I watch TV

A couple of days ago,
while I was on the verge of death with the flu,
I get to do one of my all time remedies of keeping my sanity.

I watch TV.

It is one way for me to realize that
there are a lot of crazy people out there.
Crazier than me.
And I should feel bad for them.

But that wouldn’t stop me from sharing with you
What I think about what’s on different TV shows.

So take a deep breath.
Here we go.


Band Name

A couple of days ago,
I was playing my guitar,
and my son was playing his Legos.

As much as how busy he was with his engineering skills,
he somehow managed to listen to the music I was playing.

I happen to be playing this –> Click here.

Something with a catchy beat.

Then he started drumming the table.

In sync to my playing,
he kept on drumming.

As we both finish,
he said, and I quote:

“Daddy, someday we’re gonna have a band,
I play the drums and you play the guitar.”

I said,
“That would be awesome!”

He said,
“Yeah, and the name of our band would be … Sun Break.”

“Sun Break?”
I asked.
“Why Sun Break?”

He answered.
“Because that’s the name of our band.”

“Okay.” I answered gleefully.

Then he asked,
“What was the name of that song?”

I said, “Maybe I’m a Leo.”

“Okay.” He answered.
“But we’re gonna name it Skeleton Maybe I’m a Leo.”

“Why?” I asked again.

He said,
“Because it would sound more cool.”

I rest my case.

So you heard it here my friends.
Here on denofmusic.com

This is where you first read about “Sun Break.”

The band of the future.

New Song Added – Whispering A Prayer

I was asleep on my deathbed
when this song started playing on my Mp3 player.

Whispering a Prayer
By Steve Vai

Now two things happened
as I realized how beautiful this song was.

Since I have been sick for days, I had to check if I was dead.
The puddle of drool on my pillow confirmed that I wasn’t.

I have experienced another miracle.

I fell in love with this song.
It literally woke me and forced me to get up and pick up my guitar.

I always believed that falling in love with a song
the first time you hear it
is a miracle.

Now this is my rendition of the song,
how the music came out of me,
since it is impossible for me to play like Steve Vai.

I mean, come on.

He is a Guitar God who lives in an Ultra World,
And I am just a humble musician from Planet Bullshit.

So here’s

Whispering A Prayer

Mobile Player here:

Guitars by Ty Martell

I beg.

Yes I am a Begger

Not a Beggar.

A Beg-ger


I have begged for this flu not to happen.

It did.

I begged for the medicine to work for the flu not to happen.

It didn’t.

I begged for the flu to be at least bearable.

It wasn’t.

Now I have consumed enough Kleenex that’ll wipe out an entire forest.
I have excreted so much snot enough to fill up the Hoover dam.
I have so much body ache that’ll humble the torture methods they got at Gitmo.

I am so sick.
Now I am just begging for death.

I’m sure there are less punishments in hell
than having the flu here on earth.

History. Today.

The United States made history today.

You know,
even though The States get a lot of ridicule,
mockery and negative impressions,
I got to hand it to them.

These people have HOPE.

Even when all is unclear, they hang on to it.

When all the hope I am aiming for,
is to make it through another day,
without losing my mind.

Oh and I also hope this medicine I took
will prevent this flu from happening.

What in the..

I took this picture of my Temp Gauge, at high noon.

What’s wrong with this picture?


Except that I am in freakin’ Florida!

47°F (That’s 8°C)
At High Noon!

It is not supposed to be like this.

But that’s not the issue here.
The issue here is that it’s cold enough that I had to wear a jacket.

And not just wear it.
I also had to zip it up!

Do you have any idea how inconvenient that was?

If it gets any colder, I am going to be forced to wear socks!
With my Flip Flops!

Oh, and God forbid… Pants!

New Song Added – Burning Flame

An old 80’s song by Vitamin Z.

Ever since I heard this song way back in the day,
I’ve always wanted to play it.
I think this is one of the coolest songs ever.

Except now that I have done it,
All the coolness effect went down the drain.

But then again,
Here I am forcing you to listen to my crap.
And the least you could do is pretend you took the time to hear it.

Have pity on me.
My throat hurts.
My fingers are sore.
And my heart is broken.

Burning Flame

Music by – Vitamin Z
Voice, all instruments and percussion arrangement – Ty Martell

**Man! I got to re-do this one.
The more I listen to it, the more I hate it.

I’m going to bed.

After 53 takes, this is the best one that came up. I gave up.

Where have you been?

I got to do my last post for 2008.

I know I have not updated this in a while,
but I have a pretty valid excuse.

No it was not the holidays.
My busy lifestyle does not grind to a halt,
just because the Holidays are here!

So where have I been?

To tell you the truth,
I have been busy promoting my new album!

You heard it right!

It started when I traveled a couple of months ago. — here

And when I finally started the official Album release. — here

It just got a little out of hand. — here

All I asked for was a little promotional sign like this. — here

But my people just went overboard — here

I got celebrities endorsing me. — hereherehere
hereherehere — and here.

And a lot of merchandise popping everywhere too. — here — and here

I got women hounding me. — here — and here

Even men too. — here — and here

You’re probably going to see me on TV. — here

Or magazines sometime soon. — here

You see?
I have been everywhere.

And that is the reason why I have not updated this site.

Oh and what’s the title of the album?

It’s called “Narcissism.”

And the first song would be,
“I am not narcissistic. I just love myself.”

And the 2nd track would be:
“Yes. I’m a douche.”