Yup, I knew it.

Heather Locklear and Richie Sambora, going thru divorce.

Click here for source news.

I knew it.
It was the inevitable.

As much as this saddens me,
a gorgeous female celebrity marrying a rock star is a disaster made in hell.

Haven’t they learned anything from Pamela and Tommy?
Billy and Christie?
Rene and Kenny?
Axl and himself, Slash, Stephanie, Erin?
Britney and that guy from Seinfeld?

This cursed union will never ever be.
Those celebrities who are still married to rock stars are also bound to this fate.

Because Rock Stars are arrogant, selfish, self absorbed, egotistical maniacs,
that they end up hurting their celebrity wives
because they can’t handle sharing the limelight with anyone.

So …. uhh..
Call me.

Or at least confirm that you got the
letters I sent you back in the 80’s,
you two timing bastard.

Here are some cool links.

What’s special about that number? — stetson.edu (Because I am a geek)
100 Photographs that changed the world — digitaljournalist.org
Some of these are very funny — picturesofwalls.com
More Yeti Sports — Icicle Climb

It’s not all fun and games ““ part 2

The dreaded “F” word.

Yup he said it.

Quite clear and crisp too.

Enter scene:

Sounds of toys dropping on the floor.

Tyler: “Oh fuck!”

Daddy: (Screaming) “Tyler! No! You say, Oh Man!”

Tyler: “Oh Man?” (As he looks up, smiling.)

Daddy: “Yes! Oh man!” (I say clearly.)

Tyler: “Oh man, fuck!”

Yup. I quit.

It’s not all fun and games

Fresh from the last post,

Today my Lead Singer kept on blabbing, wouldn’t shut up,
Can’t pipe down, wouldn’t sit still, ultra hyper

Wore me out.

That’s it,
I’m quitting this band.

And now.. On Lead Vocals.

I now present to you,
The Lead Vocals of my future Rock band,

From the Disney movie “Alladin,”


Daddy: Street rat….. Riff Raff!

Tyler: Snuggle (Scoundrel)

Daddy: Take that!

Tyler: Just a little Snack Guys!

Daddy: (laughs, forgot the words) …..(inaudible) ….He’s rather tasty,

Tyler: ..azzaazzaazzee??…………… (I can’t make it out)

Daddy: Woohooooo!!!

And from the animated movie “Madagascar.”


Tyler: I love to move it, move it! I love to move it, move it! You like to………

Daddy: Move it!

Tyler: I gotta laaaaah… (I can’t make it out too.)

Daddy: What was tha…!? (Laughs.)


How funny is this kid?

Bosconian ako!

Happy 15 Years to DBTC Batch “˜91

Congratulations to us for our
remarkable brotherhood and camaraderie.

Watch the Live Alumni Celebration webcast here
–> Don Bosco Mandaluyong

It’s on right now!! Hurry!
Watch it!
Before they start the fireworks.

Or before they all get too drunk.

I know.
I went there.

A “Bosconian” holding a warm bottle of beer is unheard of.

Sometimes, I wonder.

One time, we were at the park,
And I was looking at Tyler.

I jokingly nudged Tracy and said,

“Hey, you know, how everybody tells us how cute, handsome and funny Tyler is?”
as I pointed at him,
“I am beginning to wonder if he’s really mine.”

“What are you talking about?” Tracy frustratingly answers back.

I said, “I was just wondering if he got any traits from me. You know.”

“Oh I know one that truly proves he is yours, and you are his father.” She said.

“Really? What?” I eagerly asked.

She said,
“Well, the other day, after changing his clothes,
I saw him, pick up his underwear with his foot.
You’re the only person I know who does that.”

The woman wins again!

Although it got me into thinking.

Someday, I have to teach him to pick it up with his foot,
toss it up in the air and catch it.

Then shout “Ta-da!”

(Okay, maybe I shared too much information there.)

Canada Elections

Canada underwent a major transition decision.

The Conservative Party defeated the Liberals in power.

Now, it is not a secret how I feel about the government of Canada.
I have expressed most of it here somewhere in my archives.

This was one of the major factors why we moved I got convinced to move to the States.

Although, I must admit,
as much as I hate the “shortcomings” of that government.
This new one scares the bejebbeez out of me.

But what do I know?
I didn’t even vote.
Even though I could have registered as an Out-Of-Country voter,
It was raining yesterday so it was impractical for me to go out and exercise my right.

You see,
Canada implements a Parliamentary rule,
so understanding how the government runs, can be quite confusing.

I am not even clear on where I stand with the government parties.

I may be Liberal at times,
but I sometimes see a Conservative plan of action.
On top of it all, I yearn for a better Reform.

I don’t know.
I can still feel the painful memory of my tax money gone to waste.

And every time I remember all the corruptions and red tape,
it blurs out all the hope and optimism I have left.

More stuff I have learned

Almost 2 weeks have passed,
when all three of us went through the plague.

We’re not all quite well yet, but we are doing much better.
At least, Tyler is back to his old, playful self,
even though he is still congested and coughing.

Tracy is still going thru some whooping cough episode fits,
and I still have the cold, and my head is still filled with an
unending supply of gunk and snot.

While I was busy upgrading my condition from “dying” to “ill”,
I did a lot of thinking, since I didn’t do much,
and I was in the bathroom a lot.

Here are some knowledge I have acquired lately.

1. Sleep deprivation can make you hallucinate.

2. Coughs, sneezes, throat itch, will all happen at the same time, when you finally fall asleep.

3. You can never watch too much TV.

4. I sometimes watch Oprah and Dr. Phil because I can’t afford a therapist.
(Well, I don’t watch it “watch it”, I just see if they’re going to talk about my problems on that episode.)

5. Tyler’s new favourite movie is Alladin, and after watching it for the 28th time, that monkey Abu, is starting to look good.
(Or tasty.)

6. When nothing is on TV, you somehow find yourself tuning on to Dora the Explorer, even though your kid is not watching it with you.

7. Can you blame me, All they show on TV is Angelina Jolie, getting pregnant by some guy.
(Or something like that.)

8. Dora’s last name is Marquez.

9. You can never spend too much time on the internet.

10. It’s true that you can find absolutely anything on the internet, but when you actually find it, the website doesn’t work.

11. Some people came across this site, because I showed up first on a search engine, when they typed “obnoxious people proof” and “seaman stanes.”

Okay okay, I better stop there.
Because I know what you’re thinking.

I know you wanted to try that last one,
to see if I really do show up on the search.

Yeah! I’m psychic you know.

Oh no, no wait,
What you’re really thinking is,

“Why did I even waste my time here?”

Here are some cool links so we can all drink from the
Shadafa cup!

You’re in the driver’s seat — Taxi (funny)
Time for some PacMan — Ezpresso
Questions you have about the Japanese — Japan FAQ
Do it yourself help — DIY.com (Lhy, you might find these useful)
Urban Legends reference — snopes.com
Who were you in your past life — Past Life Analysis

Miserably ill

Went to the doctors.

It was worse than we thought.
Although, they gave Tyler and Tracy some medication.

But for me,
The Doctor said,
“Suck it up, it’ll pass.”

Oh and
“Stop crying! It’s embarrassing.”

I hate them bastards.

What a way to start

What a way to start the New Year.

Everyone in our household is sick.

Tyler has the coughs and fever,
Tracy has the chills, like she’s gonna shake out of her body,
(and she even had the flu shot).

And me, I have the body aches,
itchy throat, and snot altogether.

My God,
I am gonna die!

No wait,
I am going to throw up,

and then I’m gonna die.