Times have changed.

When I went to church for Ash Wednesday,
last uhhh “Wednesday,”

I never really paid attention to some of the practices and proceedings
that have changed over the years.

Or so I think.

As I sit amongst the people in the pews.
In silence. (ZzzZZzzz)

I begin noticing how different things are these days.

Par exemple.

When I was young,
we say the Lord’s Prayer as,
“As we forgive those who “sins” against us.”
Now we say
“As we forgive those who “tresspass” against us”.

When did that happen?

We used to say the “Apostles’ Creed,”
(Which I was forced to memorize back in Grade School)
And now everyone seems to know and recite the “Nicene Creed.”
(Which is about 300 words longer.)

When did that happen?

And at the Holy Communion part,
Everyone seems to eat their host (bread) and drink from the cup too.
In the old days, we were only allowed to have the bread.
And then we just have to tough it out, up until the mass ends for us to get a drink.

When did that happen?

And not too long ago,
During Ash Wednesday,
When the priest makes an imprint of the cross
on my forehead with ashes,
I used to lift and part the front of my hair,
so he can see my forehead.

Now there’s nothing to part.
Now (I don’t) I can’t .

Since when did that happen too?

Just like that.

Just like that
it’s over.

One day a year.

Thank you to all those who,

text messaged,
instant messaged,
smoke signaled
messaged via pigeon
messaged via bottle
sign language’d

I should have stopped after smoke signaled.
The joke pretty much died there.

Thank you so much.

Talk to you guys next year!

Okay that is not true.
I’ll talk to you sooner than that for sure.

I’ll call you on your birthdays.

And maybe,
just maybe,


New K.L.T.

Killer Links Tuesdays

Wanted: Image Designers.

This is not actually a post.
It’s more of a “cry for plea.”

See that image on top?
That picture that randomly changes when you click it?

I want to change it.

They are not even mine.

I want some new ideas and new designs.
I want to put up images that define real music.
Images that show how beautiful of an instrument the Guitar is.

But here lies the problem.

I am lazy.
Plus I am not very good with image editing, manipulation and design.
And the fact that I am lazy.

So, along with my request,
here are image tutorial links I have gathered,
just to give myself the illusion that I am willing to do them someday.

So, if you learn anything from these links,
please make me some images for this site.

I promise I’ll pay you.
But don’t quote me on that.
I might not pay you.
I might not even have the money.

Sorry about that.
I’m a little crazy in the head.
And I am a pathological liar.
In fact I was lying to you just now.

Here are the Links.

PS ““ Vince. Don’t forget my request ha.
No rush Brod!
Just when you have the time lang.

1.) How to be a curious photographer
2.) Free Online Photography Course
3.) The Orton Effect
4.) Turning Portrait Into Stone
5.) How to get that SIN CITY look (Possibly NSFW)
6.) Making of Yuka (Possibly NSFW)
7.) Making of Frodo

Did you see that?

Did you see “The Police” at the Grammy’s?

How awesome was that?

How “cool” are these three, huh?

I sure hope they are going to tour.

And not only that,
It has also been confirmed that
VAN HALEN (with David Lee Roth),
has reunited and will tour this year.

Man oh man!
Exciting times!

I love it when bands from my youth reunite
and play together again.

Now if only Roby Rosa would form the original Menudo,
my year would be complete.

PS ““ That last line was meant to be a joke.
No offense meant to Menudo fans out there.

And when I say fans,
I meant you, Grandma!

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to Kristine.

I know you and I go way back.
Back when things were simpler.

And thank you for reminding me,
how funny and crazy I was back then.

Just like that time when I was cracking jokes and being silly,
Two of our friends were there
and their heads exploded in sheer amazement.

(True Story)

Happy Birthday to you.
I wish you all the happiness you deserve.

Mahal kita.

Pssst. Malapit na rin Birthday ko.

Book 7 Revealed

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

I know, I know.
I am already late with this.

I meant to write this when the news came out,
but hey,
you know what they say.

“Better late than (later) (pregnant) never.”

So if the last HP book is due in July 2007,
That pretty much gives me 6 months to read all previous books.

Wait a minute.
That’s a book per month.

Who am I kidding?
I wouldn’t be able to do that.

I’ll just watch the first movie
and then read books 2 to 6.

I am a fan of the series but
I am not “that” big of a fan.

Except maybe when I read about Nymphadora Tonks.
Then that’s when I get all giggly inside.
She can “Wingardium” my “Leviosa” anyday.

And that’s LehVee-Oh-sa.
Not Lehveeoh-sa.

Dilemma solved

A couple of weeks ago,
my brother and I were talking about choosing a school for kids.

What to look for,
what to expect,
and what to ask the administration
about how they run the facilities.

Then he asked me,

“When you fill out the forms, what Ethnicity, would you put Tyler in?”

I didn’t know what to answer,
since my son is multi-racial.

To be honest,
I never really thought about it.
I do not know where to sign him up as.

So anyway,
Yesterday, I finally figured out what ethnicity my son is.

How, you ask?

Well, after eating lunch yesterday,
and after tidying up the table,
I asked him if he wants some more juice to drink,
he looked up at me,

and lo and behold,

he’s got rice on his cheek
and some on his shirt.

There you go.

He is a true “Filipino.”

Case closed.

One more Birthday Greeting!

Joyeux Anniversaire, Pamela!

Hope you had a great birthday.
I would love to visit you in France someday.

Then take me to the Louvre,
or show me where they saw that Code by some guy.

I think his name was “Da Beansy” or something.
I’m not really sure.

Happy Birthday again!

Je t’aime ma chérie!

-From Kuya Denden

Birthday Greetings!

Happy Birthday Ate Gerdie!

Tumawag ako sa’yo,
pero di ka nasagot.

Baka tulog ka pa,
kaya si Ate Gina na lang ang binulabog ko.

All the best.

Love ya!