7 Years.

I was just re-visiting some of my writings here and I just realized that
we moved here in Florida, 7 years ago today.
And what I have learned back then remains true to this day.

If you ever need a Drivers License,
you should come here and get one.
Because they are giving it away here for free!

No one here knows how to drive.
You do not need to!
They will not check for your maneuvering abilities,
it will throw off their chaotic system of driving.

All you need is a strong heart,
a heavy foot to step on the gas,
(which comes in very handy when you go through red lights)
Oh.. and the ability to use your Middle finger.

Make sure you can drive fast too.
Because these people have guns.
And they will use it.

Oh and the thing that I learned which still remains true?
And that is…

“Common sense is not really so common.”

Music is..

I haven’t recorded any music in a while,
since we just moved to a new house,
and my office/music room still looks like an avalanche of mess came through it.

As I was trying my very best to sort my crap out and re-arrange the room,
I found this…

I bought this thing a long time ago
at a souvenir shop in Niagara Falls, Ontario.
I remember I saw it, and I couldn’t let go.
So I bought it.

Well, I kinda have to buy it,
since they prosecute shoplifters there
to the fullest extent of the law.

I really think it is one of the best definitions ever written about Music.
And I would like to share it.

What about you?
How do YOU define Music?
What is it to you?

Time and Space

I am pretty sure that the “Bending of Time and Space”
happens during my lunch break.

Because, just when I finally find myself a Space..
I am already out of Time!

Time travel is only cool when you can control it.

End of summer?

If today is the official end of summer,
then Thank Goodness!

I can’t take much more of this.

Are you kidding me?
That about 43C!!!
I don’t care where you’re from,
but that is just too much.
My Golkebs got fried as I sat in my car.

So in honor of yesterday’s post.
Yes. I am a fool.

Bring on the Fall!!

All I need.

You know,
I could be a millionaire too.

I was thinking about this the other day,
when I read about those young entrepreneurs who
at their age, have accomplished big things
that made them rich and famous.

I am too old for starting something big, but
I realized that I don’t have to actually invent something.
I don’t have to come up with the “Next best thing since sliced bread.”

I mean, I am pretty sure the person who invented “Sliced Bread”
did not invent Bread, nor the act of slicing.

All he did was make use of what was already there.

So that’s it!
That’s what I need.

Some great “Idea.”
And some “Bread.”

Did this post made any sense?
Of course not.