Well that’s just great.

I enabled some features for this site,
just for being able to have more control over the files and content.

And now, the music won’t play
if you’re using Firefox.
(It has something to do with the way it renders Referers)

I use Firefox, Damnit!

Works fine with IE, though.
And Google Chrome as well.
(I haven’t tried Opera yet.)

So, if for some reason you are bored
and have nothing better to do.
And you “really” are wanting to waste your time,
Use Internet Explorer for now, to listen to my music.

I really don’t use IE anymore.
Firefox has well best suited my browsing needs.
It has blocked Pop-ups and most crap that hijacks the websites I go to.

Apparently, it has gotten so great
that it figured out the quality of my music.
It decided to block that too.

That’s fine.
I would rather find a solution to my dilemma
than allow myself to be susceptible to
Spam, Spywares, Phishings and what have you.

I don’t blame the Internet.
I blame the asswipes who contribute
to the craptation of the Internet.

Oh and I also blame the Decepticons.