Manila Day

Araw ng Maynila

Today we observe Manila Day in the Philippines.
This is the town where I was born,
where there lived a man, who sails the sea.
(Any reference to a Beatles’ song about a submarine is purely coincidental.)


This picture is from my good friend, Maita.
I was supposed to post that back in the celebration of Philippine Independence,
a couple of weeks ago.
I just never got around to it.

Seems like this would be another chance for me to post it
instead of waiting another year.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-24

  • “@SimonJCLeBON: all we need is… Lady O'Gaga!” // Haha! I just got that. Good one, Sir. #
  • Got some iTunes gift card. I never bought music from them before. Are they all really DRM free now? I guess I can @google that. #nonsense #
  • “@brryyy: happy fathers day kuya! woohoo @denofmusic” // Thanks Bro! #rockandroll #
  • Dad said, "Once you say your word. You stick to it."
    Thanks Dad. I miss you.
    RT @HuffingtonPost: #WordToYourFather #
  • Happy Birthday @jujubizzle #
  • "How can this bottle be child proof, Dad? It tells me how to open it right on the lid!" #makessense #
  • I just got Paul Gilbert's new album "Fuzz Universe."
    It's so awesome I want to smash the thing on my head and eat it! #rockandroll #mrbig #
  • Also got Eric Johnson's new album "Up Close." I want to melt it, mix it with vodka and shoot it up my veins! #rockandroll #awesometunes #
  • Behind the music #
  • "One of the saddest things in life is to suffer from someone else's stupidity."
    #truth #quote #

Quotes of the day

“To love a person is to learn the song that is in their heart,
and to sing it to them when they have forgotten.”

-[Author Unknown]

And this one from a good friend.

“The heart can only break so many times.
After that, the pieces just wouldn’t fit anymore.”

– [E. T. Santos]

New Comments

Don’t mind me.
I’m trying out this Comment integration with FB.

–Let’s try this out for a couple of days. See how it goes.

I don’t know.
It looks dirty and clustered.
I’ll give it a couple more days.

Jamming with the kid

Sometimes my son just joins me when I play.
This was on Father’s Day, 2011.

He didn’t want to do the whole song but,
I was lucky enough to have him sit down this long.

Maybe someday I’m going to have to bribe him.

And now the end is near.

I guess the inevitable is going to happen after all.

Check out this link.

Song “Covers” Uploaded to YouTube Could Land You in Jail For Five Years
(Article on Gizmodo)

Since, I am a fan of Music artists,
they are my inspiration and I relate to their songs.
My covers will inevitably land me in jail.

I am not built for jail.
I am frail like a unicorn frolicking in the forest.

Now, maybe this law wouldn’t pass.
It doesn’t seem to make sense, to be honest.
But then again, I have seen more ridiculous laws that are in effect today.

Sooner or later, it will be illegal for someone to hum a song.
Or whistle.
Or think about it.

And like one guy said, someday it will be illegal for concert goers to sing along
with the artists on stage when they ask the crowd to sing with them.
Or even worse, the artists alone won’t be able to sing their own songs,
since it will be a violation of the original recording.

Is this going to be just in the United States, or worldwide?
I don’t think it would be fair for someone in another country
to have the right to cover a song while it may cause someone’s freedom in another?

That’s it.
Music and the inspiration it conveys will diminish and start to die.

It’s a crazy world we live in, people.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-17

  • Happy Birthday, Mom.
    We love you very much.
    Cc: @brryyy @jmamartell #
  • Jekyll & Hyde #
  • Fact: Freckles are sexy.
    #beauty #
  • "I'm not sure if I like Star Wars because I'm a nerd, or I'm a nerd because I like Star Wars."
    #deepthoughts #
  • Yes.
    This is why.
    #starwars #

  • Kid: Hey Dad. Summer Break starts today!
    Me: Really? How are you gonna spend your break?
    Kid: Right in front of the TV.
    #imreallyjealous #
  • That #Vancouver goal made me spill my beer. I never spill my beer! Go Canucks! #StanleyCup #iamcanadian #
  • That game was nerve wracking! @VanCanucks leads series!
    One more for the cup, boys! #Canucks #NHL #
  • Any plans of an expensive vacation trip has been destroyed by this expensive trip to the car repair shop. #badluckismymiddlename #
  • Ako’y Pinoy (Cover done a year ago) via @denofmusic

    Happy Independence Day, Philippines! #

  • …and also with you. #
  • …and also with you. #
  • Thanks to Subsonic and @iSubApp , I can stream my whole music collection. It's like having my own personal cloud. #
  • A friend of mine brought me some sugar cane from Jamaica. I haven't had one in almost 20 yrs. #foodtweets #PinoyMemories #
  • “@semaj_asozrev: thank God for music… it keeps me sane!!! :p” //

    Amen, Brother !!! #

  • "How am I supposed to kill two birds while I'm stoned?" #nomultitasking #
  • "So has anybody ever found a woman like Jessie's Girl?" Tell me.
    #deepmusicthoughts #
  • Dear Nike,
    I couldn't do it.
    -LeBron James

    *Via Miguel on FB #

  • .@mrbigmusic will be in Orlando in August. I pray that the universe will align so I can be there. #rockandroll #
  • "You know, I think Annie was ok after all. Maybe the criminal wasn't too smooth."
    #deepmusicthoughts #
  • Seriously, Vancouver? Riots in the streets? We lost 4 to nothing! Boston deserved that win.
    #embarrassing #
  • "I'm not gonna miss out on something that could be great just cause it may also be hard."
    – Listen To Your Heart (2010)
    #moviequote #

Summer Break

A new T.N.T.
(Tyler’s New Things)

Kid: “Dad! Guess what? My Summer break starts today!”

Dad: “Really? That’s awesome! How are you going to spend your break?”

Kid: “I am going to spend it all in front of the TV.”

I was actually jealous.
He seemed determined to accomplish that.

Go son!
Go live Daddy’s dream!

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-10

  • “Happy National Donut Day.”
    -The countdown to stuffing my face with Krispy Kreme later today begins. #
  • Alas tres ng umaga, mainit na agad ulo ko! It’s gonna be a freakin’ awesome day!! #anakngtupa #
  • Ok. I take that back. It actually is an awesome day! #Weekends are worth waiting for! =) #
  • Burrows in 11 seconds! Vancouver for the win! #iamcanadian #
  • Another Lazy Sunday #
  • Poseidon’s Spear #
  • None of these movie editors are helping. Not even iMovie on the iPad.
    I’m starting to think it was a mistake getting this thing. #
  • The #wildfires are so bad in NE FL, the smoke in the air reminded me of the Mt. Pinatubo eruption in ’91.
    A little hard to breathe too. #
  • “There’s beauty up above, and things we never take notice of. You wake up suddenly, you’re in love.” – [Billy Ocean] #
  • “I’ve been through the desert on a horse with no name.” – [America] #nowplaying #soundtripping #
  • I hope I die before I get old!
    Talkin’ ’bout my generation!
    – [The Who] #nowplaying #soundtripping #
  • “Steve Jobs is about to announce Apple’s next best thing. It’s a good day to be a geek.”
    – I’m so excited, I might pee my pants. #
  • “You mean I can install a Mac OS on all mac machines without buying multiple copies?”
    – Microsoft, did you hear that? #
  • So no more device authorization limit on iTunes? Or no more iTunes? #wwdc11 #ilikethat #
  • Funny I got this Google invite for music storage while the Apple iCloud presentation was on. #competitionisgood #
  • “I can’t believe they don’t have Valet Parking!” #firstworldproblems #
  • What did the number 0 say to the number 8?
    “Hey! Nice belt.”
    My son told me that joke. I laughed at that one. #
  • “It’s gonna take a lot to take me away from you. There’s nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do.” – [Toto] #
  • “I’ve just started a band called 999 Megabytes. We haven’t done a gig yet. RT @funnyhumour” #geekjokes #
  • I must admit I am Geeking out with today’s @google doodle.
    Check it out. #

New Video Song Cover

Definitely one of the greatest songs ever written.
And one of my favourites.

I never had the courage to play this
since I know I’m gonna mess it up, and it’ll be a sacrilege
with legendary songs like this.

But Queen Freddie is gone,
so let’s just say this is my tribute to their music.

Love Of My Life
Music by Queen.
Cover by yours truly.