Did you know?

Did you know?
If you sell your car privately in Ontario,
The buyer has to pay the government sales tax?

Correct me if I am incorrect,
but didn’t I already pay tax on it when I bought it?

Isn’t that just ridiculous?
A friend of mine told me that,
once he saw a special investigative report on TV,
and they followed the life of a car,
from the day it left the factory,
until it reached the junk yard.

This was done sometime in the early 70’s,
and the total TAX that the government took from that car,
being sold, and re-sold, was almost $12,000.

That’s almost another car!!!!!!!!

You got to love that huh?

A dream

The other night I had a dream.
It was all kinda blurry,
but one thing I do remember,

I was in a restaurant, having dinner with people I don’t even know.

I was feeling kinda bummed out about everything.
You know, just one of those feelings where,
nothing ever goes right
and something always seem to turn out wrong.

I always thought that life wasn’t fair,
and it just seems that you go through life more frustrated.

So, in my dream, I went to the restaurant’s washroom for a tinkle.
As I do my business, looking down (as you do),
I heard these two men enter.

The first guy was assisting the other, holding his arm.
And then I recognized who the other person was.

Out of excitement, I shouted “T-BONE?” “T-BONE WALKER?”

T-Bone Walker, The Godfather of Blues.

I am not very familiar with his songs,
but I know him from my guitar magazine collections.

He said, “Yup. you got that right, sonny boy. I don’t get recognized that often.”

As he uses the urinal beside me,
(and I did not mind the “One urinal space rule” between men in the washroom)

I said, “Are you kidding? you are one of the pioneers of Blues guitar!”

He smiled, and said,
“You know, I did not make it rich, or very popular.
The benefits of my career are far long gone.
But one thing I should tell you,
It was one hell of a ride. Oh yeah, I lived it to the fullest.
I am very happy. No regrets.
You gotta live it too.”

Then he smiled, and left.
Then I woke up.

How bizzare was that?
And why T-Bone Walker?

Then I realized, that when I write an email to my friends,
I sometimes sign it as TBONE, or TMAN.

And what an advice.
I guess someone, or something is trying to send me a message.

“Life” is what you make it.
No one is going to live it for you.

But you know what really made me happy?
As much as I was amazed that T-Bone Walker talked to me,
Good thing we didn’t shake hands.

“Let your hair down, baby, let’s have a natural ball/
‘Cause when you ain’t happy, life ain’t no fun at all.”
– T-Bone Walker, “T-Bone Shuffle”

Nothing is all wrong

So the power is back up.
And we are seeing the crisis on TV for the first time.
Wow, Here I am complaining about the inconvenience,
when thousands of people are in much worse situations.

But what bothers me is that some people, who did not go through this ordeal,
Has the guts to rub it in, like the bastards that they are.

Just like this guy from Quebec, called in on a radio station,
“Well, I am enjoying all the lights around me,
and I am glad I went to the gas station before
all the people from Ontario came here”.

And this other guy who boasted about his 5,000 Watt generator, that he bought,
And announces how he enjoys his air conditioned home,
with food to eat, and a nice comfortable bed to sleep in.

Come on, do you really have to do that?

So anyway,
since the power was back on, I thought, I could go abouts my normal life.

I tried to go and have my windshield repaired,
I called the repair place and told them about my car and asked them how much it would cost,
So they said:
“Even though you will try to claim it on your insurance,
you still need to come up with $300 for
the deductible, then we bill your insurance the rest.”

Fine, since I am selling my car, I need to get this done.

But as I got to the bank machine, They were all closed, due to yesterday’s
power failure.
So I went inside, and this guy stopped me like I was the Unabomber,
He said,
“What transactions are you going to do Sir?
All we could do are deposits and Withdrawals.”

I thought, “Well that’s good, because you are a bank. That’s what banks do.”

So I went in and hoping all would go well inside,
As the Bank teller asks me, “Can I help you Sir?”
I said “Yes, I need to withdraw $300 please.”
“Oh, I am sorry Sir, we could only give out $200.” She answered.

Oh man, I thought I was going to lose it right there.

So she recommended that I go to their other branch which was
miles away to get that extra $100.
So the fool that I am, I was like,
“Sure, as my trip there alone would cost me $100 in gas
Not to mention a whole new break job for all the stop lights are still flashing red”.

But when I was driving, I noticed that most of the stoplights were not working,
So I thought I’d be smart to just go home, and just do this some other day.
I got home, and called the repair shop and asked them if they were open tomorrow (Saturday)
and told them my predicament.

The Guy said, “Really?
I was just at another bank and I had no problems.”

Since I really wanted to get this done, I asked him where it was,
and I surely went there, and I was able to get enough money.

So I drive to the repair shop, and told them:
“Hi, I just called a while ago about the windshield on my car.”
They said,
“Oh yeah, but I have none of that windshield in stock,
come back on Monday or Tuesday.”

As I literally feel my hair falling out from stress,
I just clenched my fist, and went straight home.

Now I have made this conclusion,
With the cascading effect of my bad luck,
it only means my life is back to normal.

And another thing I realized,
There is always something good that happens in a day.

Today, Tyler is 10 months and 1 day old,
He started walking.
On his own,

Makes me feel proud.

Nothing is all wrong.
Even a clock that has stopped running is right
twice a day. ~~ Anonymous

Power Blackout

You have a Power Blackout Story?
Where were you when the lights went out?

As you all know, most of Northeastern U.S and Ontario Canada,
had a power blackout that lasted for hours.

The Great Power Blackout.
The Power Crisis.
The Eastern Interconnect Grid Failure.

Great names!

Back home in Manila,
We call it,
“Daily Routine”

Come to think of it,
I had most of my guitar training whenever there was a power outage back home.
Me and my cousins would grab our guitars and sit by our fence, facing the river.
My uncle with his nightly coffee, singing with us.
Then when the power comes back on,
Everybody would shout,
“May Kuryente na!!” (The power’s back),
Then we would all rush inside and have a snack.
(sighs) Good times. Good times.

Yesterday was a crazy day for us too,
on top of us, hating the power blackout.

First, since we are having some relocation issues,
our dog has to stay with a different family,
which pretty much bummed us, for days.

Then while we were driving,
Of course it was pretty stressful since none of the traffic lights were working,
Tracy noticed a huge crack on my windshield.
I didn’t even notice.
I heard a crack while I was driving a couple of days ago,
But I thought it was just a small ding.

Why did this happen?
I’ll tell you why.
Because I am going to sell my car. (Another relocation issue)
And I am trying to get it certified.
Since money is pretty tight,
My freakin’ bad luck struck again,
Pointing at me and laughing.
“Selling your car eh? Take this !!!! Bwahahhahaaaa!!”

So that bummed me out even more.

Then when we got home,
Tyler was so fussy,
Because it was hot, and he’s very sleepy.
We opened all the windows, trying to get him to sleep.
But nooooo, of course all our neighbors,
Decided to have a barbecue party at 10:30 at night,
With all their kids screaming, running around like always,
Bouncing their basketballs, shooting their water guns,

So it’s either I go out there and slap them until next payday,
I just played it cool and gave them the “eye”,
while closing the windows,
shaking my head.

As I do this, one of the Mother’s saw me, (The nosey one”¦ oh wait, they all are),
And she said a loud “Hello” with an enthusiastic face.

Since, I’m a nice guy, I didn’t tell her what I was really thinking.
All I said, was “I have to close the windows, We’re trying to get my son to sleep”.
Then she just looked away from me, pretending she didn’t hear a word I said.

What I was really thinking was,
“Why don’t all of you, and your “tard” kids shut the hell up!
Now we have to close our windows and suffer the heat, because you inconsiderate
orcs won’t shut your mouths!!

Good thing I only thought of it.

I better be careful, sometimes I can feel it about to leave my mouth.

Building a new one

The Songs, Photos and other images won’t be working,
until I build myself a new Web Server. (Linux Preferably)

Plus we are relocating, so not until then will I have most of the stuff here up again.
Though I will still have the “AdLib” updated.

What happened to my Web Server?
I’m giving that Computer to my Mom.
She needs to be plugged in and be on the Web.

Note to self:
Delete all “anomalies” from that pc.

Here are some cool links:

Wicked Soccer game. — SoccerPong
Workplace Board Game — Board (Bored?) Game.
New and Improved Online Dj MIx — PianoGraphique
Take a Virtual Tour of The Simpson’s home. — The Simpson’s home

I just find it weird

I just find it weird that
when I went to get a stress test at the hospital today,
they asked me if I would like to participate in a new research they were conducting.

So I said, “What are you gonna do?”

They said, “Oh we would just take some extra photos which will be no longer
than 12 minutes.”

“Fine by me.” I said promptly.
“Great.” they said, as they present me with a whole bunch of consent forms to sign.

When that was done, nobody told me about how
they are going to sandpaper my skin where they would put the electrodes.
And they use those rough construction drywall sandpaper type
just to make sure the glue on the electrodes would stick.

I don’t care what you say, but that thing hurts.
Not only does it hurt, it also stings when you take a shower.

And the nurse lady that did it, I believe had a thing with sanding.
She sandpapered my skin like she was trying to scrape out the SARS virus.

Then she would ask, “How are you feeling Sir?”

“I am quite alright, considering you managed to erase all my moles and scraped off my nipple!!”

Guess what woke us up again today?

Guess what woke us up again today?

For the love of God, how many times do you have to cut the grass?
And does it have to be done at 6 freakin’ thirty in the morning??
Just extract the whole thing and get it over with!!!

That is it!
I’ve had it.
The cup is full.

How dare they insinuate that I have the audacity to tolerate such
diabolical insolence from a scrap of humanity such as this populace,
If they refuse to discontinue pestering me,
I will be forced to summon all of the powers
of my intellectual ability to pulverize them into smithereens”¦

In other words”¦

I am writing a letter of complaint.

Ahh! crap, what am I saying.
I have no time to do that.

Anyway, Here are some cool links, to waste some time.

Test your senses — Sense Challenge
Watch “The Two Towers” stick version — The Two Towers
Tone and Sustain, have, you must — Star Wars Guitar
Be a better Driver — Driving lessons

I am going to lose it!

If I get waken up by these 7 am lawnmowing shitheads again,
I am gonna lose it.

Not only that.. they all keep coming back the whole day”¦

There’s the pre-lawnmowing shithead that conditions the lawn,
then the big ass machine lawnmowing shithead,
then there’s the medium sized machine that takes care of the ones the big one didn’t see,
then there’s the handheld rotor mowing shithead, who comes and cuts the corners,
then the poopoohead who comes with a windblower who attempts to clean up the mess.
They do this the whole day. Repeatedly.

What I hate the most?
Apparently, they all know when Tyler is taking a nap.
Then they all come around, along with the kids in our neighborhood,
whose sole means of communication is to scream their ass away
until they blow out their o-ring.

Then the other night, a couple of teenagers pass by at 3 in the morning,
screaming like they were being chased by a knife,
which at that moment, I wished I did.

Oh man”¦ When is this going to end????

Neo, if you’re out there, I could use some help!!!!!
Bring Trinity with you just in case.

What’s the big deal?

What is the big deal about “Same Sex Marriages?”
What is it that makes people uncomfortable about this topic?

What, we don’t want to offend anybody?
Homosexual people have rights too?
It’s not traditional?
The Church won’t allow it?
Because Bush said so?

That’s not it.
Let me tell you what the big deal is.

It’s not their rights.
It’s not their feelings.
It’s not religion.

The real reason why this issue is so taboo,
Is because of what goes on in their bedroom.
That’s it.
There, I’ve said it.

People imagine strange things happen in there, that they always shrug it off,
Because they don’t really want to admit that
they are thinking about two gay people having sex.
Let them be,
Let them show their love for each other.

Funny thing is,
I know (and heard) that weird things also happen inside a heterosexual couple’s bedroom.
But fine.
Let them be as well.
Let them show their love for each other too.
Sometimes they love each other too much that
you would hear how much they hit and abuse their wives on the news.
You hear about genitals being cut.
Even worse, murder.

Divorce, Infidelity, Adultery, Pre-Nuptials, Money, Lawsuits, Alimony.

Let those people who want to get married, based on LOVE, be joined as one.
Let them be.
That’s their choice.

And if the Church is against it.
Let them be.
That’s the other choice.

Tracy’s Mom told us about this new Movie Theater they went to where they live.

In this theater, there was a 37′ x 16′ big screen,
A full bar at the entrance,
La-z-boys for all the chairs,
where there is this red button on the armrest,
which when pressed, a waitress would come to serve you,
where you can order a full meal.
At 8:00 pm, no minors would be allowed, for they start to serve alcohol.

All of this while you enjoy the movie.

Now what’s wrong with this besides there is not one here?

They should also offer a full service massage.
Oh yeah, and a ride home.