Whom do you trust?

The Government.

So I was reading up on
the process on how to renew my passport online.

Then I came about this friendly reminder from the Canadian Government,
about this new “WHTI.”
The Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative.

Stating that, all travelers will require a passport to enter/re-enter
the United States, by way of air or sea.
And this includes Canadians too.

Currently, Canadians only need to present proof of citizenship,
or a photo ID, such as a Driver’s License or a Blockbusters card.

Not anymore.
Everyone must show their passport documents.

Well, this is good news, since you can never be too safe
with regards to terrorists trying to enter the American realm.

And then,

I also came about this article from CBC —> click here.

And of course I am sure you didn’t read that.
So, I’ll sum it up for you.

there will be exemptions to this new rule that the U.S. is trying to initiate.

It states that travelers who enter by means of ferries or a private watercraft,
are exempt from this new law. Because “this is a particular form of transportation, they do not want to interfere with.”


So in conclusion.

There are two things I have learned from all of this.

Lesson learned number 1.
Terrorists never use ferries or private watercrafts,
and prefers to show valid identification documents.


Lesson learned number 2.
We should always trust the government.
How they govern you and
how they tackle each and every issue this country faces.

They want what’s best for you.
They are like your typical car salesman.
They never lie.
They are your friends

Listen to them.

//end sarcasm here
//prays that no FBI/CIA knocks on my door

Five Questions – Lasts, Firsts.

This was supposed to be written yesterday for Friday Five.
But I was at work and too lazy too tired to do anything else at home.

So I give you these questions today.
After all, you know what they say,

“Better late than pregnant than never.”

1.) What was the last new song you discovered?

–“We all dream of Love,” by Paul Gilbert.
From the Space Ship One album.
One of the bazillion songs I am trying to learn.

2.) What was the last new dish you tasted?

–Since I live in Florida now, it’s customary for me to try these Alligator tails (Gator tails).
They are quite good.
Tastes like chicken and pork at the same time.
With a little hint of sourness in the end.
I guess it depends what the alligator ate before they murdered it.

3.) Where was the last place you visited for the first time?

–I wish I can say some exotic, far away place,
that would make you jealous with envy.
But what really comes to mind right now,
is the NorthEast wing of our building at work.
I haven’t been there before and I got lost trying to find my way back
and ended up in the fire escape stairwell.
(Hey, the sign said Exit, and that’s what I wanted to do.)

4.) Who was the last new person you met?

–A lot of people, actually. I just started a new job.
And everyone has been very nice, so far.

But I must say, that there is this one guy, a big guy.
Probably a sumo wrestler.
Whom I believe is one of the maintenance people in our building.
Always says “Hey Man, what’s up?” to me,
every time I go to the cafeteria soda pop machine, right by the payphones and restrooms.
He is starting to freak me out.
This wouldn’t really bother me, but he looks at me like I am his lunch or something.
He can probably smell the gator tails I have consumed.

5.) What was the last new toy you played with?

–A brand spanking new, out of the box,
Sun Solaris Server V40z. at work.

Up to four dual-core AMD Opteron processors
Up to 32 GB of registered DDR1/333 SDRAM or DDR1/400 SDRAM
System has 16 DIMM slots (four per processor); DDR1/333 or DDR1/400 ECC registered DIMMs (128-bit plus ECC databus).
Up to six hot-swap Ultra320 SCSI disks

Then I installed Windows Server 2003 on it, and played Solitaire!
Man did those cards ever fly!

I guess you should know by now,
I am a geek.
And a loser.

Hey, you think these Friday Five questions are easy?
Me and my Fellow Friday Fivers Team,
pull out our hairs just to be able to answer them.

And judging by looking at my exposed scalp,

I win!

Feed me, Seymour!

One dilemma about having to go to work
would be “food.”

What am I gonna have for lunch?

Sure, I could go out of the office,
drive a couple of miles,
just to get stuck in traffic
and wait at long lines at the fast food drive-thru.

But I only have an hour for lunch
and I am not going to make it back on time.

Plus, spending a good $5 – $6 dollars everyday
is not on my budget plan.

So, I bring in the ultimate solution for quick fill nourishments.

TV Dinners!

And today, I have the “Hungry Man – Salisbury Steak” meal.

A pound of sweet succulent cow meat,
with mushroom and onion gravy,
mashed potatoes,
green beans and carrots for veggies,
and a side of brownie,
all packed in one delicious serving.


Although, there should be a disclaimer on these
so called “fill-you-up-tv-dinners.”
Especially with this “Hungry Man” feast.

They are not very filling!
It didn’t even hit the spot.
In fact, not even close at all.

I am still hungry!

I really am!

My God! I have problems.

Curse you, my overactive appetite!

No Updates?

What is the deal with this guy?
How come he has not updated this site in a while?
What a freakin’ “Lazy Ass” this guy is!

Well, the “Lazy Ass” guy has some news for you!
This guy who owns this website is now “Employed.”

Yes Sir!
I have found myself a job.
The rumour of me being whipped is now over.

But, even though I will be very busy,
I will still continue to write stuff and play music for this site.
And also for your reading pleasure.

That is of course,
I am assuming that people who come across this site
actually care.

Okay, I know you don’t really care,
But I am sure as soon as you see where I work,
You’ll think highly of me.
So I took a picture of the office so I can show you.

Click here –> The Office

Now you realize how cool I am huh?
You start to feel like giving me gifts.
Or a trophy.
Or an iPod.
Or a punch in the face.

So anyway,
If there are no updates to this site,
you know I am doing overtime at The Office.
Working it really hard.

I Give Up

I came upon this catchy tune about three weeks ago,
And it is still churning in my head!

My friend Nikki calls it,
“Last Song Syndrome.”

I call it,
“Somebody get a gun and shoot me.”

So, since I am a caring person,
I would happily share with you this agony.

Now, if you want to hear it too,
just remember, you’ve been warned.


World Cup Finals!

Victory battle in an hour!


France versus Italy.

It all comes down to this.
The game starts in an hour,
so that means, I have enough time to start cooking lunch,
and make my infamous Caldereta.

And when I say infamous,
I mean it’s so good, it should be illegal.
As a matter of fact it’s almost poison.

I’ll be eating that while enjoying the Championship Match.

Man, I have never been this excited since
I saw that show where Matt Lauer interviewed a Cow.
(Wait! I might be wrong on that one.)

**Photo from FIFA World Cup site.

Italy wins.
My Caldereta sucks!

New Song Added – Guitar Man

Guitar Man
by Bread

Mobile Player here:

I remember the first time I heard this song,
I was in my room, contemplating the meaning of life,
conjugating verbs, solving math problems
and understanding the universe,
I said to my self,
“Wow, this song is pretty cool.
I would give anything and sell my soul
to become a real Guitar Man.”

Following my dream of becoming a real musician.
Being able to play music, as long as you please.
From one place to another,
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 4 weeks a month, 12 months a year,
365 days, 52 weeks,
525,600 minutes.

I don’t really know where I was going with that.

What I am trying to say was,
now that I am older,
I realized that
I am glad I didn’t sell my soul for musical talent.

I would rather have a gorgeous body and chiseled good looks.

Screw talent!
Beautiful people can get away with anything
and get whatever they want.

That’s the lesson for today.

I have no clue what I am saying here.
I am an ass.
And a loser.

Are you still reading this?
Why are you still reading this?

Happy Canada Day!

Man, do I ever miss the Canada Day celebrations.

It’s not really the celebration “per se,” that I miss,
(Wow, I finally used the phrase “per se”)
but all my friends who, on this day
are already sloshed drunk, even before noon.

As for my experience during this event,
there must be a million things happening around you
that you just can not keep up.

Celebrating Canada Day, I think
is the reason why
I have developed ADD.

Oh look! Something shiny!

Happy Birthday also
to Kuya Rhey, and Kenneth.

Five Questions

Maybe we should just call this, “Five Questions.”

Because “Friday Five,” being answered on time,
is damn near impossible.

So, here we go.

1.) What word irks you everytime you hear someone say it?
—There are a couple of words/phrases actually.

First, I concur with Abbie and Nikki.
“Whatever” is a very annoying word.
(Especially in the tone of those teenage girls ““ “Whatevvuuurrrrr!”)

Second. It also bothers me when someone says “Duuhhhh”
to someone who has made an obvious mistake.
Makes them look like pompous assess who think they are better than everyone.
(Especially when they say it with that “I’m a pompous ass” expression on their face.)

Also, “You know what I’m sayin?”
(No, I don’t know what you’re saying.
Maybe if you stop doing that gangsta gesture with your hand, I would. It’s distracting.)

And “That’s what I’m talkin’ about!”
(You know what, You weren’t really telling me anything,
nor did I hear you mutter any words.
And quit that gansgta hand gesture. It’s annoying.)

2.) What is your favorite word?
Boobies. ROCK!

3.) What does it mean?
—As in, I like boobies ROCK Music!

4.) What word do you say far too often?
—“Yes.” As in, “Yes, I would like some fries with that.”

5.) Name three words you think other people overuse:
— “Like”
“You know”

Come to think of it,
people use all three in a sentence. “It’s like, whatever, you know?”

Ya kno’ what I’m sayin’ Bro?

Encounter #3

Another snake has been spotted around the house yesterday.

Right by our front lawn,
preying on the lizards.

I truly believe that this land is cursed.
I started thinking that, eversince those Jehovah’s Witness people
knocked on our door and ran away screaming.
Maybe because I didn’t have any pants,
but that’s beside the point.

This is the third snake we have seen since we moved here.
And quite frankly,
it’s getting to be very annoying.

It was fun the first time,
since it had that bragging rights that I have encountered a snake.

The second time was scary because,
I just saw the snake skin inside our garage,
realizing that it could enter the premises without my knowledge.

Now, it’s just downright embarrassing.

Even though I am scared of snakes,
it’s pretty embarrassing when people tell you,
that there are snakes around your house.

Either that, or because moments earlier,
I accidentally peed in my pants.