The Photos are up.


Actually, I am not quite done yet,
but at least it’s up.

Unfortunately, I have to set it so that it requires a
username and password to view them.

Well, 3 things.

I don’t really have any permission from anyone in this gallery
to show their pictures.

There has been a number of child abductions here in Florida.
And I just don’t feel comfortable showing Tyler’s pictures publicly anymore.
(Sometimes you just have to do everything to protect your children.)

And Third,
After the anal probing from my abduction occurrence,
the Aliens have given me delusional extreme paranoia.
(Well, I think that’s what the voices tell me.)

So, register and check it out.

It’s nothing personal, it’s just…scary.

New song added.

Mobile Player here:

She’s Always A Woman To Me
– by Billy Joel.

My friend, Herschelle reminded me of this song.
(I read it on her Friendster profile)

I believe this song is one of the best songs ever written.
Plus it reminds me a lot of a simpler time.

I guess, as a musician,
you find comfort in your music as well.
I tend to play songs that calms me when thoughts are plenty.

Well, plus most people say my music here puts them to sleep.
Yup. That’s how bad they are.

Now I know I live in the States – Thoughts and observations #4

Well, it’s not really an observation,
but more of a comparison, really.

See, yesterday was Memorial Day,
and it’s an official Holiday here in the States.
So everyone gets to thank their War Heroes,
by remembering their great sacrifice.
And, of course it’s a perfect excuse to party,
since it’s a long weekend.

We too have this holiday in Canada,
but it’s called Remembrance Day.
(I think in Newfoundland it’s Memorial Day.)

Though the main difference is, it’s not a long weekend for us.
Only for the people who work for the government.
It’s a holiday for them.
I think they are the only ones allowed to thank and remember Canada’s fallen heroes.
Only they have this privilege.
As well as having 265 extra days of paid vacation holidays yearly.
But anyway,

I told you that story to tell you this story.

Since it was a holiday here,
people normally have holiday travel plans.
And there are lots of people who were out driving on the roads.

As we were driving down the InterState,
I passed by these gang of cops,
trying to catch everyone who were speeding.
(End of the month quota, I presume)

I was speeding too, but luckily there were lots of cars before me,
so I had ample time to squeeze in some brake action.

After I passed the “speed patrol squad”,
there were a bunch of cars behind me,
flashing their lights, rapidly.
I thought they were trying to tell me something,
like, my tires were flat, or my tail light fell off.

But, Tracy told me, that here in the States,
it’s an unwritten rule for motorists,
that when there are speed traps on their way,
you get to warn other cars by flashing your lights rapidly.

It’s a bond they share, I guess.

See, I didn’t know that.

In the Philippines,
when you flash your lights to oncoming cars,
it basically means,
‘Yo. What’s up?

In Canada,
when you flash your lights rapidly like that,
it means,
“God I hope somebody sees me in this blizzard!”

You see?
I know this website is crappy,
and a waste of time,
but sometimes I give you some educational info,
or little tidbits and facts.

It’s my little contribution to everyone out there.
(And by everyone, I mean the three of you who reads this site.)

Though sometimes, I say stuff here with no sense.
And I don’t blame you for not believing me.
I rarely have any idea what I am talking about.

Plus I am a compulsive liar.
I have this uncontrollable urge to lie.
In fact I am lying to you right now.


Well, the whole site transition is complete.
And it seems that everything is functional.

This site is currently residing on a new webhost.
The DNS propagation went faster than I expected,
so everything is cool.

The only thing I hate about all of this,
is that everytime I renew my domain, or change hosts,
the spam I get multiplies by the dozen.

Plus, I keep getting these “Delivery Failures Notices”
that says I was sending all these Emails to people I don’t even know.
Which I surely didn’t.

So, if you got an email claiming it was from this domain,
offering you money, free credit,
a mortgage, car loans,
Free porn, free viagara,
or any augmentation of your privates,
or any other offers that promises instant satisfaction,
be assured that it’s not from me.

Do I look like a guy who has all of these?
Okay maybe I receive some emails of
porn, norp, pron, purn,
….uuuhhh… “unmentionables” from some of my friends.
But that’s just because we are all sick.
And we need help.

Enough of that.
Here are some cool links.

Forget all the other links here. Click this.
You’ll thank me later. —-> allaboutbeer
Am I the only one addicted
to this google feature? —->
100 top voices in movies —-> filmcritic
100 top movies of all time —->
Is it wrong for me to root for Darth? —-> StarWars Hell

Okay, that’s it for now.
I am going to read that first link.


Another T.N.T.

Tyler’s New Thingies

My son is really talking a lot now,
and he really absorbs and copies every single thing he hears.

It’s really great how he remembers the lines on every video he watches.
I think he memorized “The Incredibles”, “Toy Story”, and other Pixar movies.
And now he’s addicted to “Cat in the Hat”.

But he also says a whole lot of other stuff.
A lot of sweet stuff.

Whenever Tracy goes to work,
He tells his Mom, “wearful” (careful).
He will hug you and lay his head on your shoulder and say “uhyadoo” (I love you).

He says “please” and “thank you”.
(Actually, it’s more like, “pees” and “tehyu”)

It’s amazing how kids know and understand more than you think.

The other day, as I was preparing him lunch,
I told him to get on his high chair.
And he did!

Tonight, I told him to help me pick up his toys before nite-nite,
He did put his toys in his toy chest.

It’s quite amazing really.

All the words he says might still not be clear,
but being with him all the time,
makes me understand them quite plainly.

Although there was one time,
he did say something very, very apparent.

He was playing with his cars one day on the table,
and I told him to be careful
because some of them are just about to fall on the floor.

So I said,
“Tyler, watch out! Your cars are gonna fall”

No reaction from him.

I say it again,
“Tyler be careful, you might drop your cars.”

Still nothing.

So, after a bit,
I heard some of his cars fall on the floor.
I came up to him but he didn’t see me.
Then all I heard him say was,

“Oh shit!”

All I remember doing was…
Well, nothing.
I think I just stood there, frozen and speechless.
Could he have heard this from me?
The realization of what and how I do things,
would reflect on my son, based on how he sees or hear me,
suddenly flooded my whole train of thought.

Now this is where I would need your help people.
How in the world am I going to explain this to his Mother.
Or his GrandMothers? Or other people.

Wait! Tracy’s Mom does read this site.

“Oh shit!”
I’m in trouble.

Now let me add some cool links,
so we could all forget that stuff I wrote.

On a side note,

I would like to say Thanks to Doug,
who left me some great comments about the song “Cliffs of Dover”.
I tried replying to you, but my email kept coming back.
So, thanks again, Doug.

And here are the links,

Find out what your child’s eye color is going to be —-> eye calculator
How about some Air Hockey —->
See a secret, share a secret. —-> Postsecret
Online newspapers from all countries —-> Newspaperindex
How scary is it to live in Chicago? —-> Chicago crime database
Tips on how to drive your SUV —->

The Troll never sleeps.

We just had a series of bad luck lately.

I swear,
This troll of mine sucks the very joy out of me,
like a freakin’ Dementor.

I have been very happy lately,
so I guess this freakin’ troll feeds on every enjoyment I savour.

I hate it most when this troll attacks the people I love.
It’s the best way to fuel my anger.

Someday, I will face this troll,
and I will rip it’s very essence out.
I will eat it’s very heart,
Spit it out,
and stomp on it like it’s freakin’ dirt.

And then just to piss him off,
I will do it all over again.

/me gives the troll the finger

I don’t know why

For our anniversary,
we went to Sea World Orlando to celebrate.
Well, plus, Tracy hasn’t seen a whale before.
(Not including that 300 pound woman we saw at the mall.)

So anyway.
During the drive home,
I did some thinking.

Even though we were only married for a year,
Tracy and I have been together a long time.

And I was just thinking about all the defining moments
where I truly realize how much I love this woman.

Well, besides giving birth to our son.
And even though she doesn’t believe it,
I think she is magnificently beautiful.

But here are some moments I remember,
where I truly realized that she is
the woman for me.

Moment #1

She would call from work and say:

“Honey, don’t worry about dinner.
I’ll cook when I get home.”

(Isn’t that great? Either that or I cook horribly.)

Moment #2

While walking around SeaWorld,
Tracy carefully whispers to me:

“Oh my! Look at that girl with the big knockers!”
“Check out this girl in front of me, you can see through her thong.”

(This can’t be real, but it’s true!)

Moment #3

Tyrone: Hey honey what movie are you watching?
Tracy: It’s some love story. Come and watch it with me.

Tyrone: Nah, that’s okay. I’ll just be on my computer.
Tracy: You’ll like it. They just showed the girl’s boobies.

Tyrone: Scoot over, and give me some room.

(Money well spent on that HDTV eh?)

As I end this post,
I remember one last thing that truly made everything clear.

When she said,

“It’ll be exciting when we have another baby.”

The woman puts up with me.
I don’t know why, but it’s great.


Today, is our 1 year wedding anniversary.
So I better make this short.

I added a song my wife and I made years ago.
She wrote the words, and I did the music.

Mobile Player here:

You Were Always There.
by – Tracy
All instruments by – Ty Martell

Now I didn’t put up the words,
since I don’t really have her permission to.
So I just have the melodies done by guitars.

A bit of a “ballad”, “Blue Rodeo-esque” influence.

I wanted to have this song played on our wedding,
But I was too chicken shit.

And another one for Mother’s day.

Mobile Player here:

The Rose
Music by Bette Midler.
Guitars by – Ty Martell

A little tribute I did, for my Mom and Tracy’s Mom.
For always getting us out of sticky situations.

Thanks Moms.

And a very Happy Mother’s day to all Mommies!
That includes me I guess.

PS – The photos would be down for the meantime.

It’s his right

we went to the mall,
and we had Tyler run around at the play area with the other kids.

Then while playing,
I saw this one kid shoved Tyler’s face.

It didn’t hurt him,
but I was furious.

I was gonna talk to the kid’s mother,
but when I saw her…
All 300 pounds of her….
I changed my mind, and calmed down.

This woman was gigantinormous!
She actually scared me.
I thought she was a guy.
A big guy.

Note to self:
Screw the Potty training lessons,
It’s time for the kid to learn how to retaliate.

The Kid is half American.
He is entitled to at least 2 basic rights.


The right to bear arms.

And 2nd,
The right to have that weapon loaded.

Another note to self:
Unhook phone before everybody calls.


There are only 2 things I do on the internet,
and one of them is to do research.

So, since I have no clue how the celebration of “Cinco-de-Mayo” came abouts,
I decided to check it out.

Now, I could tell you what I have read so far,
but since I am a lazy bastard,
I’ll just sum it up for you.

The Mexicans kicked France’s Army’s “Le Bootay”.

There you go.
Good enough reason to celebrate.

But as for yours truly,
since I have no friends,
No celebration for me.

So I guess,
I just have to lock myself in my computer room,
and do more “research”.

But for you,
Check out these cool links.

I envy this guy’s home theter setup. (except for his Liberace room design) —-> Steve’s Home Theater
The real number of the devil is not 666. —->
No more cookies for Cookie Monster? (These nosey Health nuts just have nothing better to do huh? Leave the freakin monster alone you bastards!) —-> Cookie-less Monster
The Beatles worshiped the devil? —->
How about something educational? —-> Broken Words
Now I have seen it all. —-> Canine Birth Control