Back on F5

1. If you could suddenly speak one language fluently
(that you don’t currently speak) what would it be?

– That would be French!
Or I’ll just settle for the French accent,
Man what would I give to speak like Pepe Le Pew,
trying to woo the object of my desire.
“Oh Oui, oui, ma chérie. Where have I been all your life?”
(read that with an accent, okay?)

2. If you were to suggest a foreign film, that you really enjoyed,
what one would you suggest?

– I would go for that Stephen Chow film, Shaolin Soccer.

3. If you had to call another country home
(other than the one you currently live in) what one would you choose?

– Since I am not there technically, it would still be CANADA.
Two Words!
1.) HOCK
2.) KEY

4. If you went out to buy an import music CD, what one would you buy?
– It would probably be CD’s I already have,
but released only in other countries.
Concerts are usually what they are.

5. If you were to chose an ethnic dinner, what would it be?
– I pretty much eat everything, so this is a tough one.
So I say, I would like to go with a Korean Spicy Kimchi style ribs.

Maybe someday.

But now,
I go to bed.

What this site needs.

You know what this site needs?


I need some avid readers or listeners.
Kind of like, returning customers.
Or groupies.

That’s right.
I want to generate a lot of traffic on this thing.

Maybe I should do more advertising. Like this one.

Create more interesting games or contests, like this one.

Plug this site on your local news, like this one.

You don’t have to be dedicated, like this one.

Or go to the extreme, like this one.

Just show me your love, like this one.

So come one, come all.
Call your friends.

Enjoy the show.

Okay okay!
These images are not real.
They are all generated.

Except for this guy.
He really loves me.

-I know, I know.
I am going straight to Hell for that last one.

Happy Birthday, Bea!

Happy Birthday to my niece, Bea!

Wow, I still remember when you were just a day old,
and I carried you.

You were so small and so precious.
Then you looked up at me,
with your pretty little eyes,
And that’s when you told me
that I was the best Uncle in the world!

And something about my rugged good looks.

True story.

Happy Birthday Bea!!!

Gum me!

While I was driving to work today,
I heard this news on the radio.

And I want to share this with you,
because you know how much I care,
and want to contribute to your social awareness.

“..To demonstrate how sexually transmitted diseases are spread,
a visiting speaker invited students to share gum in health classes
at four county high schools….”

Click here for full story.

Now isn’t that the most disgusting thing you have ever heard?

I will never share a gum with anyone!
Never, ever!

Unless you’re a hot chick.

And we’re chewing “peppermint.”

Weekend gone!

As I sit here,
This Sunday night,

Wondering where did the freakin’ weekend go?

First, with the change in Daylight Saving Time,
with us springing forward, losing an hour,
you would think the week would have gone pretty fast.

But Noooooo!!!

Last week was long and slow.
Slower than a 3 legged turtle!

Then the weekend just flew by.
Quicker than a cat with its tongue out licking its ass.
Or something like that.

And Second,
Why does Friday afternoon the longest time at work,
And Sunday night is the shortest time at home?

What is the deal?

I remember coming home from work,
and it seemed like I just blinked and,
now I am getting ready to go back again.

Did I travel through time or something?

And some people would say,
that if you enjoy your work,
then you wouldn’t notice the time.

I say this to you.

If your work is so enjoyable,
then why do they have to pay you to do it?

And the sad thing is.
I go back,
because they do pay me.

I need it.
I owe a lot of money.

I suck at life.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!!

Man, if I had friends around here,
this day would have been celebrated
with a lot of drinking green beer.
(Color Green optional)

I would love to celebrate this day,
even though there is nothing Irish about me.

The closest thing I am to being Irish,
is my choice of bath soap,
which was purely made in the “springs of Ireland.”

I don’t even know much about St. Patrick,
or anything about his Irish history.
Though I think, he made the plague of snakes go away
to another place,
and the people decided to express their gratitude
by painting the town green,
and alcohol and vomit.
And those who were not wearing green will get pinched.
Particularly around the breast region.

I am not too sure about that, so don’t quote me.


Happy St. Paddy’s day!

More Birthday shout outs!

Happy Birthday to my li’l Brother Brian!

Maybe I shouldn’t call you “little brother” anymore,
since you are about twenty feet taller than me,
and about 200% more handsome.

Si Daddy ang hindi natin kaya sa kapogi-an.
Wala tayong laban dun.

I hope you had a great day.

Love you very much!

a great big Happy Birthday to you, Anne!

I know things are going great for you,
and I am happy that things are turning out fine.

Your kids are all so beautiful.
I wish you all the best!

Check out Anne’s site here. –> Spiegelbild


Tyler’s New Thingies.

I know, I should have posted a K.L.T.,
but this one has to be put here.

A couple of days ago, while I was tuning my guitars,
Tyler grabbed the mic and started singing.

I recorded him just for the fun of it,
since the kid just wouldn’t stop.

Good thing my friend Abbie, updated her site,
and wrote about her little precious angel.
Which made me remember this little ditty from Tyler.

I now present to you,

Tyler, singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

How’s that for his ending, eh?

Another Song Added – Every Time I Look At You

Very few of you know,
that I also have a music page in here.
(and when I say few, I meant less than two)

I added one more song to that page.

A Rock Ballad by KISS,
“Every Time I Look At You.”

Mobile Player here:

I know, I know.
It’s a ballad, even though I promised
to bring back the ROCK on this site.

Well, I like Ballads.

Maybe I am not a true “Rocker.”
I just pretend to be one.

That’s what I always do in my everyday life.
I always pretend.

Like how I pretend that I do not have superpowers.
Wearing a cape and a hat.
And not just any hat.
One of those combination hat and earmuffs kind of thing.
And some gloves.
With flashy sequins.

Hey, superheroes get cold too.
but still want to look fabulous!

And that’s me.

Super Fah-bu-lous!

Check out all other songs under CHORUS