
You know you have too much on your mind when:

Instead of putting toothpaste,

you pour your Contact Lens Solution
on your toothbrush.


This is going to be a good day.

Protégera nos foyers et nos droits

In the spirit of Canada Day,
and because I am missing the celebrations up in the Great White North,
I thought I’d share these with you.

Things I have learned when I lived there.

And of course, I have found these all throughout the intarwebnet.
Because, “Plagiarism” is one of the skills I have truly mastered.
That and “Forgery.”

You know you’re Canadian when:

  • You stand in “line-ups” or “queues” at the movies, not lines.
  • You’re not offended by the term, “Homo Milk.”
  • You understand the sentence,
    “Could you please pass me a serviette, I just spilled my bowl of poutine!”
  • You eat chocolate bars instead of candy bars.
  • You drink pop, not soda.
  • (more…)

    Song Added – Right Now

    One of the reasons why I keep playing music is that
    whenever I find myself struggling to keep my sanity
    with day to day aggravation,
    playing music keeps me from screaming like a mad man out in the streets.

    Plus, this way,
    I keep myself out of trouble and just stay indoors.

    I totally refuse to go outside.
    It’s a very dangerous world.
    Bad things happen outside.
    The Civil War happened outside.

    At least that’s what I have learned from my parents.
    That’s why I was locked indoors and never allowed to have friends.

    Here’s a song by SR-71.

    Right Now

    Click here for Lyrics.

    It took me 49 takes before I came up with this one.
    And I am still not happy with it.
    It got to be very frustrating.

    Come to think of it,
    I should have just gone outside.

    Bonus points on whoever figures out where I ripped off the Lead Guitar solo.

    Man I should have just renamed this entire site
    “Rip Off Music.”
    Because that’s all I do.

    This is a very catchy Rock song.
    I saw SR-71 perform in Ottawa when they opened up for Bon Jovi.

    I think this was a song from the movie
    “Dude where’s my car?”

    Or in Tagalog
    “Dong, saang lebel tayo nag park?”

    So that’s why!

    All day long today,
    I kept on complaining how slow the day was.

    I was busier than a tick on a dog today,
    but everytime I look at the clock,
    it seems to be in a standstill.

    Either it was,
    or Hiro was playing a trick on me.

    Then as I found out.
    Today is the “Summer Solstice.”

    The maximum length of time between sunrise and sunset.
    The longest day of the year.

    And to satisfy your curiosity,
    the shortest day for this year (Winter Solstice)
    is December 22nd.

    I know interesting trivia like these.

    I learned all this from Trebek.

    Watching Jeopardy makes me really smart.

    I am so smart, I am practically retarded.

    Click this link to see two of my favourite TV shows merge as one.

    –> Jeopardy / Family Guy

    Father’s Day 2007

    Things I learned from my Father.

    1.) All women are crazy. That’s why we love them.
    (Okay, maybe I learned that on my own.)

    2.) Beer first before beauty.
    (Umm, I think I learned that on my own too. After I got out of AA.)

    3.) How to kill someone using just an aluminum foil and duct tape.
    (I probably learned that on my own too.)

    4.) You can only fit 3 bodies in a trunk of a car.
    (Oh man, I learned that the hard way.)

    5.) Ask a friend to bring an extra shovel.
    Make sure friend will dig a hole in the ground without any question.
    (Ahh! Darwin, my man! Such sweet memories huh?)

    These may not be true.

    But one thing my Dad taught me for sure was…

    to have a “Sense of Humour.”

    And also not to mix the whites form the colors.
    Laundry days are a bitch!

    Happy Father’s Day!

    I am Big Bird!

    Got this from Nikki

    Hmm. I wonder why I ended up as him?

    You Are Big Bird

    Talented, smart, and friendly… you’re also one of the sanest people around.

    You are usually feeling: Happy. From riding a unicycle to writing poetry, you have plenty of hobbies to keep you busy.

    You are famous for: Being a friend to everyone. Even the grumpiest person gets along with you.

    How you live your life: Joyfully. “Super. Duper. Flooper.”

    There’s More!


    What do you do?

    If your 4 year old –>

    Becomes a computer addict, –>

    and won’t even let you use your own. –>

    What do you do?

    Do not feed them.
    Lock them in the bathroom.
    Beat them up.

    Build them their own! –>

    Now, I have my computer all to myself!


    I missed you, my baby!

    I know why.

    I know why the Senators Lost the Stanley Cup.

    It’s not because they played bad.
    It’s not because they weren’t good enough.

    The reason they lost
    is because…

    I wanted them to win.

    I don’t even know why I even bother to hope.

    That is “Life’s” funny way of kicking me in the balls.

    Hostie! Toi, mon tabarnac de ciboire de St. Sulpice,
    tu me fais chier en christ!

    I need help to pronounce all that.

    (Sorry about that.)

    Now I go to the bathroom and weep.

    New Song Added – Pick Up the Pieces

    as I come out of my dark place,
    where I was in complete solitude.
    Pondering my life’s dilemma.
    And praying to the Holy Trinity,
    Britney, Paris and Lindsay.

    I realized, that the only way for me
    To keep on going
    is to pick up the pieces
    and play some music.

    So here’s a little bit of Jazz.

    Pick Up The Pieces
    by The Average White Band.
    (Jeff Golub’s Version)

    Mobile Player here:

    I don’t know what it is,
    but playing this song
    makes me want to drink some refreshments.
    And by refreshments I meant “alcohol.”

    But I’ll drink it with a straw.
    Because, I am “classy” like that.

    Do not disturb.

    We lost Game 4.

    I’m going to be in my dark place for a while.
    That’ll prevent me from punching myself in the spine.

    I’m going now.

    We’ll see how it goes on Wednesday.