New Home

We are out of that one bedroom apartment.
We are so out of that building we call “Hell with fluorescent lighting”.

We just moved to a garden home, in a beautiful town called Orleans.
Tracy and I could not wait, we drove around here every weekend.
We have so much room, even the dog has his own.
A three bedroom house, a patio/yard, a furnished basement, garage, a full kitchen and a bathroom inside the Master’s bedroom.

It is such a good feeling coming home.
I mean, when I get home, I “am” home.
No driving in circles to park and no elevators to wait and take.
We were on the 15th floor, 14 actually, because there was no 13th floor.
I never really understood that “no 13th floor thing” with buildings.
Is it really that bad of a luck?
Or are they trying to fool Satan if he ever comes by for a visit?
Yeah like,

Hey! What in the Heaven?
This building does not have a 13th floor!!!
That just foils my clever, evil plan!
I guess I’ll just have to raise their rent every year.
Bwahahaha!! Hahahah!!!

I would like to thank my ever sweetest Tracy,
for helping with the lifting during the move.
It was just her and me moving everything.
Freakin’ 8 months pregnant and no complaints lifting the bed and everything.

Strong, that woman is.

You really get to know who your friends are when you move.
Also, you know how you are treated by your family as well.

When my Mother moved,
the whole town was there to help her out.

When my Brother moved,
the whole gang was there. I even had to cancel our long weekend plans.

But when I moved,
it was just Tracy and me.
Though most of my students offered to help, I did not take advantage of them.

Apparently, I moved in a bad time for everybody,
either they had plans or they were working.

Is there really a good time to move?
Don’t you just “move” and that’s it? If anybody knows.. please educate me!

Though in a way, I am glad we did it on our own.
It just means that I do not owe anybody anything.

For those of you who know me, I have trouble saying “no” to anyone,
even if it would be an inconvenience for me.

So, if the occasion arises, I could just think of when I saw my 8 month pregnant lady,
lifting boxes and furnitures..
I could just easily say,

“Hmmm.. I am so sorry, we just can’t.
You kinda picked a bad time.”