Here’s another Friday Five!

This week’s questions are freaky!!

So, let’s just get on with it.

Here we go:

If you knew you were going to die on at specific day at a specific time, what’s the last…

1. song you would listen to?

—I would listen to Carl Off’s Carmina Burana.
It’s that song from the movie “The Omen” (I think it was)
Just to freak people out.

2. book you would read?

—My God? If I am about to die, I don’t think I have time to read a freakin book!
What a stupid questi….

oh no wait,

I always wanted to finish the KAMA SUTRA.
I can never get past the second technique.

3. person you would talk to?

—I would probably talk to the Doctor who told me I was dying.
And tell him he sucks at his job and to leave me the hell alone!
What a prick!

4. food you would eat?

—Haha! Like a last meal before they execute me?
I am pretty easy. Something that is easily prepared.
A nice juicy steak, with a side of salad made from blue flowers with red thorns.

5. goal you would accomplish?

—Solve “World Hunger.” And tell no one.
That’ll piss everybody off huh?

I mean, what are they gonna do?
Kill me?

You know I just realized.
The more I try to be funny,
the more I suck at this.

So, just read my other friends’ answer to these questions.
I am sure theirs are way better.

Better yet, tell me yours.