The “˜Canes win!

Congratulations to the Carolina Hurricanes.
NHL 2006 Champions.

Of course I was rooting for the Edmonton Oilers.

Though I must give it to the “˜Canes.
They played their hearts on the ice tonight.

I just have a question though.

Is it me or were there at least a hundred guys
playing for Carolina on the ice at the same time?

Because quite frankly, I only see 5 from Edmonton,
and the “˜Canes seem to be everyfreakinwhere.

Everytime the puck hits the ice,
there’s a guy from Carolina in front of it.

It’s freakin’ amazing!

Oh well,
Now that Hockey is over,
time to concentrate on the NBA.

Then the World Cup!

God, I love this time of year!

New Song Added – Don’t Ever Sell Your Saddle

I have never met anyone
Who hasn’t got any issues with their Father.

I am aware that no Father is perfect,
and sure as hell that I am not.

But no matter how hard-to-live-with
and how annoying they are,
you always seem to find in your heart,
to forgive them.

And at the end of the day,
you realize,
they are still your Father.

I know someday,
my kids will have issues with me.
And I pray in the hopes that they
will be able to forgive me too.

So let me dedicate this song,
to all Father’s out there,
especially to my friends,
who have become Fathers in their own right.
And always giving it
their best shot.

A cowboy song I have learned while we were down in Kansas,
about someone’s Father.

Don’t Ever Sell Your Saddle
By Randy Travis,
and as performed by the Prairie Rose Wranglers.
Guitars and Voice by – Ty Martell

Mobile Player here:

Happy Fathers day!!!

Pandora’s Curse

It’s frightening sometimes.

How you get to feel the following emotions,
all in the same day.

and Exhaustion.

Then you realize at the very end,
All you really have is HOPE.

What a funny world we live in eh?

Role Reversal

While Tyler and I were watching TV,
I got up to go to the bathroom.

Tyler: Daddy, where are you going?

Me: I have to go pee-pee.

Tyler: You go pee-pee?

Me: Yes. I’ll be right back okay?

When I got back and sat by the couch;

Tyler: Daddy. You go pee-pee in the potty?

Me: Yes, I did.

Tyler: Good job, Daddy. Good job.
(as he nods and taps me on the head)

You know what’s really weird?

After that assessment from Tyler,
I feel like I deserve a treat.

So I got up and got me a cookie.

Isn’t that bizarre?

F5 Questions

Here are the answers for last week’s,
this week’s,
next week’s,
Crap! I don’t know anymore….
just pick a Friday and pretend that that was it.

So, here we go.

1.) Who was your favorite all time teacher(s)?
—For the life of me I couldn’t remember his name, but he was an older gentleman from England.
I know this is true because he spoke English.
And you know how these English people are, with their spiffy accents,
that even if they are lying to you, they can still be very convincing.

They could tell you that the the Earth is flat, and you would believe them.
Just like when my teacher told me I was stupid,
by golly, he really made me think so.
Funny old chap, that guy is.

2.) What did they teach?
—Statics and Conceptual Physics.
Where he would give us this physics problem based on concept,
where if there would be a car, accelerating from a static point,
with a force speed of 45 Miles per Hour.
And a piece of string, 5 inches in length,
would be hanging from the rear view mirror,
and a metal nut screw, with a weight of 4.25 grams tied to it,
and was displaced from it’s resting point by 30 degrees,
You have to figure out the probability
if the driver of the vehicle can pick you up some food along the way.
Hey! I always get hungry around 2 AM.

3.) What is your best memory from that class?
—Being waken up, because I was snoring.
And the realization that people were laughing at me
not because I was snoring,
but because when I jolted up,
there was a mark of the spiral wire from my notebook, across my face.
Hey, at least I didn’t drool. (I think I hope.)

4.) Did you ever have a crush on a teacher and if so who?
—Oh Man! I so remember her so vividly,
since, this English Teacher of mine, might as well be teaching French.
Because she is “Oui, oui, Tu Est Jolie.”
And for confidentiality reasons, I can’t disclose her name,
since Ms. Gina values her privacy.

5.) What is the craziest/wildest/weirdest thing you (or someone you know) ever did at school?
—In college, we had quite a gap between our classes.
So by the time we attend our night classes, all of us friends, would be sloshed,
shit-faced drunk. And then we would..
all of us would be…
No wait…
We would…

Okay, I can’t really remember most of it.
I guess since it happened so many times,
there aren’t much brain cells left.

Well, at least our livers are still fine. (I think I hope.)

New Song Added – Crazy Love

Crazy Love
Music by Poco
Guitars and Voices by – Ty Martell

Mobile Player here:

I was trying to play a different song,
I don’t know how I ended up with this one.

I was planning on playing something fast,
something that rocks,
something that is crazy.

So I guess, when I thought of crazy,
I thought of people that I love.

They’re so crazy,
They make me want to swallow
a whole bottle of aspirin.

Or bleach.

Space Ship One

I just watched one of the most simple,
most raw,
most rockin’ guitar DVD ever!

Space Ship One
by Paul Gilbert.

Paul has been one of my favourite
guitar players of all time.

His blazing fast licks and gutbucket riffs
always make me want to smash my head into a wall.

But I won’t do that because I suck at fixing drywall
and I have no time to repaint.

So I’ll just try to play more songs,
And play a lot of ROCK!

I don’t care if people listen to it or not.

I just do it for you, Damien.
It’s all for you!

The Mark of the Beast


Tomorrow would be the anticipated date of this year.
June 6, 2006

“Let anyone with understanding calculate the number of the beast,
for it is the number of a person.
Its number is six hundred sixty-six.”
(Revelation 13:16-18, New Revised Standard Version)

This is it folks.

Tomorrow will be the end!
Tomorrow, all we have feared will come!
Tomorrow, we see the number of the beast!
Tomorrow, we experience the mark of Satan!
Tomorrow, evil shall be set free!
Tomorrow, evil shall befall the earth!
Tomorrow, the prophecy will be fulfilled!
Tomorrow, widespread panic and terror shall rule the land!
Tomorrow would be the end of the worl”¦”¦.

Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute”¦..

It’s already tomorrow in Australia.



Friday 5 (80’s)

At last!!
On time!!

Here we go!

1.) Favourite movie of the 1980s?

—It’s hard to pick your favourite “movie” from “movies” you’ve seen and liked.
And if I put the classic 80’s flicks like “Back to the Future” series, “Indiana Jones” series or E.T.,
it’s already a given that these are into everyone’s likings.

So I selected a few of my personal, weird and obscure favourites.

1. Crossroads ““ With Ralph Macchio and Steve Vai in it. (Not the Britney one)
I chose this, because, come on. Who doesn’t want to have a guitar duel with the devil?

2. Hard to Hold ““ with Rick Springfield. Because, come on. Who doesn’t want to become a rock star with beautiful girls falling for you?

3. Clash of the Titans ““ Because, come on. Who doesn’t want to be a greek god?

4. The Dark Crystal ““ Because, come on. Who doesn’t have a fetish with puppets?

5. Debbie Does Dallas ““ Okay maybe it’s 1978. But I have seen it in the 80’s. And come on, Who doesn’t know Debbie?

2.) Favourite musician/group of the 1980s?

— This would be very difficult for me, for if I list them all,
I would have to cancel all my appointments and my child will not be eating lunch.
So I decided to put down all the band posters I had in my room, when I was growing up.

Depeche Mode
Duran Duran
Tears For Fears
Spandau Ballet
Michael Jackson
Van Halen
Bon Jovi
Brooke Shields

–Oops! You didn’t see that.

3.) Favourite TV show of the 1980s?

—My God! Each and every Saturday morning cartoon!
Yes Kids!
In our day, we only watch cartoons on a Saturday!
One day a week!
Not like you with your 24 hour cartoon channel network.
You spoiled little shits!

4.) Favourite invention of the 1980s?

—2 things, I believe were the best invention in the 80’s.
The Atari 2600 and those Pop Rocks candies,
that pops in your mouth when you eat them.
YES! I love those.

5.) World Event from the 1980s that stands out in your mind?

—I have to say it’s the “People Power” Revolution in the Philippines.
Because right in the midst of all the fear and confusion,
all the way to the people’s victory,
I was in the hospital being treated for Dengue.

Yes. My body is weaker than most children.
That’s what you get when you aren’t breast fed.
And you sniff a lot of glue.

My god!
As you can see,
I am the best guy to answer all these Friday Five questions!
I should be given a medal.
And a straightjacket.

Busko ’91 Reunion


To my fellow Bosconian brothers,
for a successful simultaneous web cast reunion,
both from California and Manila.

It was great to see you guys,
kahit sa webcam man lang.

Nakakainggit talaga!

Hopefully, I get to be in Colorado for part 2.

Mabuhay kayo, mga kapatid!

Pro Deo, Et Patria