More than 20 days.

I have this whooping cough now for more than 20 days.

It freakin’ feels like I am coughing out my lung
and some parts of my esophagus.

It has always been like this my whole life, growing up.
I get sick a lot, and it stays with me for a long period of time.

Maybe because when I was a kid,
I was never breast fed.

And I never ate my vegetables.

Although, I remember eating a lot of dirt.

And possibly paste.

Happy Birthday Mother!

A little shout out to my Mother.

It’s funny and weird that I wanted to greet my mother a very happy birthday here,
even though I know that she has never read this site.
She does not even know it exists.

So why do I do it?

It’s called (sucking up) preventing unavoidable circumstances.

Because someday, somehow.
I am going to need a place to stay.

And possibly some money.

And she has them both.

Happy birthday Mother!

One more time.

I didn’t even think I was going to be able to see him,
but last night,
I saw Eric Johnson again.

In concert.

I enjoyed this performance better than the last one.
Maybe because the first one,
I was leaning by the stage, and I saw the song list on the floor,
so I knew what songs are coming next.

But this time,
I intentionally stepped back a bit, about 8 or 10 feet from the stage,
right by the speakers where his guitar was panned,
and every song he did was a real surprise and an excellent treat.

He started the show with “Zap.”
And quickly followed it with “My Back Pages.”

And as always,
I was screaming like some girl auditioning for American Idol.

I almost shit my pants when they played “Dear Prudence”
by the Beatles.
My God, this guy never ceases to amaze me.

Then followed it with “Desert Rose.”
Which is truly one of my favorites,
and just after hearing the intro,
I really think I did shit my pants,
in the shape of a Fender Strat with a dropped “D” tuning.

I almost lost my mind right then and there!

Eric, Roscoe and Tommy‘s team is truly a show to see.

One of the highlights of the night was the triple encore they gave us.
Three times they went back and came out, playing more tunes.

What a show, what a show.

Oh, I would have told you more about the guy who spilled his beer on my shirt.

Or that lady who kept on dancing in front of me and kept stepping on my feet.

Or when some lady threw her bra on stage,
and one of the roadies picked it up,
and Roscoe came out wearing it.

Or when one of the security guys told me to quit taking pictures on my cell phone.

I would have told you more of what happened, but
I have to end this since it’s getting too long,
and I want to play some guitar!

Thanks to Eric for putting on a great show.

Thanks baby for convincing me to go and see him.

And thanks for reading this post up to this point.

Pictures are posted under \Photos\Roadtrips

Now it’s time to ROCK!

Knock Knock!

Before going to bed.

Tyler: Daddy! Knock-knock.

Me: Who’s there?

Tyler: Mater! (From the movie, Cars)

Me: Mater who?

Tyler: It’s Mater!! Hahaha!!

Me: Hahaha!! That’s funny!

Tyler: Yeah! Haha!


anyone who gets the joke,
gets a cookie,
when you explain it to me.

I’m going to bed.

Hero / Villain Test

Got this from Abbie.

Your results:
You are Spider-Man

Green Lantern
The Flash
Iron Man
Wonder Woman
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

SPIDERMAN is so true for me,
because after having the flu,
I haven’t showered in 2 days.
And I feel a little sticky.


Your results:
You are Apocalypse

Mr. Freeze
The Joker
Dark Phoenix
Lex Luthor
Dr. Doom
Green Goblin
Poison Ivy
You believe in survival of the fittest and you believe that you are the fittest.

Click here to take the Supervillain Personality Quiz

APOCALYPSE is also true,
because since I haven’t showered,
I freakin’ smell like the end of the world!

With a hint of Vicks.

The whole year through

We have a saying back in the Philippines,
that whatever you do on the first day of the year,
will be what you are mostly going to feel
the whole year through.

I guess that’s why people party their hearts out,
be with their loved ones,
surrounded by laughter and cheer.

How fun would that be?

When the clock strikes twelve tonight,
on New Year’s Eve.

I sit here.

With the flu.

Or the plague.

My 2007 is going to be awesome!

For sure!

/ends sarcasm
//turns computer off
///goes to bed
////wallow in self pity

Another K.L.T.

Killer Links Tuesdays.

Before I give you this week’s links,
let me just tell you this story that happened last night.

It was quite late,
and cold,
I was throwing out the trash,
when suddenly, I heard a woman’s voice,
not very far from where I was,
shouting at the top of her lungs,

“Excuse me!”
“Sir, Excuse me!”

I looked around.
I saw this lady, walking towards me,
in her nightgown,
with no shoes,
holding her arms and shoulders.



What does K.L.T mean?

I was trying to start something here,
that would (make) force me to write something and
update this site.

Since my friends refuse to update theirs,
which leaves me no choice but to read my own,
over and over again.

I am going to try to start this new Category called K.L.T.

Now what does it stand for?

Key Leadership Team?
Kansas Land Trust?
Key Leader Training?
Knots Landing Trivia?
Kulangot Lang Tayo?
Katie Loves Tom?


It stands for,
Killer Links Tuesdays

Where I would try to post some interesting links,
that I have gathered and collected into
my massive Firefox Bookmarks.

I’ve actually done this before,
but it was just bits and pieces of stuff I throw in at the end of a post,
just to give the illusion that there other stuff I look at on the Internets,
besides stuff that end in “X.”

And please, if you have some interesting sites you would like to share,
Feel free to post it in the comments.
(I know you won’t. I just though I’d ask anyway.)

Here are this weeks “K.L.T.”

1.) The size of our world.
2.) How will I die quiz.
3.) Pictures of walls.
4.) 100 Photographs that changed the world.
5.) Who were you in your past life.

And if you’re still hungry for more,
check out the “Family and Friends” links.

Their sites are way better than my crap.