Spam A Lot

It has been more than 2 weeks since I restricted the comments on here.
I am sure everyone noticed that and were probably wondering why.
(When I say everyone, I meant you…Mom.)

Anyways, at least I know the Comment Spammers noticed though.
Because I haven’t gotten one since.
It has been quite liberating not to delete and monitor the spams I get.
My spam catcher plugin catches them all,
and it only takes me one click of a button to purge them,
but that is still “one click too many” for me.
It’s very annoying.

But I will turn it back on, of course.
Even though I get spammed a lot.
And even though you may think that this site is boring.
Or the music I play sucks and the stuff I write does not make any sense,
I have famous celebrities that write me from time to time.

Just like this one from Rihanna.

She actually thinks my articles are first-rate.

And this one from Christina Hendricks.

She was even trying to help me with something, I am not sure what.
But she was very nice to do so.

And how about this one from Kim Kardashian?

She found my site and actually liked and bookmarked it.

And she also found me delicious.

Oh no wait, I read that wrong.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-03

  • Movie afternoon with the kid.
    Kid said it’s the funniest movie he’s seen. #Samesenseofhumour #
  • ..And don’t call me Shirley. #airplane #movieweekend #
  • They don’t make movies like this anymore. #
  • “It’s like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.”
    – Steve McCroskey #airplane #movieweekend #
  • Leslie Nielsen reminds me so much of my Dad. #thatsagoodthing #funnyguy #
  • Next up.
    “Top Secret”
    With Val Kilmer.
    Kid is excited too. #movieweekend #
  • Ok. Maybe that one is too much for now. Back to video games. #
  • It’s been almost a week with me trying this Natty build of @planetubuntu.
    And I think it is “The One” that’ll make me switch. #
  • There’s got to be a better way than this iTunes Sync with iPhone.
    It’s the only thing holding me back. #appleslave #
  • Happy Birthday, Norma Jeane. I’m a big fan. #
  • My webhost SurpassHosting [@surpass] has followed my feed!
    Had my site with them for years. Am very satisfied.
    Check them out. #
  • Speaking of which, I just renewed my hosting plan, and my Domain for another year.
    I feel like my site needs another overhaul. #
  • 3rd period starts. Both teams giving it their all.
    And it’s only game 1!
    Lord Stanley would be proud. #NHL #
  • “Sometimes it amazes me how strong the power of love can be.
    Sometimes you just take my breath away.” – [Tuck and Patti] #
  • This new iCloud better be good. I can’t take anymore of this iTunes.
    The freakin’ thing has a mind of its own. #nomoresyncingplease #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-27

  • -So, hey Australia and New Zealand. How is the “End Of The World” coming along? #rapture #
  • “The world is going to end tomorrow.”
    – I knew there wasn’t any point to dieting. #
  • “Dear Lord, may I request that the Armageddon be postponed
    until the Hockey Playoffs are over? Thank you. Amen.”
    PS- I promise to be good. #
  • “Everything is Beautiful”
    Superfantastic #MrBig #nowplaying #
  • I guess I have a different Mythology book. #
  • We’re gonna be hearing more Rapture craziness for months until 2012.
    -Don’t worry we’re all safe from doom since Frodo destroyed the Ring. #
  • “Our heart goes out to the city of Joplin, Missouri.”
    #tornado #
  • “When this trouble passes over, you and I will walk away.
    Knowing that our love survived another test of faith.”
    ~Amanda Marshall #
  • The Pan at the fair. #

My Teeth Are A Drum Set

That is actually the title of a Paul Gilbert song.

It came on my iPod today while I was driving
and it made me remember one of my crazy mannerisms.

I always have a tune inside my head,
and I use my teeth to play them out.
I grind them according to the beat I’m thinking of.

It never stops!
My teeth is an instrument I constantly play.

It goes on and off the whole day sometimes without me knowing.
And by the time I notice it, it’s because it has given me a headache.
I’m pretty sure I grind my teeth when I sleep too,
synchronized with my R.E.M. state.

I tried redirecting this by playing the beats through other means.
I whistle.
I hum.
I tap on the desk with my fingers.
I move my feet in a rhythm.
I play with my zipper just like a DJ scratch.
I tried them all.
It doesn’t work.

As much as I love music,
There has got to be an easier and effective way to stop this.

Or else, with all the music I keep on playing in my head,
I’ll end up with no teeth and just a nub.
I don’t know what a Nub is, but it sure sounds like a gummy mouth.

I can’t accept that.
I have to have teeth.
I like to eat corn.

New Den

No, no!
Not Nude Den.

New Den.
Like a new room.
Or an area.

It’s right there on my sidebar.
It’s from
The big “” icon

I wanted to find the easiest way
For me to post pictures while I am mobile
straight to this site.
Twitpic doesn’t really help,
so I am going to have to remove that one too.

Posterous is the easiest way for me to do it.
Well, WordPress for iOS is good too, but it is not as stable.

Plus I got sucked into this Instagram photo sharing thing too.
And every time I add a pic, it pushes to Posterous, Facebook or Twitter.
So now I get to update all Dens, with less effort and time.

I know you don’t really care,
and it’s not like you follow any of my crap.
But it’s a way for me to allow this site to grow.
I need to grow. I like change.

And hey,
If I can’t improve on my music and looks,
At least I can give you the illusion that I am hip, trendy,
and abreast with new cool technologies.

(Heeheehee. a-breast)