Such a loss

Renowned Guitarist, Jeff Healey
passed away yesterday.

I must admit this news hit me hard.
I still can’t believe he is gone.

Mr. Healey is one of the most underrated musicians
ever to hit the world of Blues and Rock.

I will never forget his style, his tone
and his screaming riffs.

It really is quite a loss.

Thank you Mr. Jeff Healey.
Thank you for your music.

Here’s a video of one of his famous appearances.

Another Song added – Once Again

One of my personal favourite 80’s OPM songs.
(Original Pilipino Music)

As cheesy as it sounds,
you can not deny the beauty of the songs from old.

Of course they have a certain nostalgia effect to my generation.

I wasn’t really planning on posting this,
But Kristine actually told me a very good point
on why I should.

I couldn’t tell you what it was,
because I don’t want the secret out
and other people might steal my ideas.

And judging from my past,
I now keep all my ideas to myself.

I have great ideas all the time.
But people steal them and profit from it.

You know that
Two all beef patties, special sauce,
lettuce, cheese, pickles,
onions on a sesame seed bun

Totally my idea.

And then I met a clown.

here’s my rendition of Keno’s
Once again.

Voice, All instruments and Percussion arrangement by – Ty Martell
Click here for Lyrics

Change of Heart

I had my eyes on this for so long:

Guitar Link

I have my eyes on this one:

Guitar Link

Because I tried one last night
at the store for the first time.
And apparently,
(After a couple of tries)


I was Rockin’ like Amadeus!

One thing I learned though,
I must have used my pinky finger a lot more playing that game
than actually playing a real guitar.

And I also want to apologize to that 10 year old kid
who was waiting for his turn.

I would have let him play,
but he was laughing at me.

That little shit!

Nice to be noticed

Throughout the years,

I have met new friends,
And have rekindled old ones.

Being recognized and being remembered
is something that I truly appreciate.

This site and my music
really is nothing fancy.

My music is mediocre at best
and my writings are way less interesting than they appear.

It is very uplifting when my peers acknowledge what I do.

Check out some nice words from my good friend, Bob.
Who can tweak any operating system ever known to man. (Bob’s site is now uhhhh..’differently themed’)

and a couple of years ago,
a nice fellow from Orlando gave my site a brief review,
and gave me a 9.0 rating. (Sweet!)

I got an email from Steve Fairclough, praising my interpretation of his guitar composition

denofmusic post

And a very talented Musician from Canada,
commended some of my music as well.
Which was really flattering because he is one great artist,
and my site and my talent are nothing compared to his.

and to all of you who leave comments on this site.
I thank you.

~Cue Music~

*This thank you post was written, while watching the Oscars.
I wrote this because I feel the need to give an acceptance speech.

So leave me be.

Well said

On page 328,
of Clapton, The Autobiography

Mr. Clapton states:
(and I quote)

“Music will always find its way to us, with or without business, politics,
religion, or any other bullshit attached.
Music survives everything, and like God, it is always present.
It needs no help, and suffers no hindrance.”

As I have read his life story,
he affirmed how Music has helped him get by.

I have said it before and I’ll say it again.

Music has never let me down.
It is what keeps me sane and rational.

And even if the music in my life
is not how I wanted it to sound,

I don’t know why,
but I still keep on playing.

I’ll hit that right note eventually.

Thank you!

One whole week of no posts.

It must have been one hell of a Birthday Party for me.

And when I say Party,
I meant
staying home,
watching Little Einsteins,
and wallowing in self pity.

No Matter!
Thank you to all for the greet!

Now I better go to bed.
I have to be early at work tomorrow.

Millions of people on welfare depend on me!

Totally Committed



Lesson — Don’t be a PIG!

My friend Maita,
forwarded me this.

I don’t know why,
but it really made me laugh too.

It’s a pretty good life lesson, I believe.

What I am

So I went to church for Ash Wednesday.

You know?
Wednesday of Ashes?

An “In-your-face” reminder for what we truly are,
what we came from and what we’re going to end up as.

So after the priest imposed the black ash on my forehead,
I came back to my seat.
And there were two old ladies, sitting on my chair.

I have no clue how they would suddenly decide
to take someone else’s seat.
Hoping that no one would notice.

I did not really mind.
I would have given them my seat.

The place was packed,
and finding an empty space in a pew is impossible.
But to steal it just like that is still not right.

Other people around me were wondering what I was going to do,
because they know that that was my seat.

So I just stood there behind them,
and thinking about that day as “Ash Wednesday,”
it showed me what I truly am.

A bitter, angry man who doesn’t like people.

And it just showed me what the people around me truly are.

A bunch of Cous Rouge!