Fifteen Years

Today actually marks my 15th year,
living in North America.

I have lived both in Ontario, Canada and
Florida, USA where I currently reside.

As I look back,
I remembered that I shared what I have learned
while living in Canada.

Now let me tell you what I have learned so far
about the Sunshine State.

These won’t be as long,
because I do not go out much and I don’t have any friends.



New Song Added.

I guess it’s mandatory for me,
to play a religious song come Easter weekend.

Here’s another one we used to sing in High School.
I am not sure who composed it.
I am going to have to figure that one out.

This song is also by Bro. Mike Lapid.
(Thanks TJ!)

Happy Easter to all!
The Lord is risen.
Alleluia, Alleluia!


The Lord Is My Strength.

Mobile Player here:

Voice and All Instruments by – Ty Martell


New Face


New template design.

I’m still testing it out.
You might see more changes from time to time.

And that’s a big emphasis on “Might.”

Let me know what you think.

A New Thank You.

after I helped a co-worker with her computer problem,
instead of saying “Thank you.”

She said,
“Blessings upon you, Ty.”

I didn’t know what to say.
Or do.

No one has said that to me before
as a form of thanks.

But you know what?

It made my day.

Earth Hour.

At 8:30 pm tonight,
Earth Hour will commence on my side of the world.
The campaign is about for all to turn off their lights
and consume less energy.
Just for an hour.

Now I am not going to play the “Holier-than-thou” game.
I am not going to pretend that I follow all the recycling
and energy conserving methods that my fellow scientists
and government officials have implemented.

But with my professional opinion,
I really think this Earth Hour has lots of potential.
And someday it could be more than an Hour.
Probably more like a day.

But I am not writing this as a professional.
I am here,
just as a regular guy,
asking you to give this Earth Hour a try.

Trust me. It’s not that bad.
I have lived in the Philippines.
We are used to not having electricity for hours.
That’s how I learned to play guitar.

Oh, and one more thing.

Please do not print everything you see on your computer screen.
Do you have to have a hard copy of all your emails?
Jeebus, man. Stop Printing every picture too!
Or every forwarded spam mail your friend sent you.

Stop it!
The trees are crying!
You are killing my planet!

There he goes.

Last week, my son learned to ride his bike on 2 wheels.

So we went biking today,
and this is a live shot of him while he’s in front of me. **

I remember when he first crawled.
Then not too long after that, he walked.
Now he bikes.

Next thing you know, he’s going to drive.
Going on dates.
Borrowing my car.

I try to think of all the things I taught him,
and the things I get to teach him.

He really is growing.

Though someday, I fear.
I won’t be able to help him much,
when some girl breaks his heart.

I guess, we’ll deal with that when we get there.

**please do not attempt to take pictures while riding a bike.
I am a professional idiot and I do not think what I do sometimes.
I repeat. Please do not try it.

New Song Added

Here’s another song collaboration
with my good friend, Jojo Ellis.

She called me one day and said,
“Ty, let’s do this one.”

And I don’t think she was even done with her sentence
when she suddenly stopped.

Apparently I drowned the phone line with my screams of delight,
and she kept on telling me to shut up and listen.

It’s an old Filipino song, by Sharon Cuneta.

I love it when I team up with friends for songs to post here.
It makes me famous, like I am some kind of special.
Because the only kind of special I am used to,
is when I used to ride the short bus.

Here’s our new song project.

Music by – Sharon Cuneta
Voices by – Jojo Ellis and Ty Martell
All instruments and Percussion arrangement – Ty Martell

Listen to our first project here

Thank you so much again, Jo!

They avoid me!

One of my favourite bands of all time,

Depeche Mode is touring!

I have seen them perform once in Manila a long time ago.
And it was quite a show, I tell you!

Now they are touring again!
Guess where?
Not where I live!!

Why are my favourite bands avoiding me?
Nobody ever comes to where I live.

When I left Manila, bands started coming there.
When I left Ottawa, bands started coming there.

Not anywhere close to me!

I know, I know!
I should live in a big city
like Los Angeles or Miami.

But I can’t.
I can’t afford to live in high places like those.
I can’t even afford to live where I am now!
I need a small town kind of living.

Maybe I’ll just move to Forks, Washington.
It’s probably cheap to live there.
Maybe I’ll meet Edward.
Uh, Bella!
I mean Bella.
Meet Bella.

Stupid book.
Now where are my FHM magazines?

Okay! Fine!

Okay. Fine!

I’ll read it.

Let’s see what the fuss is about.
Let’s just hope this book will not turn me into a 15 year old girl.

Talking about boys and sleepovers
and rainbows
and unicorns
and shoes
and clothes
and whatever girl stuff they talk about.

Just for the record,
I am reading this book not only because I am curious about
the hoopla surrounding the “Twilight” mania,
but also because that chick who played the leading girl is hot!
Very hot.

And the way she describes that vampire guy,
with his perfect smile,
with his perfect good looks
and his chiseled chest with his Adonis body.
He sounds so dreamy.

Focus on the girl, Ty!
Focus on the girl!