Quote of the day

It’s funny how
when someone say they Love you,
you can’t really feel it.

But when they say
they don’t Love you anymore,
you can feel every ounce of what was drained
out of your entire being

– (Anonymous)

You Know Why.

Don’t pretend you don’t know why there are no updates here.
And it has not really been a secret.

There are no updates because….

It’s the Playoffs Season!
Both NHL and NBA.

I love this time of year.
It’s the only time when I am completely useless.

The rest of the year, I am just “mostly” useless.
But during this time?

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-06

  • "In honor of the Royal Wedding, we will celebrate this day with the true American Royalty. Burger King and Dairy Queen." – (Chelsea Handler) #
  • There has to be a better way to put media on iOS.
    iTunes is like a fish bone in my throat! #ihatesyncing #
  • And I forgot to add one song. Now I have to fire up the pc just for that! Screw it! I'll just molest my guitars. #ihateitunes #
  • This is why I believe in Justice.
    Not Karma. #
  • (more…)

Twitter Weekly Updates

  • "I don't care if you're going nowhere. Just take good care of the world."
    – @depechemode
    [The Landscape Is Changing] #EarthDay #
  • Made a song last night using all of my old gadgets. I am still not getting what I want from this GBand App. #
  • I have been checking Twitter more often than FB now. Does that mean I'm graduating? #
  • I somehow find joy dipping this bread roll into my coffee and shoving it in my mouth. #
  • Puede na ba maligo kapag Sabado Santo? #PinoyMemories #
  • Funny how I think twice buying this 2$ App, but I would dish out way more than that for a Venti Frappucino. #priorities #
  • β€œ@avtrigger: @denofmusic boy , thought I'm weird but you're the sickest , lol!”
    // I'm sick and I need help. #
  • I think last night's Montreal/Boston game gave me Angina! #NHL #
  • "If everybody likes you, then something is wrong. You cannot please everybody."
    – [Paulo Coehlo] #
  • This is the first time I've heard an Easter egg hunt with a 10 egg limit per kid. So to be fair, we stopped at 24. #
  • These high gas prices are the economy's way of letting us know how it feels to have a colonic irrigation. #oilslaves #
  • Sing if you have to.
    RT @segundamaldita: Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass… It's about learning to dance in the rain. #
  • The Canucks lost tonight too. But what an awesome game though. RT β€œ@avtrigger: I'm cheering for the #canadiens !!” #
  • Lunes na naman??!!! #
  • "I'm pretty sure Adele's Voice and Music can cure cancer."

    Rolling In The Deep @OfficialAdele #NowPlaying #

  • "Of course I'm excited about the Royal Wedding. I swore allegiance to the Queen and her family."

    – Freddie Mercury is still Queen, right? #

  • Friendster (R.I.P.)

    http://j.mp/dEOq73 #

  • "I should add to my resume under Achievements that I didn't sign up for MySpace." #
  • Aww. It's so cute when I see people tweeting to complain about other people's tweets. The drama reminds me of Facebook. #
  • – These chills that I got,
    they're multiplyin'.

    I better shape up. #

  • That was great, Chanel! Keep on playing. πŸ™‚
    cc: @anne_herschelle

    β€œ@chanelalcaraz: Watch. http://t.co/ew3on8A” #

Quote of the day

“Whatever it is that you went through,
you can move on.

Go ahead.
Cry for a lost love.
Suck it up.
And move on.
Live your life.

And whoever tries to bring you back
to that time when you weren’t comfortable
is not concerned about your well-being.”

Yes, this one came from me too.
These are the things I ponder when I am sleepy
or in the bathroom.
I am like Dr. Phil and Oprah combined.

Easter 2011 / New Song

It has always been tradition for me
to make a worship song every Easter.

This is another one we used to sing back in High School.
And it was taken from the Scriptures.

by Mike Balhoff

I had to remix it to make it slower.
For some reason, I always play it fast.

I hope you’ll like my version of it.
I can’t really do justice on how the other members of
our High School Combo Club play the other parts.

So here’s

Covered by Yours truly.

The one true Christmas.

A Poem for Dad – by Kiel

Today is my Dad’s Birthday.
And to greet him,
I want to post this Poem,
that my youngest brother, John Michael wrote.

Happy Birthday, Dad!
We miss you a lot.

My dad taught me every thing
That I needed to know
But I never really listened
Until he had to go

He gave me love
And touched my life
Its all over now
He no longer has to fight

He tried to teach me
Right for wrong
The day he left
I wasn’t that strong

He is gone now
It is hard to believe
This man is my dad
Who I will never see

But I will see him again
This I know
The day will come
When its time for me to go

So, I’ll hold him dear
And close to my heart
Cause the day we meet
I know we’ll never be torn apart.

-April 21, 2011

Flashback Sunday

Another Flashback.

This one is a cover of a Michael W. Smith song,
and one of my favourites as well.
I did this in 2006.

I had one of those moments like I feel I wasn’t being heard,
and my prayers were all going to waste.

I remember writing my original post,
and deleting them all.
I guess by the time I finished writing,
I have given myself an attitude adjustment.

I also remember feeling every single guitar note that came out of this.
It’s my personal weeping instrument.

Place In This World

Music by Michael W. Smith
Voice and Guitars by – Yours Truly

Lyrics begin here: