
Yes, it may be faster and capable of more features,
but I am quite disappointed with the new iPhone 3GS.

Don’t get me wrong, I want it too.
But there is no way I am paying that much for a phone ever again.
I have learned my lesson there by acquiring the 3G.
(Unless my friend KaJo would hook me up into getting a better price.)

All I ever want is background apps.
I want my apps to run in the background, while I do other stuff on it.
3.0 is a good upgrade, and it promises Push Notifications, which is great!

I’ll worry about battery drain, Apple.
Just give me the ability to run multiple apps.

I have already forgiven you with the MMS support,
since I realized there is really no need to send a picture to my friends
of what crazy stuff I am getting in trouble from, at 3 in the morning.
There really is no urgency in that.
Unless they need proof that I really am in jail,
when I ask them to bail me out.

No matter.
A phone is a phone.
It can only give me whatever the carrier can support.
Even if I have the most complicated, most advanced phone,
it can only give me so much speed and stability
as the carrier can provide me.

So what I am saying is,
The real major failure here is AT&T.

29 other carriers, worldwide can support the features of the new
iPhone and the 3.0 OS, but not AT&T.

Why would they care?
No other carrier in the US has the freakin’ phone.
They need some competition with this crap.

I hope Apple sees this as a blackeye for them too.
I don’t understand why AT&T is not ready for this.
This thing did not happen overnight.

Or maybe.
Apple did not tell AT&T that they are doing this.
It gives them some credible reason to opt out from AT&T’s iPhone exclusivity

Very well played, Apple.
Very well played.

(Kaj, hook me up!)