Thanksgiving 2010

In the last hour of me, watching TV,
I must have seen a hundred Black Friday adverts
with all the shopping craziness there would be,
but only a few reminders for what Thanksgiving is.

Hopefully all is not forgotten.

“It’s either we add our troubles,
or we count our blessings.”

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Coin toss

“When faced with two choices, simply toss a coin.
It works not because it settles the question for you,
but because in that brief moment when the coin is in the air..

You suddenly know what you are hoping for.”


Generation What?

Speaking of Generations.
You know how every generation is given a name?

You know?
The Baby Boomers,
Generation X,
Generation Y,
Copy-Paste Generation,
Prince and the New Power.

Anyway, I got a whiff of what the kids are calling themselves these days.
They seem to call themselves,

“The Entitlement Generation.”

A lot of them feel that everything should be given to them,
without them giving any sacrifice
or going thru the value of hard work.

They feel that they have the right to have everything.

Are they wrong about this?
Is it the Parent’s fault?


Lest we forget…

Let me tell you this story when I first visited the
Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia
and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC
back in the early 1990’s

It was my very first time touring the North East United States with my Mom
and I was very excited to see all the scenery and sites.

As we reached the tour at the Vietnam Veterans Wall, and the Arlington Cemetery,
I must tell you how overwhelming it was
to see the mass amount of names
and graves all around you.

But, as a young man in his early 20’s,
to me it was just another tourist spot to see.
Just another scenery.
Just another place.

And when I looked at my Mom,
wondering why she was very quiet,
I have noticed that she was crying.

Then I began to realize,
The whole experience was different for her.
She was very well aware of how the war affected their generation.

I didn’t see it that way then.
How can I?
Freedom was given to me when I was born.
I didn’t go through the fear, the horror
and the loss of all the lives that was sacrificed for the betterment of the future.

Freedom and Independence truly has its price.

That’s something for us to really think about.
They didn’t have to do it.
But they did.

So thank a Veteran.
Remember the Fallen.

And help the younger generation understand
what has been given to them as well.

New Song Added – There Will Never Be Another

You know.
I have been attempting to go back and create lots of music
just like how I used to.

I actually am starting to line up a bunch of songs for me to cover.
I even replaced my guitar strings and cleaned up my Music room.
But every time I set myself up to start with the arrangements, I get sick.
It’s like nature’s way of shutting me up.
It prevents me to cause auditory discomfort to all of you.

So, I went back and tried to scour my old music archives
and found this.

There Will Never Be Another
by Amy Grant

I covered this way back in 2007.
I think I was sick when I did this. You can hear it from my singing.
Or maybe not.
I just sound a little on the horrible side.

So here is,
There Will Never Be Another

Music by Amy Grant.
Voices and Guitars by – Ty Martell

Oh! And on the lyrics, it’s actually “A hundred and three.”
Not “A hundred and tree.”

I told you I was sick.

Lyrics start here:

As you can see

As you can see,
I wasn’t very good at updating the Canada trip.
I wasn’t alone this time, so I was a little busy.

I guess it’s back to the grind for me.

Will try to tell you stories and post some pics while we were up there.

Thanks to my family in Ottawa,
for helping us celebrate my son’s birthday.

Much love to all.

The Travel Log

Ok. The travel begins.

0630: Got to the airport. Need some nourishment. Ahh! hello There Bucks of the stars! Hit me with a Venti please. And some banana muffins.

0715: All checked in. Tyler’s passport won’t scan. He thought he couldn’t come. I told him he could ride with the luggages. He actually wants to.

0830: Plane is late. Will board soon. Also I think we’re riding one of those toy model planes.

0940: Delta’s peanuts snack is surprisingly good.

0945: Portable Gaming Devices are a Godsend.

0958: This guy behind me keeps on kicking the back of my seat, like were in a movie theater or something. I want to kill him.

1030 landed at DET. I smell the motor oil in the air already.

1040: Time to find some Lunch possibilities. “Aahhh! There’s Chili’s.
Let’s eat there in honor of the 33 Miners who were rescued in their country.

Be right back.
Must eat.