
(Tyler’s new thingies)

This will be a short one,
but I just have to write it down.

The other night,
I was getting Tyler ready for bed.
He usually tries to run away from me
and attempts to squeeze in a last minute playtime.

But when I finally got him settled down,
I put on his pajamas,
and looked up at me and said,

“Thank you, Daddy.”

I wish I could explain how it feels when your heart melts.

Oh and then that following day,
He also told his mother,
“Thank you, Momma.”

All is right in the universe.

This is the reason why!

Voltes V

That is the reason why I haven’t updated this
pathetic waste of space I call a website.

Well, besides doing my Parental duties and annoying my lovely wife,
I spend a lot of time, reminiscing about my childhood favourite anime.


I watch the video,
I have it as my screen wallpaper,
I play it’s music,
even desperately sing the Japanese version of the songs.

Thank you so much to Darwin and his family for sending this to me.

Thanks also to Anthony.
It was really great to see you again, my friend.
After 11 long years.

These past few weeks have been really great.
I have gotten in touch with so many friends, it’s just overwhelming.

Makes you realize,
that your greatest wealth,
are the ones who call you “friend.”

New Song added.

Mobile Player here:

Cliffs Of Dover
Music by – Eric Johnson
Guitars by – Ty Martell

You know, I was thinking.
(It’s something I do when things are slow.)
How come no matter how much I try,
I can’t play like these guitar gods and legendary musicians.

Then I came to an “epiphany”.
(Okay not really. I just wanted to use the word epiphany.)
I think that the reason I can’t play like these guys is that,
most of them have more than six fingers on their left hand.

I only have five,
And I can’t even bend my ring finger.

here’s my pathetic attempt
on this classic guitar tune by Eric Johnson.

I hope you like it.
Please do.
At least for pity.
It took me a month to learn this.
And another month to record it in one take.

Never Happy

I haven’t updated this site since the Pope died,
out of reverence and respect.

I have to postpone my rants in here,
in accordance to his funeral.
Just like how Prince Charles delayed his marriage to his horse.
Oops! Did I say Horse?
I meant his “Noble Steed.”

So anyway,
these past few weeks,
there are a couple of things that I have just recently learned.
And I realized all of these,
after I heard one of Jeff Foxworthy’s jokes, saying,
“You never know that you are already a part of a group.”

It’s just one of those things that,
you thought you were the only one who thinks, acts and does things a certain way,
then you realize, you are not alone.

Just like whenever Tracy and I, think about how hard it is being a parent,
we hear stories about other parents,
with even worse experiences.

Like when we bought a house,
I never knew that there was an unspoken competition around your neighborhood
about who has the most manicured front lawn.
I didn’t even know we were entered in this contest without my full knowledge.
I am still trying to figure out how come no one told me
that when you buy a house,
you are bound to do yardwork 200 times a week,
for eternity.

I also found out that I was not the only parent
who could recite the animated movie,
“The Incredibles”.

I just found out that “Bambi” was a boy,
“Blue” from Blue’s Clues was a girl,
And “Spongebob” is,
well, I am still trying to figure that one out.

As I undergo my back therapy,
I found out that I have this condition called “Transitional Vertebrae”.
Which only occurs in only 6% of the population.
Either I belong to a group of unique people, or a group of freaks.
I prefer the latter.
Sounds more fun.

And lastly, I found out,
that I belong to a group that is “never happy”.
The “Never Happy Group”.
You know, the ones who want everything.
The ones who wishes to have everything.

I have always wished for a better everything.
If I’m not wishing for a “better” everything,
It’s wishing for a lot “more” of everything.

I wished for more guitars.
Better ones.
Or wished not to suck at it.

A bigger TV.
A home theater stereo.
Screw that!
I want a louder stereo.

A bigger garage.
A better car.
Screw that!
I want a faster car.

I want to travel.
To see new places.
Screw that!
I am lazy.
I want to sit on a more comfortable couch.
I want a robot to fetch me a drink.
A remote control that I can use with my brain.
While watching my bigger TV.

I want a gnome for entertainment.
After it cleans the house.
Maybe a little pet too.
Screw that!
I want a big pet.
Like a Llama.
Or an Ostrich.
Or a Horse.
I can’t have a horse!
She’s marrying Prince Charles, remember?
(I kid! I kid!)

In conclusion,
with all the stuff I wish for and want to have.
I think I can run as president of the “Never Happy Group.”
Where I will implement no rules.
Members can announce their want for everything.
Can wish for everything.
And can complain about everything they don’t have.

I guess the only way you can renounce your membership,
is when you realize,
you just can’t.

Time has always said, “Man is a fool”.
When it’s hot, he wants it cool.
When it’s cool, he wants it hot.
Always wanting what is not.

— Anonymous.

Santo Papa

Santo Papa

As I ponder about the Pope, and his works.
I would like to think of it not as the end for him,
but, a promotion.

Gratias Agimus, Sanctus Papa.

Not Funny

Announcing that the POPE has died,
is not a funny April Fools!


Didn’t you declare Bush won the presidency in 2000,
and then every other Networks believed you?


It was my Brother who told me the news about the Pope.
He watches FOX,
well, because that’s where “The Simpsons” are.

So, we were both glued to the TV,
waiting for an official answer from the Vatican.

I must admit,
we were very worried.

Not only because as Christians,
The Pope is our leader,
but also because we heard about
the Prophecies of SAINT MALACHY.

Here’s an article about it. —-> Papal Prophecies

And another one. —-> The Last Pope

See, my friends,
with all the disasters we are witnessing these days.
Earthquakes, Floods, Tsunamis, Violent Storms,
Increased Terrorism, War, Famine, and Hatred,

there is only one thing that is certain…..

Jesus is coming back!
So quick!!
Everybody look busy!

My April fools.

So I was talking to some old friends yesterday,
and since I haven’t seen them in so long,
I asked how everybody was.

Then one of them told me,

“Hey, Ty, they were talking about you the other day,
and they were making fun of you.”

I said, “About what?”

“Well”, my friend said.
“They were wondering if your current hairstyle, is just the new fashion,
or you are so losing your hair.”

I answered,
“Well, it’s nice to know that everyone wants to know how I am doing,
instead of discerning my appearance.”

For those of you who don’t know,
We Filipinos have a wicked obsession about appearances.
Ours, and most importantly, others.

We are cleverly quick in noticing, how much weight people gain,
how thin can people be, how much acne you have on your face,
how many distracting moles you have, the shape of your nose,
how big your house is, how much money you make, your new shirt,
your shiny shoes, what you drive, and how you smell.

That’s just how we are.

Screw your feelings!
I don’t like the way you look.
I will point at you and laugh.
Then I will spread rumours about you,
on how much you are not liked.
Not by me, but a friend of a friend who knows you.

So anyways, back to my story.
My friend answered back,
“Aww come on Ty!
You know we’re just joking.”

I said,
“Oh don’t worry about it.
I understand.
Ever since the “Chemo”, it never really grew back.”

“Chemo? What Chemo?”
, my friend asked.

I said,
“Hey, I gotta run, I’ll talk to you guys later!
Take care of yourselves okay!
Enjoy Life!

See!! It’s April Fools.
Let them figure that out for a bit.

I know, I know.
That wasn’t funny.

I was either gonna go with that or,

“My therapist says,
Hair Loss is the third stage of syphilis.”

Here’s a cool link for April Fools —> Top 100 April Fools Hoaxes


Well, there you have it folks.

Terri Schiavo died today.

The whole cycle of Euthanasia is complete.

You know what ticks me off on the whole thing?
The way it was handled.

They put the feeding tube in,
they take it out.
They put it back in,
they take it out again.

What is the deal????

Well, now maybe there was a higher power that took her,
and saved her from all this crap.

And another thing that won’t leave my head,
I think I read this somewhere,
I just can’t remember who said it.
But I strongly believe it might be George Carlin.

“Those who are Pro-Life,
are usually the ones in favour of the death penalty.”

I think it’s the same arrogance as,
“Everybody wants to go to heaven,
but no one wants to die.”

People are weird.

Note to self:
Check out some “Living Wills.”

Slow Day

Things are slow today,
so I’ll guess I’ll just put up some cool links.

Oh, and thanks to a fellow musician, Joel,
for the kind comments about my music.
Check out his site here —> joelmusic.com

Once you see his site and listen to his music,
you’ll see and hear that his site and music is way better than mine.

Then you’ll realize,
why in the world you waste your time here.

Oh and a happy birthday to my cousin Reggie.


Need help naming your band? —-> bandnamemaker.com
A great consumers advisory —-> my3cents.com
A Parents primer to Computer Slang —-> kidtalk
Stupid computer tricks —-> rulez.org
Google’s language translation engine —-> translate.google
What’s the number one hit song
when you were born? —-> everyhit.com

New Song Added

I was going to write something “religious” about Easter,
but I got into thinking.

How can I write something about “praises”,
when I have hatred in my heart?

Is it hypocritical of me to say what I feel about my religion,
when I spend so much time and effort, hating my fellow men?

Do I have to pretend to spread the good news, through what I write,
when I wish for everyone who pisses me off, to burn in hell?

Who am I to talk about how great it is to worship the living God,
when I spend half of my time in church, thinking about other things?
Or if I go at all?

When I can’t even pray,
like how I used to pray?

When I can’t talk to Him,
like I used to?
Or if I talk to Him at all?

Then I got into more thinking?

I realized that the hatred in my heart,
makes me human.

I realized that my complaints are being heard,
even though I complain that they weren’t.

I realized that, even though I am a Christian,
that doesn’t make me a Saint.

I realized that even though I haven’t talked to Him,
He kept His relationship with me.

I realized that He doesn’t care about my shortcomings.

I realized how much He has blessed me.

And I realized that He is God.
He doesn’t need us to make Himself a better God.
But He still stayed with us anyway.

But, why?
Why would He?
Why should He?

So, I spent most of Easter pondering about this,
and how I would wish I would get an answer.

I know, I wouldn’t understand it all,
but at least, something that would give me some peace of mind.

So, I turn to music.
It’s what comes natural, when emotions are high,
and thoughts are plenty.

So, I just kept noodling around,
letting the music talk.
When I started playing this one simple tune,
and I can’t stop playing it.

A song we used to sing back in High School.
It’s called “I Love you”.
I don’t even know who wrote it. (UPDATE: It was actually a song by Bro. Mike Lapid)

Then it hit me.
Actually, it was more like a “Listen up, Stupid!”

He was talking to me.
Or at least letting me understand.

And I hope, as I end this post,
that someone, somewhere would understand,
that Easter is really not about the Bunny.
Or the Eggs.
Or the Sweets.

Easter is Life.
It’s the one true “Christmas”.

Mobile Player here:

Click HERE for a newer version of this song.



I love you,
‘Cause that’s just what I am.
I could never turn away from you, and leave you all alone.
Yes, I love you.
I could never leave you all alone and leave you way behind.

Refrain 1:
Though you weigh no more than dust,
placed on a scale, you rise.
Though your worth is just as much as sand,
I love you just the same.
I am love, I am love.

Refrain 2:
Though your sins be dark as scarlet,
I will turn them white as snow.
Though your sins be red as crimson,
They mean nothing more to me.

For I made you and you’re meant for me,
for all eternity.
I have loved you, Yes I love you.
I’ll always will love you.

I love you,
‘Cause that’s just what I am.
I could never show you greater love than lay my life for you.
Yes, I love you.
What more proof do you ask?
Show me any love that’s greater than
the love I’ve shown to you.

(Repeat Refrains 1 & 2)


Oh, and Happy Easter to everyone!