Future Ex

I don’t know what it is,
but lately, all I want to do is play music.

I must be really inspired.
Everything in my head lately is just filled with music.
And I mean sweet, pure music.

It must be my new guitar.
I have been playing her a lot lately
and she seems to understand every note that comes out of me.

All my other guitars are calling me their “Ex” now.
Their “Ex-player.”

I am sure I will be this new guitar’s Ex too.
Her “Future Ex.”

But that’s ok.
At least we have a Future.

I am sure what I wrote didn’t make much sense.
And I don’t know why you read this stuff.
Are you still reading this?
Why are you still reading this?
Why am I still talking?

Time to play Music!

Quote of the Day

“Every day, man is making bigger and better fool-proof things,
and every day, nature is making bigger and better fools.
So far, I think nature is winning.”

[Albert Einstein]

I like this guy.
He’s going to be big someday.

Lesson For Today

God does answer each and every prayer.
It’s true.

Even if the answer is “NO.”

But that’s where the problem lies, doesn’t it?
We do not like the answer He gives us sometimes.
We always tend to believe that He never listens to us.
We always tend to put the blame on Him.

But we’re only human.
We always turn a deaf ear to “The Answer.”
If “The Answer” did not comply with what we want Him to say.

But you know, that response from Him will always prevail.
He will do everything within your grasp to make you hear Him.
Even if He has to break your heart.

And then, and only then,
You will realize that He has been answering your prayers all that time.

He may have said “NO.”
But He also knows when your time will come.
Then you’ll get the “YES” you’ve always wanted.

Trust me.
I am a living proof.

New Video Post – Somebody

Here’s another Video post.
An old song by one of my favorite bands.
Depeche Mode’s Somebody.

My good friend, Avelyn requested this song and challenged me to do another Video.
And when I say “challenged,” I meant she pressured me.
But that’s ok.
I can’t say no to a song that means a lot to me.

I remember having this song on constant repeat on my cassette player,
if you guys remember what a cassette player is.

Anyway, Here is,

Music by Depeche Mode
Covered by yours truly.

I did it on guitars to have a different feel from a piano.
And Video Recorded on Black and White to have that “Nostalgic” feel.

Lyrics start here

Not Today

There will come a time when Music will forsake me.
But today is not that day!

A time will come when I will not able to play guitar.
But today is not that day!

Today, I will Sing!
Today I will Play!
Today is MY DAY!!!


Maybe right after I eat lunch.

Song Video Post – I Want To Give It All

Here’s a new Song Video Post.
A cover of one of my favourite Air Supply songs.

Don’t judge me! I like Air Supply.
They are one of those bands that everyone refuse to admit they like,
but knows the words to most of their songs and can sing it.

Now I am aware that I am not a professional,
my playing is not the best and my appearance is not nice,
so let’s keep the criticism to a minimum.
Oh what the heck. Lay it on me.
It’s not that I can do much about it anyway.

Still I thank you for watching.

My New Girl

Thank you to all my families and friends
for extending their Birthday Wishes for me today.

I truly appreciate it.

Also, Let me introduce you to my new girl.

with a slim body and a sexy neck.
A Classical Masterpiece.

We’re going to make sweet, beautiful music together.

I just have to name her first.
Any suggestions?