It is heartbreaking…

My two best friends in the Philippines
are going through difficult times.

May the Lord give them peace in their hearts, and bless their families.

I truly regret the fact that I cannot be with them in times of need.
It truly is heartbreaking.

The Lord has His ways, my brothers.
He puts consolation, only where He first put pain.

Happy Birthday, Tyler!

The kid turns 6 today.
That’s like a whole hand and a finger!

Don’t let the face fool you.
He is the only kid I know who can beat his old man
in our weekly “Household Father-and-Son Farting Competition.”
(He got me in the “stench-severity category.”)

No matter!
I am still the “Semi-Monthly Burping Tournament” Champion.

Happy Birthday, Son!
Thank you for showing me who I really am.

Listen.. listen.

You hear it?

I can.

I can actually hear the turkeys crying
and the beers flowing in Canada!

I would have loved to be there today!


Gobble gobble!

Let me try this one…again

I’ll go back to this for now
and see if I can work around it.

Man. I am having a hard time deciding
and fixing all this themes.

Maybe I’ll just go old school
and go back to HTML.

And use notepad.

And for the Love of God!
Will someone please help me with that picture
and make me look cool.

Or at least decent.

Here I go again….

Let me work on this one for now,
and see how it goes.

Feedbacks are welcome.

Thank you!

**I know, I know! That picture is old.
I don’t have a lot of good pictures of me playing guitar.

Well, except for one.
But I was in the bathroom.

I was “shredding.”

The Golden State – Reunion

It has been a week since I went to Los Angeles, California
to see my siblings.

I have not seen them in almost 15 years.
That reunion was way long overdue.

And I have a feeling that
that will not be the last time.

We all really had a great time.
I don’t think I have laughed so hard in my life.

Check out the pics under Photos.
Before I make them private again.

There’s not much, since I am waiting for the rest to send me theirs.

It was my first time in L.A. as well.
And as much as I want to tell you how awesome it was,
I need to purge my lungs from the smog first.

Special thanks to Jojo
for hooking us up while we were there.

A favour – for a Cause.

Allow me to use this site to ask for your vote. will donate 1 million dollars
to be divided onto 5 different charities/organizations.

Please vote for the organization you think should get the most donation.

My vote goes to “Save The Children.”
(My cousin-in-law, Emily* works for them.)

It will only take a couple of clicks, and an email validation.

Then you can go back to:
updating your profile on Myspace
or your status on Facebook,
or count your friends on Friendster
or whatever it is that kids go to on the internet nowadays.

Click here to cast your vote –>

Thank you very much.

*Thanks Emily for the link!

New Song Added – Make It Real.

with special guest,
my good friend, Jojo Ellis on vocals.

This has been a project long overdue.
We started this a long time ago, and it just got completed quite recently.

It’s not easy cooking your music,
when the main ingredient is on the other side of the country.
And now I am so excited it finally saw the light of day in here.

I have always admired Jojo’s singing.
Her amazing melody and her effortless tone.

I have begged her to provide the voice to one of my music interpretations.
And when she finally gave in, I was happier than a pig in mud!

So here’s an old 80’s tune.
And I hope we get to do (one more) a couple more, someday soon.

Music by – The Jets
Voice by – Jojo Ellis
All instruments and percussion arrangement – Ty Martell

*Thanks to Maita and her Mac for mixing Jojo’s voice to my music.

Click here for Lyrics