One more left!

Man, this show keeps getting crazy!

It sucks that there will be one show left, until next year.

No matter.
There will be a whole lot of theories floating
before the next one starts.

And before I close this thing..

Is it wrong for me to root for Adam?
I seriously think he’s got a good point.

Cleaning out humankind.
Destroy everything.
Start anew.

That has happened before.

It’s in the Bible I think.
I’m pretty sure of it.

I’ll look it up.

Or probably just Google it too.

Nothing better to do.

As of today,
all registrations on the PHOTOS section of this site
will be subject for approval.


Spammers! That’s why!
These people have nothing better to do!
They just generate a whole bunch of useless traffic on the interwebnet!

As hard as I try to keep these pests away
and keep this site free from their glorious work,
some of them still squeeze through my super-duper-awesome-firewall guard.
(Okay. Maybe not “that” super.)

This latest one I caught,
came from Brazil,
(or not since they might be using a proxy)
left me with 104 comments on the Photos section about
a whole lot of unmentionable links.

It doesn’t bother me much, since I can clean it up.
It’s just time consuming and a pain in the boot-tocks!

Needless to say,
his IP and the IP range have been banned from this site.

Now I’ll go back and (check out) clean up more of those links
because ..uhhh…..

I don’t have anything better to do.

An open letter to Mr. Giorgo Armani

Dear Mr. Armani,

I have read recently on the news that you have offered Soccer player/Celebrity, Mr. Beckham, a certain amount of millions,
to model for your new underwear ad campaign.

I am not an expert in Economics and business Sir,
but I am certain to believe that you are investing a crapload of money
for someone who does not represent the average male
who are your potential would-be buyers.


Turkey Day 2007

Is it Turkey Day or Thanksgiving Day?

I am not too sure.

If it’s Turkey Day,
then there has to be some Turkey on our dinner table.
But there’s none.
Mainly because I am a big supporter of the
“Coalition against the slaughter of Turkeys” every year.

I guess if it’s Thanksgiving day,
you have to be thankful for something.

Well. I guess I am thankful for you who keeps on looking at this site,
and listening to my crap.

There’s really nothing special about this thing.
It’s just a site.
There are tons of other sites way better than mine.

Sure I play music here,
but that’s just me expressing my frustrations.

I tried submitting my music to recording companies,
but they just ignored me and tried to kick me out their door.
Maybe because I wasn’t wearing any pants then,
but that’s not the point.

So I made myself this site, just for my own amusement.

So Thanks to you,
who kept on listening through all these years at denofmusic.

Where the Music has found a place to play.

That sounded quite descent didn’t it?
I am a dang good brown noser eh?

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

**Photo art courtesy of Tyler.
(I do not know where he saw a green Turkey and green mice.)

Dress me up as….

For Halloween yesterday,
I was going to dress up with a suit and tie,
complete with the jacket and cuff links and all.

Get it?
“Dress up” for Halloween.

But I didn’t
I chickened out.

That should have been my costume.

A Chicken.

Next year,
I will have to do better.

It’s a toss between

a) The Town Drunk


b) The Village Idiot

Seems like the latter sounds good better funner.

Song Added – The One I Love

The One I Love
By Mike McClellan

Mobile Player here:

Click here for Lyrics

For the longest time
I have been playing this song
solely based on memory.

I have attempted to find this song on the internet,
and try to figure out the artist who sang it.

But just like every other thing I search for on the intarwebnet,
It gave me more than 3 million results
which has nothing to do with what I wanted.
And since I am the king of procrastination and laziness,
I immediately gave up and pursued other important things on the web.

Not until my friend, Nikki
Asked me if I could play this one,
and even gave me the lyrics and a YouTube link,
That I realized,
I have been playing it wrong for so long.

And did I correct my mistakes?
Hell no!

But that’s what makes it “my music.”
All the mistakes.

So when you listen to my playings,
Think of the mistakes that you hear, as art.

A beautiful, mistake-ful art.

Just like Britney’s kids.
I consider myself a mistake too.

Everything about me is wrong.

Oh, shut up.

How much more?

The lady who gave birth to me,

also known as,
the lady who wouldn’t stop cooking

has been here a week.

And I have already gained 5 lbs.

The woman needs to stop.

I take that back.

It’s Pochero tonight.
Yesterday was Crispy Pata.
And probably Kilawin tomorrow.

My God!
My arteries.
They’re clogging!

–Thank you to all those who greeted my son, on his day.
I truly appreciate it.

Home is here.

My Mom arrives here today, for a visit.
She’s going to be here for 2 weeks.

And as I have always said.

HOME is where MOM is.

It does not matter where that is.
If she’s there, then that’s home.

Now that she’s here,
this can only mean two things.

1.) I am soooo going to have some good food!


2.) The kid is sooooo going to get spoiled.

..and maybe Tyler too.