Why Worry?

I received this forwarded email from a friend.

Why Worry?

There are only two things in life to worry about:
Whether you are well,
or whether you are sick.

If you are well,

then there is nothing to worry about.

But if you are sick,
there are only two things to worry about:

Whether you are going to get well,
or whether you are going to die.

If you get well,
then there is nothing to worry about.

But if you die,
there are only two things to worry about:

Whether you are going to go to heaven

or whether you are going to go to hell.

If you go to heaven,
then you have nothing to worry about.

But if you go to hell,
you’ll be so busy shaking hands with all your friends,

that you won’t have time to worry!

So, Why Worry?
Be Happy.

Now what I am really worrying about now is:

If I don’t forward this to 10 of my friends,
within the next hour,
I’ll have bad luck for a year.

I don’t have 10 friends.

Maybe I’m exempt.

Maybe it’s just me

We spent most of our days in Canada without a Family Doctor.
Everyone knows that Medicare is free up there.
Well, not really “free”.
I believe it’s being taken somewhere from the 900% tax we got.

Now, We did try to have a family Doctor.
Especially after Tyler was born.
And tried we did.

Not one Doctor was taking any patients.

The Medical shortage was taking it’s toll.

We were told to check this website – CPSO
And look for a Physician.
So we did,
But even though we called each and every one of them,
The answer we got still ended up in frustration.

It’s also annoying when something happens, and you need to see a Doctor,

Either you go the the Emergency or you go to a Walk-in Clinic.
Either way, you spend a minimum of 5 hours in the waiting area.
Then when it’s finally your turn, they ask you who’s your family doctor,
And it’s like it’s your fault when you tell them you don’t have one.

Quite maddening, really.

So now we live in the States,
I am quite apprehensive on how to deal with the Medicare down here.
Even though I dislike the Canadian Health Care system,

I am still glad that I can go and get looked at
without any money in my pocket. (after hours of waiting)

So anyway, our priority for now is to get Tyler a Pediatrician,
And Tracy acquired this long list of them from the phone book.
Called the very first one Doctor closest to us.
And next thing you know,
We have an appointment on Tuesday.

That easy.

Last thing I heard.
Both Canada and the U.S. are both in Medical shortage.
Except one is doing something about it.

I don’t know.
Maybe it’s just me.

New Windows Version

Windows 9x: n. 32 bit extensions and a graphical
shell for a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit operating system
originally coded for a 4 bit microprocessor, written
by a 2 bit company that can’t stand 1 bit of competition.

Now Presenting…..

WINDOWS RG (Really Good Version)

Click here for a demo. —> WindowsRG

Make sure you try everything.

Wasn’t last week a crazy one?

Steve Irwin shows off by endangering his 1 month old son.
— I hope your son does the exact same thing to you when he’s the Croc hunter and you’re a 75 year old, invalid, Croc of crap.

Britney Spears got married and had the marriage annulled right away.
— The whole world gets a sigh of relief. Phew!
That poor guy must have been traumatized.

NASA‘s Rover lands on Mars.
— Should I be proud to say that I am excited about this news?
This has to be the coolest news ever!

Japanese researchers say that the action of peeling fruit, enhances a portion of the brain.
— I know what that portion is called.
It’s called the portion where you think to yourself,
“I hate to have to peel this fruit, I am freaking hungry” .. Geez!
Oh yeah, by the way, still no cure for Cancer.

New Osama Bin Laden tape received.
— With all these tapes of him being sent in.
Maybe it’s an audition tape for another one of those Reality TV Shows.

And that’s just the first week of the Year.
Fun times ahead huh?

The secret

3 pounds bone-in chicken pieces, skin removed.
1 can condensed cream of chicken with herbs soup.
4 sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into ½ inches.
1 package stuffing mix for chicken.
1 ¼ cups water.
¼ cup of margarine, melted.
1 cup frozen cut green beans.


Chicken, Stuffing and Sweet Potato Dinner.

Why is this special?
Because I made it.
And it’s good.

Tracy knows I can’t cook.
Now the secret is out.

Foiled again.

I hate you Betty Crocker!!!
You and Martha Stewart can burn in hell!


After reading all my 2003 posts,
Last year was a big year for us.

Especially with the big move down south.
It’s funny how this adlib, became my Year in Review.
I don’t need no CNN.

I also did not make any resolutions this year.
So, I must say, I am doing good so far.

Am I the only one who enters the New Year
with more worries than last year?

Maybe it’s just me?

What do I know.
I am just a guy with a website.


Let me explain to you
how it sounds like
this Christmas
in the Martell residence.

Imagine yourself inside a metal container.
With 300 toys,
beeping and flashing and tooting and
screaming and screeching and squealing and
blaring and blasting and racketing and
clattering and clamoring and humming and
thuding and reverberating and resonating and
jingling and echoing and ringing and
tinkling and rattling and clinking and
clanking and chinking and jangling and …

you get the picture.

..and not to mention Tyler’s toys.

Happy Holidays to all!!

and a Happy Birthday to the Big Boss up there!


Tyrone: OH MY GOD!! What are we gonna do???
Tracy: Don’t Panic!! Let’s think of a plan!

Tyrone: I am soooo gonna lose it if we don’t get to!!
Tracy: Shhhhh!! Let me think!!

Tyrone: Is there a place where we could go?
Would there be a perfect time to do it?
What are we gonna do with Tyler?
Oh my god my head is aching!!!
Tracy: Shut up!!!! I am thinking!!!

Tyrone: OH GOD HELP US!!!
Tracy: Seriously you are not helping!!!!

Tyrone: Sorry,.. How about we go and do it while he is asleep?
Maybe he wouldn’t wake up with all the noise?
Tracy: Nahh.. too risky. Maybe you should go while I hold him.
Then I would go while you watch him.

Tyrone: Noooo!!.. That would take hours!!!
I would want to enjoy this with you!
Tracy: I know! Me too.. Why don’t you come up with a plan!

Tyrone: (shuts eyes) C’mon…..think!!!
Tracy: Oh god, this is so not funny!! We need to do this!!!

Tyrone: The only choice we have is to wait.
Tracy: Wait for what?

Wait for “The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King” to come out on DVD.

It comes out on theaters today!!!!!!

Having a baby really does change your life.

Check this out!

and type in ” miserable failurewithout the quotes,
then click on the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button.

Isn’t that the funniest thing?

Man, you just can’t make this stuff up.

The “11” dilemma

Since last month’s post,
I must have seen this annoyance a thousand times.

Why is it that I always see the number “11” ?

I would enter the bedroom, all dark,
and the clock would have the minute on what? …“11”.

I would warm up my lunch in the microwave, leave it and come back.
But I always end up coming back to check it
with how many seconds left?…“11”.

I would check out what program would come on
after the show I am watching on the dishnetwork,
And the guide would tell me that there are “11” minutes left
before the next one starts.

The most comfortable volume level on our car radio is at ..
.. what else? “11”.

The nearest mall from our house is just about ..
ooohh.. “11” miles.

Good thing that we did not go out today because,
Hey!!, What’s today’s date?….The “11th”.

Even Tracy is starting to notice my predicament.

Does anybody know what the deal is?
Should I be worried?
Is it some sign?
Is it a glitch in the matrix?

Neo!! I am telling you!!!
Quit clowning around and help me!

Here are some cool links to take our minds off of this crap.

Oh how I wish I could shoot that dog! –> Duck Hunt
Check out the Astronomy Picture of the day –> Nasa.gov
How about a view of the Earth? –> The Living Planet
To my fellow computer geeks –> Casemods
This would have been cool if it was actually synched –> Virtual Drums