A new design.

I have been working on this new look,
for a couple of days now.
And no matter how I try,
I can not remove the everlasting suck-ness of it.
(Okay, maybe suckness isn’t a word.)

Plus, see that square box thing around this?
It’s not supposed to be there.

Well, it only shows when I view it with Internet Explorer.
It works well with Firefox,
but not IE.
Thanks again, Microsoft!

Anyone who has a Mac, or any other browser,
Please let me know if you can see the suck-full-ness of it.

So I guess,
if you are using IE.
Just pretend that that annoying box is not there.
Just like how you pretend that there is something interesting on this site.

And let me bombard you with other interesting sites,
to give you the illusion that your visit here wasn’t a waste of time.

A reflex game —> scenta.co.uk
If Gmail is not enough for you —> 30gigs.com
Law of human stupidity —> ecotopia.com
2005 Cost of Living Survey —> finfacts.com
2005 List of dumbest States —> cnn.com

Yeah, I think we’ll stop there.

Happy Thanksgiving Canada!

Today I should be thankful,
that with the current situation here in the States,
with all the calamities,
with all the crime and violence,
and with the rumour of a bird flu epidemic,

I should be thankful that,
if ever hell breaks loose, and worse comes to worst,
I can bring back my family to the Great White North.

Unless they stop us at the border,
because they suspect us of having the bird flu virus.

Then there would be thousands of Americans trying to enter Canada,
all infected by the virus.
Then cannibalism would start.
As everyone would turn into zombies after 28 days.
Then that would leave me no choice
but to shoot every freakin’ zombie that tries to bite me.

I am going to have to ride my horse,
like a horseman of the apocalypse,
and I will unleash hell!

And when I unleash hell,
that means I am very pissed.
And nothing would make me happy.

Except maybe Ice Cream.
I like Ice Cream.

Tyler’s Gift

So my Mother called me today, right?
She said she’ll be sending me money for Tyler’s Birthday.

So we talked about what to get him.
We tossed between toys or clothes.

She figured Tyler already has tons of toys.
And the dilemma for clothes is that,
Tyler grows so fast,
he’ll outgrow them faster than you can say Doodlebops!

At the end of our conversation,
my Mom just told me to get what Tyler really needs.

Now, Tyler’s birthday is a week from Friday.

I have exactly 10 days to come up with an explanation,
why a 3 year old would want something
like this, —> Click here.

He might.
You never know.

FL Statutes

There it is!

From the FL Statutes.
It says…..

776.012 Use of force in defense of person.
–A person is justified in using force, except deadly force, against another
when and to the extent that the person reasonably believes that such conduct
is necessary to defend himself or herself or another against the other’s imminent
use of unlawful force. However, a person is justified in the use of deadly force
and does not have a duty to retreat if:

(1) He or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent
imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent
the imminent commission of a forcible felony; or

(2) Under those circumstances permitted pursuant to s. 776.013.

…and then,

776.08 Forcible felony.
–“Forcible felony” means treason; murder; manslaughter; sexual battery; carjacking;
home-invasion robbery; robbery; burglary; arson; kidnapping; aggravated assault;
aggravated battery; aggravated stalking; aircraft piracy; unlawful throwing,
placing, or discharging of a destructive device or bomb; and any other felony
which involves the use or threat of physical force or violence against any individual.

…and lastly,

790.10 Improper exhibition of dangerous weapons or firearms.
–If any person having or carrying any dirk, sword, sword cane, firearm,
electric weapon or device, or other weapon shall, in the presence of one or more persons,
exhibit the same in a rude, careless, angry, or threatening manner, not in necessary self-defense, the person so offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree,
punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

The way I understand it,

You can only do 776.012,
if you are under 776.08
but you can not 790.10.

I see.
Now only 2 questions left in mind.

1. Should I feel safer now?

and 2,
What in the hell is a “Dirk?”
And who uses it?

(Okay that was 3.)

–update: Here’s a picture of a ” Dirk.

Deadly-Force Law

As of today,
In the State of Florida,
The “Deadly-Force Law” comes into effect.

This law affirms that,
and I quote,

“….giving the people of Florida the right to use deadly force as a first resort
when they feel threatened, even in a public place.”

“….the new law expands that doctrine to include people in public places who feel threatened
and could be subject to death or great bodily harm.”

Okay, now several questions come into mind.

Isn’t there a law already that gives everyone the right
to defend themselves from intruders?
Something called “Common Sense?”

So, this law didn’t change anything,
it just gives everyone “007” statuses.
(007 = License to kill, and okay, that wasn’t really a question)

Let’s say I rear ended someone in downtown traffic,
and a 300 pound, body builder, with no neck, covered in tattoos
gets down from his car, approaches me, with a facial expression like he’s going to kill me
right after he rips off his shirt like the hulk.
Does that count as a threatening situation and I can shoot him?

And right after I shoot him, and he didn’t die,
can I sue him for subjecting me thru a threatening situation,
and would they give him the death penalty?
The law gives me the right to kill him anyway.

See, I have only lived here in Florida for 2 years now,
and I have seen a lot of crazy Floridians.
Oh and crazy Florida tourists.
Can I shoot them too?
After all, who hasn’t been threatened by crazy people?

I guess I should read some more and
put a lot of thought about where I stand with this law.
Because it seems like, the law makers didn’t.

Note to self,
/no more road rage.
//refrain from flipping people off.
///shut mouth.
////do not go to a sports bar with a lot of drunk sports fans.
/////think about why I left Canada again.
//////go to a gun show. (and bring money)
///////foxtrot, uniform, charlie, kilo

Happy Birthday again!

Happy Birthday to my other sister, Elizabeth.
Someday, when we see each other again,
we are “so” gonna party!

Funny how I still write greetings like this,
even when I know none of my family ever checks out my site.

Maybe it’s a way for me to have proof,
that I remember them on certain special days.

“Hey, Den!, you forgot my birthday!”

“Aha! You are wrong! I have proof.
It’s on my site!”

“See? September 28, 2005.
I remembered.”

“Aww. That’s sweet.
But my birthday is on the 29th.”

Then I’d be like,
Don’t believe everything you see on the internet.”

I read somewhere that 90% of all the stuff you read on the internet is false.
And that’s a fact.

My God, why am I still talking???

here are some websites that are way better than mine.

Love you, sis!

Sly, we should try this! —> TCP/IP Drinking Game
New rules for the NHL —> courtesy of the Penguins
Then I realized how much of a loser I am —> Young Moguls
Urban Legends Reference —> snopes.com
Google Logo Maker —> logogle.com
Photos of liquid drops —> liquidsculpture.com
Hurricanes are deadly but beautiful —> nasa.gov

Quite a scare

Hurricane Rita just missed Houston, Texas.
My cousin Joie, lives in Houston.

The power of prayer truly is amazing.

I am glad you are doing okay my dear cousin.

Maybe you should move here to Florida,
so when a hurricane strikes,
we both get to combine our evacuation food stuff.

And then after the hurricane has passed,
you get to help me finish all them canned goods, I stored.

Because last year,
I single handedly ate all the canned sauerkraut.

Then I spent a whole night in the bathroom.

Not good.

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to my loving Sister, Evelyn.

Always great to talk to you, sis.
I love you very much!

Wishing you the very best.

Rita is coming

As much as I try to keep up with the hurricanes,
here comes another.

Let’s see the list, shall we?

Katrina < --- Bad girl.
Rita < --- We are here.

Now, one things is for sure.

God is pissed!
And I think I am partly to blame.