Memorial Day ’08

To all those who fought against Tyranny,
For all those who suffered under Oppression,
And to all who sacrificed their lives for our Betterment

Thank you.


Amazing Grace

  • Music by – Traditional
  • Guitars by – Ty Martell
  • Caught!

    Earlier this month, I got caught speeding down i-95.
    My very first moving violation.

    My very first violation ever!

    I have never had any ticket for anything.
    Not even for parking.

    Until now.

    Oh well.
    I guess it was going to happen sooner or later.
    I was really hoping for later.

    Now I am officially in their records.

    So, in conclusion.
    I would like to thank the Pick-up truck in front of me,
    for blocking my view that’s why I didn’t get to see the Highway Patrol.

    And to the SUV on my right side,
    who wouldn’t give way so I can get back in the slower lane.

    And thank you to the Police officer who had to choose from us three.

    He chose the one in the sports car.
    He can’t go wrong with that.

    Good call, Sir.
    Good call.

    There should be a law!

    It’s Victoria Day today in Canada.
    That holiday pretty much kicks off the start of ‘Summer’ up there.

    Even though I live in the States, I should have the day off too.
    It’s my right to celebrate and observe that Holiday!

    I didn’t pass the Canadian Citizenship test
    and swore allegiance to the Queen, Freddie Mercury for nothing!

    It should be a freakin’ law!

    And while I am at it,
    I should also observe all Philippine Holidays too.
    That would be awesome!

    Now if only I can switch to a religion with the most holidays,
    I’ll be all set!

    As of this moment, it’s a toss up between,
    Scientology or being a Sith Lord.

    New word

    Last week,
    I learned two(2) new words.

    1.) Bluetool
    2.) Shindig

    According to the,

    A Bluetool is a person who wears a bluetooth wireless earpiece everywhere they go to seem trendy and important.

    –(I am surrounded by these people.)

    And a Shindig is a party of get-together of some sort.

    –(Only way redneck-ified.)

    So, to use these two words together,

    “Holy Freakin’ Crap! Everywhere you go in this town,
    is like you’re in a Shindig full of Bluetools!

    A sad day

    It’s Mother’s day today,
    but it’s a sad day for our family.

    This song is for you, Kuya Rhey.
    The coolest Brother-In-Law one could ever have.

    Thank you for always being kind to me.

    We’re definitely going to miss you.

    Sound Of Silence

    Music by – Simon and Garfunkel
    Voice and all instruments – Ty Martell

    “Eternal rest, grant unto him, Oh Lord.
    And Let your perpetual light shine upon him.”

    Click here for Lyrics.

    The Dynamic Duo.

    No More Sens!

    My hockey team got eliminated today.

    That’s okay.
    It doesn’t bother me anymore.

    I am used to disappointments and shattered hopes.

    I can tell you 2 things that will turn this team around.

    1.) They should hire this kid –>

    2.) Along with this guy –>

    The Dynamic Duo!

    These two will definitely get the puck moving.
    And guarantee to bring Lord Stanley’s Cup home!

    On a side note,
    Tyler and I played a quick game after those pictures were taken,
    and he won 10 to 2.

    But that is still unofficial.
    I am waiting for a rematch and the
    results of his drug test.

    Song Added – BKD

    Okay, for those who don’t know this one,
    it’s an old Original Pilipino Music
    during the disco era.

    And for those who actually know this song,
    and grew up in the Philippines,
    Don’t pretend you don’t like this tune.
    It’s very catchy and it’ll stick in your head for days.

    You know you like it and you’ll sing along with it
    if it ever comes out on the radio.
    Complete with your 70’s disco moves.

    But let me tell you how this song came abouts here.
    The girls from the ATL trip were discussing marriage
    or something like that.
    And they threw me a challenge to make a solemn wedding song
    out of this tune,
    for the bridal march.

    Long story short,
    Here comes the … whatever it is.

    Hope you like it.

    By the Hotdogs

    Voice, All instruments and Percussion arrangement by – Ty Martell
    Click here for Lyrics.

    This is what happens when I get challenged.

    Terrible things happen.
    Just like that time when I got challenged to eat a dozen rotten eggs.
    I may have spent 3 days in the bathroom,
    but hey, my lunch was free.

    I almost forgot!

    I almost forgot.
    Someone was supposed to take care
    and update this site.

    What a slacker, eh?

    Since we renewed this domain name for another year,
    we better make the most out of it huh?

    we need to overhaul this design.


    I am tired of it.

    And when I say soon,
    I meant… “maybe someday.”

    Song Added – I Love You

    It’s discomforting to realize sometimes
    that I only know how to pray when I am in trouble
    or when I am in dire need.

    And more often than not,
    they consist mostly of complaints, hatred,
    criticisms and disapprovals.

    Like I can do a better job than Him.

    But can you blame me?
    I am only human.
    I am tired.
    I am tired of reaching out.
    I don’t think He really listens to me.
    It’s no fun when you don’t get any answers.