Never had any speeding, nor parking ticket.

9. Never drives when drunk.
(At least never got caught.)

10. I can make most people laugh.

11. Usually they point at me and laugh

12. Heck, I make myself laugh

13. I kick ass on Tekken Tournament on Playstation2.
(Except when I play with my 10 year old niece Bea.)

14. I was pretty good in Basketball.
(Note on the word “WAS”)

15. The 80’s is permanently embossed in the way I dance.
(I don’t know if that was a good point.)

16. I am running out if ideas, I am gonna have to ask Tracy for more

17. Nope. not much help there.

18. ……… hmmmmm

Well”¦ I guess this is going nowhere, so I better end it.
Before I lose more value.

Anyway, here are some cool links for today.

Napster Lives — napsterbits
This is one wicked Pinball game — RapidMotion
I told you Linux is way better! — switchlinux
On a Dark Desert Highway. — Hotel California
Harry Potter Erotic twist — HP romance

Time flies fast

I posted some new pictures of Tyler.
He is already 9 months old.
Amazing how time flies.

I think it’s also mind boggling how much they grow and learn in a couple of months.
Think about it..
You ever remember when you were in school, and you cram in
so much information in your head?
Remember the headaches?
Feeling of exhaustion?

Kids absorb so much in a day, that you could only imagine
what goes on in their small head.

Well, besides I’m hungry,
It’s playtime,
I’m sleepy,
I need to poop.
I’ll pee when Daddy takes off my diaper,
If he feeds me that crap one more time, I won’t let him sleep,
Where’s my bottle?
I don’t care if it’s 3 in the morning.. it’s playtime again!!
Change me!
I’m bored with this toy.
Dance Puppet! Dance!
I need a hug,
I’m sleepy,
I want you to be close,
You make me feel safe,
You’re funny,
I love you.

It’s true

Eric, a friend of mine, once told me,

He finds it amazing that no matter
how bad the relationship is between a parent and their kids,
that once the parents meet their grandchildren,

their hearts would melt.
And everything is forgotten.

I believe this is true because I have seen it happen.
Many times, if I might add.

Now I also believe the feeling is mutual.
Because, whenever my Mom picks up Tyler,
And Tyler looks at her and smiles,
My heart does melt.

I think it’s Pride.

Either that or she fed me too much again.



Mobile Player here:

An acoustic rendition of the famous Styx song.

I have not played and recorded in a while.
I was actually really nervous doing this one.

Hope you like it.

Check this out!

and type in ” Weapons of Mass Destruction ” without the quotes.
then hit the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button.. and read carefully.

Funny huh?

Here are some Cool Links for today:

Let this guy move your browser. — Move
Addicting Dart Game — BullsEye Darts
The Snake Game in 3D — Snake3D
Another addicting game of Golf — Crazy Golf
Take a Virtual Tour of the Great Wall of China — Great Wall
Prepare to spend major time with this one — Bounce

That’s it for today.
I’ll save some for next time.

But what is this friendship thing?

You know I was doing some thinking.
What is this Philippine – American friendship day really?
It never meant much when I was a kid.
Why should it matter to me now?

I thank each and every Veteran who fought during the war,
so I can have my freedom, and be able to rant,
bitch and complain, whenever I want,
wherever I want, and however I need to do it.

But what is this friendship thing?

Are we Filipinos really in friends with Americans?
Okay, Tracy does not count, coz’ she makes me feel funny in my secret zones.
But, What does this friendship signify?

I know these won’t be interesting to most of you, but it is to me.

So I did some research.
You don’t have to go on.
Just click somewhere else if you please.
I may be right or wrong on this one, and if you don’t like it,
you have been asked not to continue.

What the hell am I saying?
Nobody reads this crap.

The day symbolizes our friendship with the United States,
when both Filipinos and Americans fought side by side to fight the invasion
of the Japanese in the Philippine Islands.

Led by General Douglas MaCarthur,
The Filipino and American Soldiers fought to their death against the Japanese Army,
with shortage of food, lack of supplies and inexperience.

Then current U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt’s priority was the European war,
and the Pacific war was unfortunately moved to the back burner.
He financed the war in Europe and discarded the East.

Even with these hindrances, Filipinos and Americans fought together,
and fought they did.

Bataan was the Philipines’ frontal defense against the Japanese,
and it was the very last to fall.

Gen. Macarthur was forced to leave the Philippines when it fell and go to Australia,
With a heavy heart, he left, with a promise of “I shall return”.

The “Battling Bastards of Bataan.”
(That’s what they called themselves
because they were all alone, abandoned, fighting with almost no hope.)

When Gen. Macarthur returned, with more reinforcements, hope and determination.
The Japanese army fell, and victory was achieved in Philippine soil.

More than 60,000 American soldiers died,
and more than 1 million Filipino Soldiers perished.

What a history, and I am proud of it.

Philippine Independence day is June 12,
and July 4 is Philippine-American Friendship day.
Because, we will never forget how our friends fought and died with us,
in time of need.

So, I did more reading.

Today, Why is it that a Filipino has to go through painstaking paperwork and scrutiny,
when they attempt to enter the United States? (With a lot of them, denied.)
And Japan has an agreement with the U.S, that any of it’s citizen
can enter for 90 days without question?

Why does a Filipino War Veteran gets US$440 government grant, and
an American War Veteran gets US$1200 ?
And it even took more than 50 years for this to be approved.
Maybe this has changed but nevertheless, my question still remains.

Or should the Philippine government give something back to the American Veterans?
I don’t know,
Maybe a couple of thousand pesos for their inconvenience,
and a free subscription to the Phillipine Daily Newspaper?

And is it true, most Americans can not even point the Philippines on the World Map?
Okay maybe that’s an unfair statement.
Most of them can’t even point other States on the Map.
Wait, me neither.

But what do I know?
I was born way after the war.
I got it easy.
Everything has been given to me “free.”
I did not have to fight for anything,
I was born free.
And I mean, free that I can choose wherever I want to live,
choose how am I going to live,
and not to fear these choices.

One thing I do know.
And I know this is true, because I read it in a Fortune Cookie once,

Men are equal; it is not birth but virtue that makes the difference.
Voltaire (1694 – 1778)

Oh.. and I read to much.

4th of July

Click On the Black Box and Enjoy!

Happy 4th of July to my peeps in the States and
Happy Phil – Am Friendship Day to my Amigos in the Philippines