Changing Stuff

Trying to make some changes here.

A lot has happened since this
I figured it is time to update most of this site’s content.

The “GEAR” section is out, since it doesn’t really serve a purpose.
The section for the “FTP” is out, since I don’t host this site anymore.
(maybe someday I would again and I’ll bring it back.)

And a big update on the “FADEOUT“.
(Plus isn’t that a good picture of me and my son?)

So anyway, I’ve got tons of ideas for this site,
but I am not saying that I will implement them soon.
If there are stuff that you think I should change,
please let me know.
(yes, the three of you who reads this crap).

Here are a couple of cool links to waste some time.
(Or another excuse for me to slack off again.)

Man, do I ever wish I could play guitar like this —> Justin King
A true test for fast typers —> Letters
You kill me Mr. Miyagi —> FlySui
Good thing she used her brains —> Blonde Brains
He’s not racist. He hates us all equally! —> Wounded Klansman

December already?

The season to be jolly has arrived.
Time to Deck the Halls.
Fa la la la la.. la la la la.

I wish I have Tracy’s stamina when it comes to Christmas shopping.
One thing I love about that woman is that she hates crowded clusterwhacked places like I do.
So she starts her Christmas shopping early.

Not me.
I am doing mine at Dec. 24. 11:00 PM
at the 24 hour WalMart.

So I don’t have to deal with the following:

  • Traffic.
  • Rude drivers who don’t use their turn signals.
  • Never ending search for a parking spot.
  • People who would knock you down in a heartbeat just to get their hands on a $29 DVD player.
  • People who don’t know how to say excuse me.
  • Inconsiderate jerks who don’t care that you have a baby with you.
  • Cell phone yacking dimwits.
  • The overhead P.A. system announcement which would blow your eardrums away.
    And they announce something every 5 seconds.
  • Long lines at the checkout.
  • The guy who sighs every 5 seconds at the checkout line because he has to wait and it messed up his schedule like he’s got somewhere important to go, then looks at his watch, and yacks on his cellphone.

And do you ever notice that something always happen at the cash right before your turn?
Like, the cash machine would break down, or the person in front of you would argue about something,
Or picked up an item without a tag so the teller has to announce it over the P.A.

And don’t you ever notice that people follow you everywhere at the store?
You know what I mean?
Like, when you are looking at something, and there would be no one around you,
For sure, after 10 seconds, hordes of people would be gathering around you,

looking at the same thing, or something by the aisle you’re in.


Or you would be going to a store, and there would be no one there,
seconds later, everyone and their cow would be there too.
Like someone announced over the P.A.:
“Attention shoppers,
Tyrone has just entered the Pottery Barn,
let us all barge in and annoy him. Thank you.
Don’t all go in at once. We don’t want to surprise him.”

I also hate it when people walk slowly and they totally block the whole aisle.
Oblivious to the fact that there might be people behind them
who would want to get on with their lives.

Also people who takes forever to order at the food court.
The menu has not changed in years people!!!!!!
They are all numbered and in combos to make it even easier for you!!!

What is the deal????

Okay, I better stop here.

I am trying to avoid checking myself in for Anger Management classes.

Now, what was I saying?
Oh yeah.

‘Tis the season to be jolly,
fa la la la la.. la la.. la “¦. Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”¦..

Can’t you just feel the spirit of Christmas?


Since it’s my first American Thanksgiving, I asked Tracy what is a typical rundown of this special holiday.
And I did learn something.

First, everybody has to brave the agony of travel stress, the day before.
Then come morning, everybody wakes up to the beautiful sights, sounds and colors of the
Macy’s Day Parade. A display of amazing and inspiring floats that parades through New York city streets.
This year there is a very special addition to the big beautiful balloons and floats,
The winner of American Idol, Ruben.

Then all the women of the house stay in the kitchen and prepare the feast,
while all the men, do whatever they want to do.
Watch TV, Football, Car races, or whatever is on.

Then everybody stuff themselves with the most amazing
gut-popping, artery-clogging, belt-unbuttoning feast of food that they can consume,
and in the end, Men go back to watching TV, while the women clean up and share stories
or gossips, or whatever happens in there, I don’t know.

Then every one would have leftover turkey for lunch the next day.
Which is fine.
Until say about Sunday, where everybody says the exact same thing:
“If I ever eat any more of this Turkey, I will lose my mind!!!”

So anyways, somewhere in all of this, I learned one thing.
The reason why Men don’t help Women in the kitchen is because
If we were in there, there would be no more food left for the actual celebration.

Oh, and I hope somewhere, somehow,
Everybody was able to squeeze in a little prayer, for the things we are truly thankful for.

Thank you God, I don’t have to eat Turkey again for a whole year!

I can not explain

“He’s out of Danger,
You can stop worrying now.”

These were the words I had hoped for these past few days.
And today, I finally heard them.

A couple of days ago,
My cousin and his wife were accidentally hit by a stray bullet
back home in the Philippines, while waiting for the bus.

I can not explain the feeling of worry and helplessness,
while dreading the next phone call I might receive would be what I fear.

I can not explain the panic I had,
As I try to figure out his condition
while talking to the nurses in the ICU.

I can not explain how I endlessly search for a news report online,
Hoping to find clues on how, what, when and where it happened,
And who’s responsible,
but in a way,
A part of me would rather not see or read anything about it,
Since it will re surface my anger, worries and fears.

I can not explain how distressing it is that,
This happened because someone had easy access to guns and ammunitions.

I can not explain why bad things happen to good people.

I can not explain how I feel that,
Even though how many times I pray, I feel I am not being heard.

And since hearing that my cousin and his wife are doing better now.

I can not explain how grateful I am to the Doctors and Nurses.

I can not explain how much I would like to thank their friends
who willingly volunteered to donate blood
And being by their side.

I can not explain how lucky we are, to have those good Samaritans
Who brought them to the hospital.

I can not explain,
How wrong it is for me to doubt the power of prayer.

And since hearing those words, that I need not worry anymore,

I can not explain why I still do.

New Title

From this day forth,
I will no longer be referred to as a Stay-At-Home Dad.
I shall be known as a .. (trumpet fanfare sound)

Domestic Engineer.

This job description clearly states the reason behind this change of title,

* Calculation and management of time, to perform domestic duties safely and effectively.

* Assess and survey the premises for safety hazards and the prevention of child choking emergencies.

* Providing of nourishment by mathematically integrating the exact ratio and proportion between water and formula within the proper temperature.

* Waste disposal management.

* On-Call duties to be performed at variable times whenever the client wakes up in the middle of the night, hungry or just for re assurance.

* And to top it off, supplier of entertainment.

Pretty cool huh?

—– That last one is the hardest, since that “peek-a-boo” trick isn’t cutting it anymore.

Something is bugging me

For at least a good couple of months now,
Something has been bothering me and I can’t quite keep my finger on it.

Every time I try to see what time it is,
(Okay maybe most of the time)
The time will always have an “11”
it doesn’t matter what the hour was,
the minute will always be “11”

I don’t know why,
I don’t know how.

It goes even further than that.

Sometimes I am drawn to it.
Like there would be no reason for me to look at the clock,
But it will grab my attention and I end up noticing it.
We would be driving and I would try to change the station on the radio,
When I suddenly notice the time.
With the minute on “11”

I would walk by the kitchen
and notice the time on the Microwave panel.
With the minute on “11”

I would ask Tracy what time it is,
Since the alarm clock is on her side of the bed,
With the minute on “11”

I would play Tyler his Sesame Street DVD,
And the counter while it plays,
Would suddenly grab my attention,
With the number “11” flashing on the Elapsed playtime.

I would be on my Computer,
And for no reason at all,
I would suddenly glance at the time on the right side of the Taskbar,
With the minute on “11”

I know I am getting a little bit paranoid.
No it’s not paranoia,
I think it’s more of an annoyance.
Honestly I am getting irritated at it.

What aggravates me the most is when I see it as “11:11”
Or worse “¦ “9:11”.

What does it mean?
Is it an omen?
I have no clue.

And today,
Since it’s November 11. (11/11)

I am staying at home.
I will not do any thing.
Not even shower.

Okay maybe at midnight.

A month after

We have been here in Sunny Florida for a month now,
And I am beginning to miss Canada.

I miss the feeling of going outside at 2 in the morning and still feel safe.
I miss the fast and exciting world of hockey.
I miss the way I get myself ready to go out in a blizzard,
with 3 layers of coats and socks, just to get the mail.

Not to mention driving in freezing rain.
The thump of my butt when I slip and hit the ground.

Yes, yes. I miss it all.

So as I live my life here, I try to make the most out of it,
Trying to remind myself of back home.

I try to keep up with the hockey team standings.
Believe me, finding hockey stuff here is like looking for Nemo.

I go to the grocery store and see some Canadian Beers.
Which is sad in a way because, I can’t drink beer anymore.

And what a surprise it was when I saw the one thing that could bring back Canada to me,

Canada Dry Ginger Ale, the champagne of all ginger ales.


Wait a minute.
What is this???…….

Caffeine Free???????


(Close up shot of Tyrone’s face…Pan out shot of the Grocery Store…
the neighborhood….the City…with pigeons flying away disturbed..
To the Country…to the Earth…..still hearing the scream of anguish….)

Why… oh why???


Our first American Halloween.

Quite weird for me, as I have said,
We really do not have Halloween back in the Philippines. (see adlib Oct 31. 2001)
And in Canada, you got to find a costume that will fit over your coat.

It is really a big deal here in the States,
Everybody just greets you like it’s a major holiday.

Happy Halloween to all,
And enjoy this day of tooth decay.

Now I know I live in the States 2

Now I know I live in the States
Thoughts and observations #2


God Bless American Television.

I guess I won’t be seeing French TV Stations anymore.
All English Channels.
All the time.

Wait a minute”¦
What is this?



I guess I spoke too soon.
I hope they got “Bleu Nuit” in Spanish.

The pweor of the hmuan mnid.

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,
it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are,
the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae.
The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm.
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef,
but the wrod as a wlohe.

Fcuknig amzanig huh?

Now hree are smoe gerat lnkis:

80’s arcade games are the shiznit! — 80’s Games
Here fishy fishy fishy! — Fish Flash
Why spend 9 bucks to see a movie? — Movie