It’s impossible

It’s impossible to keep this house quiet.
I mean it.

Tyler is growing so fast and wants to see every little thing.

He would fight so much to stay awake, just to see what that sound was,
or that flash of light.

He hears the floor creak, the toilet flush, the neighbor’s thump,
the dog’s breath, his father’s sigh.
But he get’s so sleepy that his head wobbles from side to side,
or worse he would lose his balance and fall.
So, being the mother of the house,
I try my best to keep the place quiet, or dark.

To start off,
We live in a place that is full of kids and pets.
Kids whose only means of communication is to scream.
They would go in and out of their house, slamming their front door,
exhausting their wind pipes to the point of madness.

Of course Tyler would hear every single one of them even if I cover his ears.

Our area is also an official petting zoo.
So the Dog would see all of them and bark like a dimwit.
He gets really upset when other dogs sniff his territory.
As the dog barks, Tyler thinks it’s time to play.

And who the hell phones someone after 9 at night?
Around 8, I understand because some people are just plain assholes.
But after 9?
Did I miss something here?
I do not call anybody after 9.
Do you?

Someone called me tonight at 10 o’clock.
What was that for?
Is it really that important that it can not wait til tomorrow?
Even worse, they won’t even leave a message.
I don’t know about you, but I grew up in a world where
if your phone rings late at night,
either someone is hurt or your uncle’s grandmother’s friend’s sister is dead.

As I near my victory of putting my son to sleep,
I suddenly hear a loud screeching sound of a car accelerating.
The exact same screeching sound at a movie parking lot, by those boys
who just seen “2 fast 2 furious”, trying to impress those teenage girls.
Who in the hopes of stepping on the gas pedal harder,
might possibly improve their chances of getting their phone number,
or their AOL screen name.
Yeah you know what I am talking about.

And to top it off,
some jerkwad decided to set off his Canada Day fireworks
at the stroke of midnight.
