Another T.N.T.

(Tyler’s New Thingies)

I call this,
Random Cuteness.

Enter scene:
At the back porch,
Daddy reading the paper,
Tyler playing with his toy cars.

Then it started to rain.

Tyler: Oh no! Daddy! It’s weyning. (Raining)

Daddy: Huh?

Tyler: Weyning!

Daddy: (Joking around) What do you mean?

Tyler: Weyning. Daddy!

Daddy: What are you talking about?

(Tyler pauses and thinks)

Tyler: Daddy! It’s Weyning Water!

Well, what can you say?
He’s actually right.
I can’t argue with that.

On a side note,
Today, Tyler learns to pedal his 3 wheeler bike.
On his own.
Daddy feels very proud.
Now I better go and absorb more of his cuteness.

Here are some cool links:

Stuff we thought were true when we were kids —>
20 must eat hamburgers before you die —>
Dumbest rules in sports —> espn sports
Winners of the 2005 World Stupidity Awards —>

A Hot and Torrid Affair

I haven’t had time to do anything on this site.
I guess, when you have something new in your life,
You just can not stop thinking about it.

I must confess,
I have been spending a lot of time
and effort with my new hot affair.

I saw her not too long ago at the store.
She wasn’t too extraordinary,
But I have fantasized about her and me,
spending time with each other.

She has a long sexy body,
a smooth, gorgeous neck,
and a beautiful deep voice,
that just gives me total satisfaction.

I told Tracy about her.
I told her that I have never had anything like this.
She would totally give me pleasures I have never known.

Then Tracy actually gave me permission to go and get her.

But the only problem is,
I don’t know her name yet.

I have to have a name to introduce her to all my other women.
Delilah, Destiny and Desiree.

Would you help a guy out?

Here’s a picture of her.

Click here.

(A name that starts with the letter “D” would be great. Thanks)

I learned…

One of the things I learned about
being a father of a toddler,
is that you have to be quick on your toes
with regards to how your kid explores his own surroundings.

How they experiment with pretty much everything
they lay their hands upon.

I am talking about small odd things like:

How I found some toy cars inside the VCR.

A Yoyo inside my acoustic guitar.

Some of my guitar picks,
inside my slot loading DVD-ROM.

Buzz Lightyear inside the fridge.

Not to mention,
even more odd things like,

Drinking the Soy Sauce, from the bottle.

And, how he tried mixing Milk with Root Beer,
and him drinking it.
(This wouldn’t have bothered me,
if he didn’t say “Yummy” afterwards.)

You know,
stuff like that.

Although there’s one thing I just found out,
that Tyler experimented on,
which I must admit,
took me days to figure out.

for a while now,
I have been trying to figure out
why I was having problems with the sound on my Electric Guitar.

Some days I just couldn’t get any sound to come out,
and if I did,
it produces some kind of muffled but cracking noise.

Then today.
I figured it out.

It wasn’t my guitar

It was this —->Click Here

The excitement of parenthood!!

Road Trip Pics are up

Check them out under Photos.

Again, I apologize for the inconvenience of registering.
It just gives me the security of knowing who looks at our pictures,
and who makes fun of me.
Not that I can do anything about it,
but at least when they laugh at me,
I have the power to “delete user.”

Ah, who am I kidding.
There are only 4 people registered to view them.
And that includes 2 accounts from me.

With regards to the trip,
I would like to say thanks to the following people.

To Tracy’s folks in Kansas:
Thanks for the magnificent food you have given us.
Thanks for all of Tyler’s gifts and toys.
Thanks for bringing us to the lake.
Thanks for letting me drive the boat. (I think it’s more of a yacht.)
Thanks for taking me bike riding.
Thanks for taking me to that huge movie theater.
Thanks for taking us to the Prairie Rose Chuckwagon Supper.
(Which introduced me to a whole new world.)
Thank you so much.
We had a really great time.

Thanks to Devona and her family in Wisconsin,
for one memorable 4th of July celebration.
I do wish we get to spend more time together too.
Your kids are most precious.

Thanks to my Brother and his kids in Canada,
for reminding me how fun family is again.

Thanks to my Mom,
for the loads of food she has given us,
so we could feed an army for 3 years.

My thanks to my wife, Tracy,
for putting up with me
through the whole trip.

Thanks also to my son, Tyler,
for being a great traveler.
I am also sorry, you have gone through so much
at a very young age.

My apologies to
Abbie, Michelle, Irene and Edsel.
Whom I was supposed to meet in New York.

Like I said,
our vacation suddenly depended on other people’s time management.
Otherwise, we could have all met and had loads of fun.

Come to think of it, I would even have time to see
2 friends in Greely, Ontario,
1 friend in Windsor, Ontario,
1 friend from Chicago,
and probably, oh I don’t know,
5, 10 more from Ottawa.

All that could have happened,
if I just stuck to my guns, and learned how to say no.

Maybe someday.

Someday when we take another road trip vacation in…
Oh, I don’t know.
10 – 20 years from now.

If it happens again

We were in Orlando yesterday
to see my Aunt and my Mom at DisneyWorld.
We were there very early.

Spent the whole day enjoying everything at the park.
It was our first time.

We left Orlando about one in the morning,
and drove back home.

And I guess, just from mere exhaustion from the day’s activities,
also from our recent 3 week road trip,
and not being able to sleep the night before,
because Tyler was miserably sick and kept everyone awake.

All these things added up,
made me very, very tired and drowsy at the wheel.
I swear I don’t remember driving almost 3 hours from Orlando to our house.

I just remember waking up a couple of times,
from the bumps on the road.

I don’t remember anything else.

Oh I remember taking our exit ramp.
That’s it.

Tracy and Tyler were asleep…
and apparently, so was I.

I sincerely thank the Heavens above,
that me,
my wife
and my son,
are still enjoying each other’s company,

And if ever this happens to me again.
I give you permission to kick my ass.

2 Days

Half Blood Prince

2 days!

A record time for me
to finish the 6th book.

I would have read it in one sitting,
but that would mean I have to neglect my Fatherly and
House-Husbandly duties.

Because you never know,
if the wife comes home to a messy house,
she might hex me with the “Avada Kedavra”.

Although, maybe I could practice the “Imperius” on her…

Oh well,
I guess I better change Tyler now.

“Accio Diaper!”

Back again

Just got back from the Road Trip.

I’ll post some pictures and tell you stories,
as soon as I get in synch with being at home again.

Now if you would excuse me,
I have to kiss the very floor I am standing on.

PS –
And just for giggles,
the mileage on the car as soon as we parked on the driveway,

5666 Miles.

I shit you not!

Jeopardy time!

Ty: I’ll take “Spin the wheel of Misery” Category Alex, for $400.

Trebek: Answer. 80 hours. Give or take.

Ty: What is the sum of total driving hours, I will be doing in the next 3 weeks.

Trebek: You are correct!

80 hours**
I must be freakin crazy!!
How did I ever get myself into this deal?

**Does not include the number of side trips,
“other” people “suddenly” thought of going.

Oh well, at least it’s exciting to see your family when you go visit them.

In other news.
One week has passed, and still no “Happy Father’s Day!” greetings
from some immediate relatives.

Makes you wonder where you stand in your family eh?

Why did I say this?
Because, I just realized that
I try so hard not to miss a birthday, a holiday,
an event or any other greetings that comes in a year.
But then again, that’s only me.

Did I mention it’s “exciting” to see your family?

I won’t be around so,
Happy Canada day!
Happy Phil-Am friendship day,
and Happy Independence Day.

I need a beer.

Eye Exam

The other day I went to get me some contact lenses right?
Well because, I hate wearing glasses,
and it doesn’t make me cute like Harry Potter.

Plus I am tired of giving people the finger,
pretending I was adjusting my glasses.

So anyway,
the lady that was doing the retina exam,
she asked me to put my face against this huge camera, right?

And then, she continued on informing me the rundown of the process.
They take a picture of my eyes,
to see if it’s healthy or if there’s any point of concern.

“Fine.” I said.

Then she asked me to open my eyes as wide as I can.

And I did.

Then she insisted for me to open them wider.

I tried.

“Wider!” She said.

I struggled to have them as wide open as I can.
I was almost in tears,
forcing my eyebrows to pull my eyelids as high as they can.

Then I realized.

I am Asian.
I can’t open my eyes as wide as everybody else!

Then I started thinking about that lady, doing the retina exam,
forcing me to open my eyes wider.

I hope you choke you freakin’ racist!!!

Oh well,
here are some cool links so we can forget what I just wrote.

Sometimes I don’t have any clue what I write here,
and it feels like my head is gonna explode as soon as I have any idea
of what I was talking about.


Finally, you can have hours of fun —> Bubble Wrap
Games for the Brain —> Anagramania
Put this on my wish list! —>
More games for the Brain —> Mars Money
Get your Japanese Name —> japanese name translation

Another song added.

Mobile Player here:

– by Rick Price

An old song I used to play a lot.
And since I have played it so much,
you would think I would have nailed it by now.

It still sucks.
Just like any other song I did here.

So why do I bother posting them?
Because I am a sad, strange individual.
And I should have your pity.