11 de Marzo

You know what I hate about these terrorisms?
You know what it is?

It’s a “Sucker Punch.”

And you know who does “Sucker Punches?”


“Eternal rest, grant unto them, Oh Lord.
And let your perpetual Light shine upon them.”

Here’s another proof of yesterday’s post.

Sometime in September of last year,
We visited Tracy’s folks down in Kansas.

We drove around,
seeing new sights,
enjoying the sceneries.

Road trips tend to take it’s toll.
And somewhere, somehow,
When you gotta go,
You really have to go.

So I asked Tracy’s Mom if there would be any washrooms nearby.
(“Restrooms” as they are called here in the States.)

So her sweet Mother, pulled over to this convenience store in the middle of nowhere,
And told me to go in there and use theirs.

So I did.

I asked the Lady who was standing on the other side of the counter,
if I could use the restroom. Politely.

She grinned, sighed, and rudely told me:
“Ugh!, It’s only for customer use.”

I said, “You mean, I have to buy something before I could use it?”

“Well, Of course!” She answered swiftly.

So, I tried to be smart and quickly thought of the cheapest thing I could buy.
“I’ll take a pack of gum then please.” I said proudly.

“That’ll be $1.99”, as she pressed the cash register.

“Two dollars?” I shrieked.
I thought I peed right then and there.

“Uh huh!” She said with a hint of victory on her tone.

“Fine then.” I whispered.

Accepting my defeat,
I handed her my two dollars,
put the gum in my pocket and hurriedly used the restroom.

I go back to the car, and told everyone that it cost me 2 dollars
to pee in that little store.

Then it hit me,
I realized what I had done.

I politely did what I was told,
and used the facilities like a normal, decent human being.

What I should have done,

Was to pee all over the floors,
Smear soap all over the walls,
Leave the faucet running,
Spit on the mirrors
And throw the toilet paper roll in the toilet bowl.

That would have been cool!
That would have been 2 dollars worth.

But I didn’t.
Because I am a nice guy.

I therefore conclude, that I am a nice guy.

Why do I say this?

While I was up there in Canada,
I have to go through an interview at the US Consulate.

I am usually tense and panicky whenever I go to interviews,
Not to mention government officials.
But this time, I was relaxed, tranquil and calm.
Because I have all the papers I need with me.
Mine and Tyler’s.
And I have dealt with the Canadian government so many times
that this will be just a breeze.

So anyway, we got there, and of course you go through security and stuff,
Then you take a number.
When my number was called,
It says I have to go to window 3, which is at the far end of the room.

So I grabbed all our paperwork, medical reports, security certificates,
And this big-ass X-ray film envelope that you can’t fold.

I picked up Tyler, who was trying to run away from me,
thinking it’s time to play,
I run to the said window.

Then this lady at the other side of the glass,
was gesturing to me to hurry up.

A short lady, with thick glasses,
probably of East Indian descent, with a very strong accent.
(I have nothing against them, just describing the lady for a more believable story)

She has that “annoyed” look on her face,
and kept on doing that “hurry-up” gesture with her hands.

This usually bothers me, but I let it go.

Then she started to ask for my papers, randomly.
I don’t know about you, but it’s hard to look over through papers,
With one hand, while your 16 month old kid keeps on squirming all over.
I can’t put Tyler down because he will run away and play with other people.

So she asked me, “Are all these papers yours?”
I said, “Well, me and my son. But he has dual citizenship.”
She said, “So he is American?”
“Yes Ma’am.” I replied.
“What do you want me to do then?” She said rudely.
I said, “But it says on the letter that I received,
it states that he should undergo all the necessary procedures along with mine.”

She ignored me and says,
“No, I don’t have anything to do with him.
Give me the forms that you filled out.”

Quite rudely and still doing that “hurry-up” gesture with her hands.

This usually bothers me, but this time, I let it go.
Remember, this conversation was taking place
while I kept an eye on Tyler who was playing with the lady on the next window.

I tried to sort out the papers and handed it to her.
Accidentally, I included one of Tyler’s papers.

She went ballistic!

She almost screamed and said,
“I told you I only need your papers!”
As she shoves the paper back to the window slot.

I said I was sorry, but she added,
“Next time! When I ask you for your papers, I mean just yours okay?”
in a condescending tone.

She must really think I am stupid
because whenever she tells me something or gives me instructions,
she insisted that I repeat what she said.

This usually bothers me, but this time, although my fists were clinched, I let it go.

Then she said,
“Okay, go to Windows 25, pay this fee,”
as she hands me a piece of paper,
“then come back here, I won’t be here, but leave your receipt here,
then go back to waiting area ‘C’ “.

“Okay Ma’am.” I said.
As I picked up all my papers and carried Tyler.
Then she looked at me funny, and again told me to repeat what she said.

Now, there was this evil voice inside me that didn’t want to shut up.
But, I politely did what she wanted.
I repeated what she told me. Word for word.

What I should have done,
Was to mock her and imitate her strong accent,
as I reiterate her words.

But I didn’t.
Because, I am a nice guy.

Then I learned that,
She wasn’t even the one doing the interviews.
She was just to prepare the papers.

It’s amazing how people act,
When given a little bit of power and authority.

Speaking of being broke

This is for the Credit Card Company that keeps on calling me.
Do you have to call me freakin’ 5 times a day??

Even at 9:00 at night?
Or 7:00 in the morning?

And why don’t you leave a message?
It couldn’t be “that” important, could it?

How would I know if you’re not selling me anything?

I will not answer the phone, you freak!!
You’ll get your money when I get it!!

On a Random Note:
Does anyone have any experience selling stuff on eBay?
If you do, Please let me know.


All the stuff I needed to do back in Canada is done.
All done.
Mission accomplished.

Going back there has really opened up a whole lot of memories.
It reminded me of how cool I thought it was when I first landed there 10 years ago.
How much of a culture shock it was to try and blend in to a new way of life.

Took the bus pretty much everywhere and I remember how many times,
I stood at the bus stop in freezing weather, not feeling my toes.

Since I get off at the last stop,
I remember how many times I fell asleep while riding it,
and the driver had to wake me up when everyone’s gone.
Some of them got tired of it, that they don’t approach me anymore.
They just step on the brakes really hard so I would fall of my chair.

I passed by the first apartment, Tracy and I lived in.
That place was right by downtown, beside a busy street,
That every time a bus stops, our light fixtures vibrate.

That place also has no heat; well there was a furnace that was made in 1912 I think,
That couldn’t really heat up the 10’X10′ single apartment.
And if we crank it up, we’ll surely expect an average of $350 on our Hydro bill.

We were so broke, that Tracy had to count and save the eggs we had
so we’ll have food the next day.
We only had one chair and no table so we had to eat on the floor.



I don’t even know what I am getting at.

All I wanted to say is,
that we have gone through a lot.

Also, how much I missed Tracy while I was away,
And I realize how important she is and not take her for granted.

Relationships tend to do that to you.
You spend so much time with one another
that you take each other for granted.
And it’s quite sad that people mostly realize that too late.

Now that we are all together again,
And my next objective is to complete and seal our relationship.
I intend to marry her.

Hopefully she’ll still say “yes”.
If not,
I’ll let our son Tyler ask her for me.

Nobody can say no to that kid.

Happy Birthday to me!!!!

Here in Canada for 7 days now.

It did not take that long for me to hate the cold again.
(Say about 2 hours.)

Tyler got sick from the sudden change of temperature.
Poor kid.
He’s been dragged to travel from all this crap.

But today, I turn 30.
Oh God.
That’s it.

Today I woke up as a grown man.

Today I woke up with a whole different perspective of the world.

Today I woke up thinking on how to improve my life.

Today I woke up remembering my past.

Today I woke up smelling chocolate cake my mom used to make.

It was 4 in the morning,
And she really was baking me a cake.
It must really be my birthday.

Good thing we stayed at her house while we are here.
This place never runs out of food.
I like food.

Today was a good day.

Happy Valentines Day to all.


It truly is beyond words.
The Lord of the Rings: Return Of The King,
truly is an epic masterpiece.

Thanks to Tracy’s Mom for coming over for a visit
and offered to watch over Tyler
so we can go and see it.

Thanks to the makers of the film,
for a movie I have truly enjoyed.

Thanks to Professor Tolkien,
for his contribution to this world.

Now, I can’t wait for it to come out on DVD.
I guess I’ll just have to read the books (again) before then.

Although I have a question,
Why didn’t just Gandalf send the Eagles to help Frodo
fly over Mount Doom so he can cast the ring into the fire?
That would have saved everybody some trouble.

Oh well.
What do I know.
Like I said,
I am just a guy with a website that sucks.

Okay, I better go pack my stuff.
I gotta fly to Canada for a bit.

What can you do?

All three of us here have been sick
like we were brewing the flu bug or something.

You know those medicines that say 8 to 12 hour relief from congestion, cough and fever?
Lies!! All lies!!

We brought Tyler to his Doctor, because he’s been sick for quite a while now,
It’s just nice that Tracy is a Registered Nurse,
that she gets to talk medical stuff to them and explains it all to me later.

The Doctor also noticed Tyler’s diaper rash and gave us this “Prescription Tushy Cream”
Since he concluded that what we were using wasn’t effective.

Prescription Tushy Cream??
Now, are people really abusing this stuff out in the streets that it has to be prescribed?

Is there a Betty Ford Rehab for Tushy Cream addicts out there?
Therapy sessions maybe?

Tyler’s Doctor sent us to the hospital for some tests,

Now one cool thing about this Hospital,
Valet Parking” – Sweeeett!!!
And parking is free!!!
Free Parking!! A system that is unknown in Canada.

I don’t mind being sick,
Except for the cough.
I hate having the coughs.

I hate it, I hate it, I hate it.

Especially when you’re asleep,
And you wake up just to cough.

Did I mention no cough medicine works?

I need to get out and get some fresh air.
The three of us here in this house are passing the virus to each other
like the Quaffle at the World Cup Quidditch Game.

Oh yeah, I read Harry Potter books 3 and 4 again.
And will start 5 soon.

Because I am sick.
And I am in the bathroom a lot.

What was I saying?

Oh yeah,
We need to get out and get some fresh air.
But it’s cold out.
We had freeze warning here in Florida for the last 5 days.

What is the deal?
I thought this is the Sunshine State?
Somebody lied to us!!!

Oh well.

What can you do”¦.

How about some of these new cool links??

My personal record is 317.9 —> Penguin (Warning: this is strangely addicting)
This is some cool flash animation —> Japanese music flash
Women and guitars are a deadly pair —> Jackson Guitars
The Harmonica is the shiznit! —> Beat box harmonica
Whoever invented this should be shot —> Juggler

15 Months Old

What do you do when you turn 15 months old?

You show Winnie The Pooh who’s Boss!!!!

On a personal note”¦

When you clean the bathroom drawer and see your wife’s nail polish,
And you think it’s gonna be “funny” when you apply them on your fingernails,
And wait for the “shock value” on her face,
or the “laughter” that she would get for knowing how crazy you are”

Make sure she has some nail polish remover first!

Or else you’re gonna end up scraping your nails with a nail file,
and she would still be laughing at you.

Lesson learned.

New Layout

I started to work on a new layout.
It sucked.
So I just changed the background picture.
“Just to have the illusion that I did something drastic.”

Thanks to Webstrings.com for the images.

Also, The Photos are up, for the meantime.
Thanks to 1and1.com.

That’s it for now.

Here are some cool links to waste some time.

Roller Coaster Simulator —> Funderstanding Coasters
For the Storm Lovers —> Stormgasm
And for the Car Lovers —> 2004 North American Auto Show
Test your Speed —> Speed Card Game