They don’t like me

What is it with me that the Canadian government hates?
Are they purposely making my life harder or they just don’t like me.

I was just thinking what they have accomplished this past fiscal year,
as they have taken $7,000 Federal Tax, on top of the 15% tax I pay for every goods and services.

They have successfully managed to tell all family Doctors
not to take me as a patient.
The stress of not having to find a doctor for Tyler,
until a month before he was born.

How many times have they given Tracy false information on how to go abouts working here.
You would think, since Canada is in shortage of medical people,
they would help everyone who is willing to work here.

But then again, I don’t see many American nurses who wants to work here,
so I guess, they do not know how to answer her.

And you know, for every wrong information they give us,
The process has to start again.
And a fee has to be paid for each process.
So, time and money wasted, and it’s not even our fault.

And let me get this straight,
I have to pay $25 to register that my son was born.
And after weeks, if not months, of that registration to be processed,
I have to pay another $35 dollars for them to give us his Birth Certificate.

I mean come on.
Do I really need to pay $60 dollars
just to let them know my son was born and give us the documents?
You would think, they would know what happens in and out of a hospital since
they control everything in there.

$60 dollars?
My son was born Oct. 14, 2002, We sent them the registry papers a week after.
It’s now almost mid February, and we still do not have the said papers in hand.

Amazing isn’t it?

Another thing,
As it was written, regarding this “Child Tax Benefit” that they promise to you.
The Parent(s) must be a Canadian Citizen, or a Landed immigrant,
to be eligible for the said benefit.

So, since Tracy is American, I win by default.
Again, after weeks of waiting, here’s what they say,

Dear Sir,
Your application for the Child Tax Benefit has been declined
due to the following reason(s);
We recognize and only consider the Mother, to be the primary care giver of the child….

But then,

Tracy got a letter from them, telling her that she may be eligible for the Tax benefit,
if she was only able to prove that she had no income for the previous year.

Hmmm, so let me get this straight.
We have to prove to you that she did not work last year?
How do you prove that?
How can you prove that you did not work?
You submit to them your income tax return and
wouldn’t that tell them what you earned when you worked?

But how do you prove otherwise?
And Tracy was not eligible to begin with.

Please, anybody,
can someone explain that to me.

And what is up with the Gas prices?
As of this writing, we enjoy a good deal of 83 cents per liter.
And this is how it breaks down,

As of the year 2000,
38.1% you pay for the crude oil,
46.3% for taxes,
and 15.6% to the refinery.
Unless my eyes prove me wrong,
The tax is worth more than the gas itself.

That’s why I take the bus,
as I wait at the bus stop in -35 Celsius weather,
hoping that they would not go on strike.
Crap, they threaten everyone every 6 months that they would go on strike.
I don’t care, as long as they announce it before I buy my bus pass.

And to finish my day today,
We received a letter from the “Office of the Registrar” with regards to
Tyler’s Birth Certificate.

It seems that it will be delayed again because it says that,
The names we put on our form does not match the names they have on their records.

Now with all the forms we have filled out our whole lives,
You would think, we know how to write our names by now.

Maybe that’s why the government is giving us a hard time.
Maybe that’s why they hate us.

It’s either we are stupid for not knowing how to write our names,
or we are stupid that we are still here.

Ayyyy Dios mio!!!