New Song Added – Maybe I’m A Leo

Maybe I’m A Leo
By Deep Purple

Click here for Lyrics.

I have been listening to a lot of Classic Rock these past few weeks.
I don’t know why.

I guess I am just re-introducing myself to how guitar music was
in the old days.
The good days.

I have always said that I would give anything to have been in that era.
In the music scene of the late 60’s and 70’s.

How I would love to have witnessed the first Woodstock.
The “real” Woodstock.

Where love, peace and understanding
dominated everyone’s feelings.

Well, that and drugs.

But I wouldn’t do the drugs.
I never have and never will.
I am not that stupid.

I don’t need drugs to make me feel high.
I get the same effect just by playing music.

Or eating wasabi.

Check out all the other tunes under Chorus.

I need a break.

I am in Orlando for a week, for training.
And tomorrow’s the exam.

I just took a break from

yes, studying,
to update this site.

I just realized that I haven’t updated this site since …
well, since that post underneath this post.

I need to get back and keep this site up to date.
This is a product of my hard work.
It’s one of my accomplishments.

And I haven’t had any accomplishments in a while.

That’s why I need to pass this exam tomorrow.
Not just because I have to, but also for bragging rights.

You see the last accomplishment I have done successfully was,
this morning while taking a shower,
the bath soap slipped off my hands,
and I caught it!

In mid air!


I am awesome!

And a loser.

An awesome loser!

Beaches of the South – Update

It has been almost three (3) months,
since I started the South Beach diet.
I wish I had pictures to show my progress,
or a chart to see where I am and how much weight I lost.

But I won’t do that.
It is rude to brag about achievements,
since it might be taken ill by some people.


So let me just share to you what I have learned from it so far.

First. – I AM TIRED.

I get tired very easily.
I don’t know why.
But I am always tired.

Second. – I AM LIGHT.

I move a lot quicker.
Especially when I play guitar.
My fingers are a bit faster too.
And I can see the frets.
Maybe because my belly sticks out so much before
that the guitar was so far from me.

Third. – I AM STRONG.

I did the Groceries today.
And before, when I spend 80 dollars worth of groceries,
It takes 2 plastic bags and
I need two hands to carry them.
Now, I carry them with one hand,
in one plastic bag.

Okay maybe that last one was because of Inflation.

Stupid laws of Economics.

I’m done too.

That’s it.
I finished it today.

I read The Deathly Hallows.
I said goodbye to the world of Harry Potter.

A part of me never really wanted it to end,
that’s why it took me this long to finish it.
It’s an end of an era.
An end to the adventure.

I liked the way the whole series ended.
That was a good closure to it.

I am just a fan.
I take it as it is.

It’s just annoying sometimes,
when people make fun of me, because I like Harry Potter.

“You like Harry Potter, Ty?”
“That’s just sad for someone your age!”

Why yes I do.
I like Harry Potter.
It’s not just for kids.
The story is quite dark if you ask me.
It’s got great twists and plots.

Plus, I like to read.
It’s a good series of books.
Why am I defending myself?

Fucking Muggles!

And yes, I wore my Marauder’s Map shirt when I got the book.
I have a picture of it somewhere,
(I’ll post it here when I find it.)


Thanks to all who comments on this site.

A special thanks to Marvin Joy
for his comments on

This Post.

Just when I am about to give up on this site-o-crap,
here comes a great feedback from a friend.

Even though I couldn’t take full credit on that one,
I truly am thankful for your praises.

It’s really nice to read comments like these,
especially when people piss you off
on a day to day basis.

Thank you so much my friend.
Thank you for listening.


now I really have to do good on my next songs eh?

Who’s idea was this anyway?

Happy Birthday Bro!

Denden and Rommel

In the spirit of my Brother’s birthday,
I tried to look for quotable sayings about brothers.
Having one or being one.

And since I can’t decide on which one to pick,
I wrote them all down here.
Here are my top choices:

Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero.
— Marc Brown

He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother.
— Neil Diamond

A brother is a friend provided by nature.
— Legouve Pere

Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet.
— Vietnamese Proverb

It snowed last year too: I made a snowman
and my brother knocked it down
and I knocked my brother down
and then we had tea.
— Dylan Thomas

The highlight of my childhood was making my brother laugh so hard
that food came out his nose.
— Garrison Keillor

Brothers don’t necessarily have to say anything to each other-
they can sit in a room and be together and just be completely comfortable with each other.
— Leonardo Dicaprio

I am so in love with my brother right now.
— Angelina Jolie


Happy Birthday Kuya!

More Birthday Greets.

We trimmed the trees around our house.

And I must say,
For an amateur,
I did pretty good, cutting that damn forest,
with only a minor scratch injury.

Which was entirely my fault.
I realized I miscalculated the length of that huge ass branch
right after it fell on me.

Also considering that there was a freakin’ chain saw
held by only four screws,
on a questionable 10 foot pole
right on top of me,
I think I did quite well.


4th of July.

Happy Independence Day!
Happy Fireworks Day!
Happy Beer Day!

Happy 4th of July!

You know what I don’t understand sometimes?
Is when people keep on lighting their firecrackers even before today.

It’s fine when you test one or two,
just to see if you didn’t get a bad batch.
